Entered on: February 28, 2005 12:00 AM by BigFatty
Here is me in Spain at the SOCK!!! Throw'n down on some chicken! There is the beer, salad,chicken, almond plate (almost empty), and on my plate the potatoes and a bonus serving of lamb chops. Have I told you it was tasty?
I am now in Budapest, back to the old grind. Today I woke up, watched TV, ate, showered, and made banana bread. It was a busy day! Oh, I almost forgot, I played solitaire for about 2 hours too.
Yes it is getting old. I am looking into my re-entry to the US.
FATTY_PHOTO 53 - 3 Comments
Good to see you have some hair back on your dome, Fatty. The Fatty Egg White look was getting old.
No shit. I knew there was a reason you didn't nearly as turdy in this pic.
Of course, that pose is priceless.
Fatty, you forgot o mention the tasty goat colostrum pudding we had in Granada. Mmm, Mmm good!
And then there was the octopus.