Photo 15 of 58
Entered on: December 15, 2004 by BigFatty
Sunday is Chicken Day for me and my roommate - Percy. We walk down to the market to buy fresh veggies and a chicken. It usually is enough for 2 meals for the 2 of us. This chicken day, I didn't know what to do with the chicken, so I made this roast thingy. It turned out looking and tasting great! I suprised myself with my Fatty-Stewartness.
Ah, the last days of Grenoble are upon me....... Selling all of my shit, saying my goodbyes, getting my fill of french tasties, and of course the parties. What can I say, with all the bitching and moaning I've done about this place, it still was a great time. I have had some wonderful experiences, met some great friends, and even learned a thing or two.
Of course, no one can replace my JA buddies! I am looking at options on when I am going home. I am planning to be there in July, but I don't know if I am coming home earlier or not. It depends on jobs, money, school, etc.
I just finished my last exam!!!! I am now focusing on packing, eating and working on a last paper :( It is good to be done! Next stop, Budapest!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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