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[11 Comments] Entered on: July 30, 2004 by BigFatty
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I am just back from Prague. Took the train there on Monday and just got back last night. I am afraid I am becoming a bit calloused to the beauty of Europe. Prague has many beautiful building and churches, most undamaged by the World Wars. To me they were just some more old things to look at. Meh. Don?t get me wrong, they are amazing, but, they are all starting to blur together. I played typical tourist and walked around and looked at stuff. There were so many other tourists that it was very irritating to walk, because you were always bumping into them ? literally. Hottie report ? I hate to say this, but I was disappointed with the women. Almost all the women I saw were unremarkable. I was really surprised on not seeing hardly any hotties, and Bone, I did go to McDonalds. BUT, I did see 3 (yes 3) Hotties. These Hotties were of such supreme quality that they blew ALL the doors off the station wagon. One of them was the manager of the hostel I stayed at. She was taller than me, beautiful long blonde hair, curves, legs, face?. Just perfect. It was strange really. All the Czech people were extremely average with not many even getting to pleasant looking (and a great many very stinky!) These super-Hotties appeared like from the movie Pleasantville ? in full color against a black and white world. I kid you not, it was that dramatic. The one I saw in the subway, I swear she had a spotlight following her. She was brilliant! But that was it ? 3. Budapest, Malta, and the Riveria have the greatest concentration of beauty in my opinion.  
The pic is of me in a well-known Praha bar called Svejk. It was a true pub, with many famous signatures on the wall. The bartender was sweet. He asked you where you were from, then spoke your language. He was up to 5 different ones before we left. We ordered our beers and he said 2 big and 1 small for the lady. We kinda of smirked at his assumption that we wanted large beers, so he said - you don?t want baby beers! Well with logic like that, how can you argue. This was no baby beer and this is no trick photography. This beer was bigger than my head. That is no pint glass my friends but a one liter mug! My cost, less than 5 bucks and that was a bit pricey by Czech standards. The baby size was ½ liter by the way.  
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