Entered on: June 28, 2004 12:00 AM by BigFatty
Fatty chillin at the beach in Malta! Another photo for the mix. Thursday I am off to Budapest for a month or so. I will be staying with a classmate of mine. Grenoble is a tad boring in the summer time, plus I don't have to pay on my dorm room. I will be on limited internet over the next few weeks, so JA updates might be infrequent. I hope to do a little travel in Eastern Europe - at least Prague. We'll see how far my cash can go. Plan on a Fatty homecoming in August.
FATTY_PHOTO 27 - 5 Comments
Fatty, you are sweet as hell. That's all I have to say.
That is a sweet lens trick, too. Like you can see the sunlight streaming down. Very nice.
A Chillin Fatty is a happy Fatty. Man am I jealous.
"sweet lens trick" = "Fatty got suntan lotion on the camera"
What, we finally get a beach pic and there's no topless young hotties?
Nice to see you getting some relaxation, Fatty -- We know you need it. Wait. What the FRICK do YOU need to relax for? WE're the suckers with jobs! Screw that! Get back to adventuring, Fatty!
I"M the topless hottie! A little something for the ladies! Of the topless photos I took, they are too far away to be of any interest. I'd need a much better camera to be a top-perv. photographer.
"WE're the suckers with jobs!"
Thats right, I have always said - work is for suckers!