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Entered on: April 3, 2003 12:00 AM by BigFatty
- BigFatty
This term was used to describe Tony's chronic behavior of mooning his friends incessently. I believe this is a vestigal behavior that goes back to Tony's evolutionary roots. We see similar behavior in some female primates. When ovulation happens, their privates become swollen and engourged - signalling to the males they are ready. Tony has done this. Most notable was the time he tried to walk by his window, naked, in full view of Emily Karl. He didn't even take a step, when his privates became swollen and engourged. Tony's mooning could be a way of him presenting himself, showing he is ready for mating.

QUOTE 62 - 12 Comments
From: The Bone Entered on: April 3, 2003 5:22 PM
Big Fatty's feable attempt at explaining "presenting" by using me as an example is admirable yet fouled in logic. Female primates have private parts which are easily accessible from the rear. Mine, however, stands straight from the front. If I had "presented" the engourged "fruit bowl" from the front, it would probably have meant, "suck my dick bitch!". Exactly why it went rigid walking by the window in front of Emily. There certainly was no mooning involved with her. Why do you ask? Because the moon is reserved as a derogatory visual signal indicating, "lick my ass crack" or "I shit upon you and all which you consider holy". So while Big Fatty certainly wished the mooning mean't that I was "presenting", as he harbors a deep rooted homosexual yearning, I am confident in telling you that this is not the case. Besides, by Fatty's rational, I would have had to have been on wood whilst presenting.
From: Jackzilla Entered on: April 3, 2003 5:14 PM
Big Fatty - Shouldn't the word "posturing" figure in somewhere in your definition?  
As I understand your description, what you're saying is that Tony's actions of mooning (i.e. "posturing") is his sexual invitation?
From: John Entered on: April 5, 2003 6:06 PM
I too have witnessed Tony showing his ass (i.e. "posturing") on numerous occasions. Perhaps Tony's proclivity for showing his ass is his way of inviting an anal intrusion. I have seen Tony do what could almost be considered a ceremonial type dance. This seems to suggest a desire for a deep dicking, however none of the core group would oblige. In response to Tony's claim that this is a "derogatory visual signal", I can only say that the sheer yearning in the style of his presentation seems to suggest otherwise. It has been noted by all who have been subjected to Tony's "posturing", that he moves his ass in what could be referred to as "sexual earnest". I have given you the facts of the case, it is for you to decide if Big Fatty's observations are indeed correct. The jury is out on you Bone!
From: The Bone Entered on: April 5, 2003 7:39 PM
Quote from Roche -" I can only say that the sheer yearning in the style of his presentation seems to suggest otherwise. It has been noted by all who have been subjected to Tony's "posturing", that he moves his ass in what could be referred to as "sexual earnest".  
It seems as though Roche may be projecting his own dark desires as well, for only one who is truly of the fruity style would interpret it that way. The moon serves to say "kiss my ass sucker". If you interpret it as a tasty treat, well, that 's all you.  

From: John Entered on: April 6, 2003 4:25 AM
"It has been noted by all", a key phrase in this quote that the Bone seems to have overlooked. It is highly unlikely that we are all "of the fruity style", when in fact the only fruity one is the fag flaunting his ass. In adulthood the rest of the group has long since given up on mooning. Why is it that the bone clings to this ritual ? It seems entirely plausible that Tony's ass showing is a misguided attempt to entice an assfucking. Tony refers to his ass as a "tasty treat", need I say more?
From: The Bone Entered on: April 6, 2003 8:09 PM
Well my friends, Big Fatty and the Roche have also been known to throw the moon out. I guess from your own arguement your were asking for a little humpty hump in the rumpty rump. Besides, you mention that I still cling to the ritual. I'm afraid it's been a long time. I'm not even in Michigan. Are you conjuring it up in your own mind? I'm confident in my own mind of my above explanation. If you feel the need to trick yourselves into believing something different to suppress your latent homosexual feelings, comment away. I've pretty much concluded my feelings on the subject. It seems from Roche's feable and misinformed arguements that his powers of self denial and dellusion are too great to overcome.
From: Ross Entered on: April 6, 2003 11:11 PM
I wish I had something interesting to add to this hilarious conversation. I have not seen Bone's participation in the aforementioned "presenting" activities, though I have heard stories. I have seen Roche partake (years ago), though he currently contends he was influenced by the Bone.  
However, are we really sure that the self-genital-photography is not simply another form of presenting? That type of behavior certainly doesn't seem to have gone away.
From: Jackzilla Entered on: April 7, 2003 12:01 AM
Worse than "self-genital-photography", to my eyes, is the act of cherishing said photo, which is what keeping it in one's wallet seems to suggest.  
Willie!? You have some 'splaining to do!  

