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Entered on: July 17, 2003 12:00 AM by BigFatty
Snatches of Brilliance
- Ross
We believe that Ross came up with this term to describe Johnny's hilarious ability to word things. It has been too long to remember, so maybe you can add more to the story, Ross.

QUOTE 95 - 8 Comments
From: Ross Entered on: July 17, 2003 8:43 PM
In fact, this is Roche's creation, and this should surprise no one. Here's how it came about: we were talking about our lives in general and Roche was saying something about how much of his life has been spent in an intellectual stupor, but punctuated by Snatches of Brilliance. He said it in a very matter-of-fact way and did not realize how funny the phrase was until I started cracking up, and I decided that Roche's biography would have to be entitled "Snatches of Brilliance".  

From: John Entered on: July 19, 2003 1:40 AM
Now that you mention it, I guess I did coin this term. The conversation you described sounds familiar. I suppose my biography would have to be aptly entitled "Snatches of Brilliance", since that about describes my matter-of-fact way of coming up with terms such as these.
From: The Bone Entered on: July 20, 2003 12:06 AM
Bullshit you credit snatchers. I swear on my nads I came up with this in the car after smoking weed on our way to to Southside Jimmy's a while back.
From: Ross Entered on: July 20, 2003 9:59 AM
Hahaha, well, if that is true, then Roche apparently unconsciously stole it because I remember talking to him on the phone and him saying it without giving you any credit...
From: The Bone Entered on: July 20, 2003 10:57 AM
Yeah, I remember the conversation fairly well. We were talking about all the funny quotes we've ever came up with and in particular I mentioned that they were little "snatches of brilliance" Everyone loved that term and Roche said that the quote itself was a snatch of brilliance.
From: Creeko Entered on: July 21, 2003 9:02 AM
I believe I was present at the coining of this phrase. Weed was smoked and the snatch in question should indeed be credited to The Bone.  
I also vaguely remember dancing with a fat retarded chick that night at Jimmy's and nobody came to my rescue.
From: Ross Entered on: July 22, 2003 12:50 PM
If I ever get sued by the Jackass guys and they take this domain from me (which would be assinine, but hey, I'm just a small fry) I would register, I just checked and it's available.
From: John Entered on: July 22, 2003 10:18 PM
I spoke to the Bone and he said after he coined the term I said it was a snatch of brilliance in it's own right, hence why I remember saying it. I believe the Bone is right on this one however, I stand corrected.

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