QUOTE 101 - 17 Comments
Tamatoes DO in fact taste GOOD along with almost any food that I can think of. Food tastes good!!!!!
The funniest thing about this quote is that it comes out repeatedly, to a seemingly incredulous Roche who behaves as though it's his first time hearing the news. I think it's more his love of illustrating something to the public, more than anything else.
You got it Bert, I do this on purpose and Fatty usually replies with something like "I know it's strange because I like catsup and salsa and they're made out of tamatoes". Fatty loves this or maybe not, I really don't care, I find the whole thing amusing anyway.
The question is, how many years went by before it became a joke? I'd bet my balls you guys had this conversation in earnest for at least 10 years.
Hmm... I don't know, I never really thought about it. I don't think I was ever very serious in my assertion. Everyone has a right to their own tastes, I just happen to like most foods. I really never cared if he likes tomatoes or not, so it was a joke. If that's the case you just lost your balls, Bone.
I think Johnny did it to make a public spectical of me. It went on since our teens, and I don't think it became a joke until five years ago. I think Johnny believed that I was one of three people in the world who didn't like tomatoes and was trying to shame me in front of fellow tomato lovers (cashiers at Burger King).
Roche does like to bring attention to to things in public, it's his style for sure. I am pretty certain that's what the Tomato Incredulity is all about.
It is Bert, and it was always a joke. I could care less what food people like or don't like. I just love fuckin' with people, and if that's wrong I don't want to be right.
Fatty, don't forget, I also loathe tomatoes in almost any form. Raw, cooked, in salsa, ketchup... doesn't matter, I hate 'em. The only thing I like is tomato sauce in pizza, but if there's too much sauce, forget it.
Now, if there's anyone out there who doesn't like cucumbers, you're a fuckin' idiot!!!!
Yeah, I have never understood your affinity for cucumbers. I mean, they're not offensive per se, but they're akin to lettuce or celery in my book - too bland to be a favorite of any kind. Futhermore, I did find it odd when the Dutch were putting cucumbers and carrots on my hamburgers, but I remember telling you this and you thought it would be a tasty treat. To each their own, I guess.
What do you mean, you don't like cucumbers on hamburgers?!
What's with Slerp and his cucumber fetish? Sick fuck.
Tomatoes in their pure, natural form are nasty as hell. I can't get past the texture... tough skin, slimy insides... and those seeds!!! When you pick a 'mato off your sandwich those nasty seeds are always left behind! Evil seeds of the 'mato -- I despise them!
Now, on the other hand, I'm ALL ABOUT THE SAUCE! The sauce is boss! Tomato sauce, tomato soup, salsa, ketchup (fuck you Roche with your "catsup"!)... it's ALL good!
Gotta keep my ass away from tomato juice though. We're back to the nasty shit there.
"Hey lady, nice tomatoes."
Amen to your seed commentary, Zilla. The thought of it makes my skin crawl. Funny thing is, I tend to have an aversion to all "red" foods. Not red meat, mind you, because it's not really red. But tomatoes, red peppers (although I've recently warmed up to them somewhat), strawberries, cherries... yick. Call me strange if you want, but green foods just look more appetizing to me: cucumbers, asparagus, green beans, spinach....
"Hey, dude, nice cucumber."
Wow, you're missing out on a lot of great fucking foods, my friend. Tomatoes (yes, even raw), strawberries, cherries and red peppers are all damn tasty. I eat all of them on a regular basis. I can't even conceive of your culinary misfortune.
By the way, if you don't like red peppers, I can't see how you can like green peppers, either. Red peppers are just the same damn pepper, only more ripe, which makes them sweeter is all. I find green peppers to be much inferior, though, so I suppose it's possible to have the wrong opposite taste.
What do you mean you don't like .... ANYTHING?
Tomatoes are damn good. I especially like cherry tomatoes when you bite into em and they explode in your mouth.
I can understand how some people might have an aversion to them though. Most supermarket tomatoes are mass-produced and are deficient in flavour (note European spelling) and they?re too soft.
Natural, non-genetically treated, farm-fresh tomatoes are the best. I?ve had some that are so good, that I could eat them like apples. Mmmm. I like tomatoes in every way shape and form, except perhaps for the fried green style.
As for cucumbers, I like them all right. When I was in Amsterdam, I remember eating a cucumber and cream cheese sandwich after stepping out of a Coffee Shop. Man was that good.
I like tomatoes but the slimy seeds drive me nuts. As for biting into a cherry tomato and exploding in your mouth - fuck that. Whomever likes that must also like swallowing a load.
Cucumbers are good but I must extract all their slimy seeds first as well. Slimy seeds are bullshit. Cucumber and cream cheese sandwiches kick mother fuckin ass.
Roche, my balls are intact. We all saw you practically force Mellissa to eat the goat cheese even though she told you she doesn't like it. You wouldn't accept it because you thought otherwise. Even after she tried it and still didn't like it, you made a small production out of her distate.
I bet a cucumber and goat cheese sandwich would be good.
I even fuck with my wife. Bone, your balls are NOT intact. Even though I like all the foods mentioned above I could care less what you or Fatty or my wife like. I do think it's good to try new things though and if you wind up not liking it there is a good chance I'll fuck with you because I do.
Tony, your swallowing a load and cherry tomato comment is right on. I can't stand either experience although I occassionally will oblige my man by eating a cherry tomato. Fuck swallowing a load especially since he does like to pick on me in public.