From: John Entered on: April 7, 2003 12:45 PM
Lets examine Tony's latest comment for flaws in his logic, starting with the fact that Fatty and I have mooned Tony in our teenage years. While this is true, our moonings were never accompanied by gay little dances. I metioned earlier that Tony has mooned in adulthood. This is a fact, as I have witnessed this as little as three years ago when Tony was nearly 27 years old. One can only assume that his desire to be sadomized has not abated. Tony has sited that my arguments are "feable and misinformed", however I strongly disagree. The bone has yet to come up with a convincing argument that deals with the facts. He has dealt only weak suppositions that have little relevance. I think the facts are clear in this case, the Bone is actually a closet homosexual. Bone, give up the charade and come out of the closet. We are all good friends and no one will think any less of you.
From: BigFatty Entered on: April 7, 2003 12:53 PM
If Tony believed I am a latent homosexual, why would he subject me to the dance of the olive buttocks? Was he testing me? Obviously, I wasn't enticed to buggering his puckered love canal. But, was he hoping I was gay? Who would put themselves in such a position to try and entice another thought to be gay? He is definately sending mixed signals my friends. Secretly wanting to connect with a fellow fag, but afraid to be disparaged by his friends. Dude - I'll still be your friend no matter how fruity you are! Your fixation with chicks with dicks is a little strange. You know they are dudes with boob implants, not chicks with dick implants, right?  
As far as the photo goes - I had it in my posession to show everyone Tony's ugly cock. He was the one shoving my camera down his pants. Maybe next time he'll think twice about defiling my camera, knowing his photos will be shown far and wide. Then again, it might encourage Tony in hopes his photos will reach the gay community.  
The photo has come up missing! Jackzilla has knowledge, and proximity. He is my prime suspect for swiping! I'm afraid he has heard too many stories of Tony and his curiousity got the better of him. I have the strange feeling Jack is covering his cock with Tony's and admiring himself nude in the mirror.
From: The Bone Entered on: April 7, 2003 2:01 PM
Fatty - your attempt to throw the dogs off your gay scent by shifting the focus to Jack is easily recognizable. Think of something better next time.  
Roche - your arguement is desperate and makes no sense. Please resubmit for a higher grade.
From: Jackzilla Entered on: April 7, 2003 4:37 PM
Please note that Willy fully admits having had posession of The Bone bone photo. Furthermore he has often made reference to it in my presence, and offers to show it to most anyone he comes into contact with (I know most of us have been in that uncomfortable position where we must watch Willy talk with great pride of his prized photo). It should be noted that I have continued to refuse even a glance of this photo, as I have no interest in viewing another man's crank. Even through WIlly's persistance I have never waivered, even when it would be easier for me to just let him get it out of his system (much like letting a horny dog get off on your leg just so he'll leave you alone).  
In Willy's sad attempt to shift the focus to me, he appears to me as a rat drowning in a pool of his own quasi-homosexual-tendancies grasping frantically for anything to save his life. Willy, let us help you. We offer you the life-line of friendship. Admit you sleep with The Bone bone photo under your pillow; we will continue to be your friends and will still accept you for what you are.  


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