QUOTE 208 - 16 Comments
If JohnnyBells was one of those talking dolls that spoke a random phrase at the pull of his string: This would most definitely be one of the dozen phrases in rotation.
This is indeed a classic. As far as I recall, it originally was used to refer to people's taste in movies. Can't recall specfically who, but it could usually be used for anyone that disagreed with him.
Disagreed with Johnny? I for one have never disagreed with Mr. Bells.
I find that statement dubious, at best.
I thoroughly enjoy this phrase and use it every chance I get. It's especially fun when John's in the room to appreciate it. In reference to the doll with the pull string; I remember discussing that one day with Jack and Johnny. What other things would it say? Some phrase involving the word "Herny" would have to be in there.
Well, the modern JohnnyBells figure (the one in the Verizon shirt, not to be cornfused with the Johnny Butternut line or the Bar Brawler series) should definitely include "put your butt up in the air".
Classic editions would have some of the older quotes in the archive. One of my favorites would be "Shut up Will, I'd kill you first." Also, I'm sure Bone would agree that no doll would be complete without "Freer Sheer Freer Sheer, that's what I said."
Adding 'Not with that Hair-do!', 'I'll be dancing to the tune of...', 'He is an Ass Whooping Machine'
I think I'd buy that doll. Or, since it's Johnny, should we call it an action figure??
Nope, doll is right.
"I give it thumbs."
"Thats Asinine"
Ross said:
Well, the modern JohnnyBells figure (the one in the Verizon shirt, not to be cornfused with the Johnny Butternut line or the Bar Brawler series) should definitely include "put your butt up in the air".
Classic editions would have some of the older quotes in the archive. One of my favorites would be "Shut up Will, I'd kill you first." Also, I'm sure Bone would agree that no doll would be complete without "Freer Sheer Freer Sheer, that's what I said."
Hahaha. That reminds me of this quote. I still giggle when i recall Bert's delivery.
Speaking of sweet Johnnyisms, I was going thru my old voicemails today and found some semi-hilarious Johnnybells drunk dials. For your listening pleasure, I have made them available to all. I don't know when these were left, but it had to be at least a month or more ago. Nothing too embarassing beyond being super shitfaced.
Oh, and I forgot: "stank" would be worked in as a phrase for the doll as well.
"Geez, what to say?.... You're clearly unavailable, and I'm clearly..um..clearly over-intoxicated"
HA HA HA! Swerb - I already caught that in the Press and pointed it out to Angie. It's good you came clean.