Photo 23 of 58
Entered on: September 11, 2004 by BigFatty
Fatty's back in France. I arrived at 10am GR time after leaving at 6 pm. Not a bad trip. Surprisingly no fornications! I went to bed at 1am Frence time and woke up at friggin 3pm today!!! I was OUT! I still have no place to stay, but the rumor mill said I might have a dorm in the french hood. I'll pass, thanks!
Had a great time with everyone, as always! Not sure exactly when I'll be back again. Plan on after the big snow. This semester looks to be quite jammed, so I will be busy. Next weeked is the integration weeked. For 180n euro, I get to go to the south of france with 700 of my classmates to live in beach cabanas and party for 4 days. All-inclusive beeyotches!
The pic is to remove the old one. It is of me in the Pantheon. It is a cool building, one of the few buildings of the period still standing and intact. Age - a young 2,000 years!
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