Entered on: February 22, 2003 12:00 AM by Jackzilla
Will and his new girlfriend (in his mind). This is the only place you'd ever see this combination.
PHOTO 7 - 4 Comments
I didn't realize will is so short.
You wish, Will!
This is almost perfect. I'm sure it took forever to make, too. But I can't help but think that if Will was lit more brightly, it really WOULD look like he was there with her.
And it couldn't hurt if she was looking in his direction, too.
Still, it's pretty damn funny.
Ok - here is the story, and it will address the previous commentary. See also the out-takes of the photo shoot that Jack has so generously provided.
Jack and I were making a menu for our 'sweeter than god' Xboxes, which are getting sweeter each day. Anyway, Jack has a penchant for sock monkeys - another story all together, one I don't entirely understand. His menu features a sock monkey with an Xbox controller - cute, but eh? I decided to make the best menu ever. (I'll call menu, skins now cuz its proper) After many ideas and suggestions (one being my head on a fat, buddha-style man), I felt that my box should pay omage to the inspiration and love of my life - Shakira. I wanted a picture of us dancing passionately together. It took me 2 hours of combing the internet to find a pic of Shakira dancing that would work. Has you see, I didn't find one that worked. But I found the currect pic showing Shakira in all her Colombian Goldness! We then went to the photoshoot. I still had the dance part on my mind, so we took some stills of me shaking it. The last one was of me looking adoringly at Shakira. This one obiously made it. To Fregly's comment - We are in fact in porportion. Jack and I painstakenly did the required math and calcs to come up with the right sizes. I would have attached them here, but my graphing calculator broke. You will have to note that Shakira is standing on something so she appears to be as tall as me. Its all so clear when you look at our pelvis'. Please don't look at mine too long, I'll feel creepy. Anyway we pasted them together and spent some time blending them together. Shakira's radiance was noted, and we tried to tone her down a tad to match my fuzziness. We tried some screens and brightness controls, but it all boiled down to - Shakira is hot, why tone her down, plus it was way too much work. We think this is an accurate representation of how we would look in real life - Her radiance overshadowing my turdiness. I would actually become fuzzy in her presence. SO out of all this work came this magnificent skin. The skin after the main skin just has Shakira strutting around on the floor in all her glory. God she is a beautiful work of arse. AND SHE CAN SURE SHAKE IT!