PHOTO 64 - 11 Comments
That's just disgusting! It's all hairy and fat! Nobody should have to see this. Next time, keep your shirt on Fatty.
That's hilarious because I just had a nightmare literally hours ago where Fatty and Roche were showing off some sweet abs, and I was fucking pissed off. They were like "I'm not even on the Zone, hahaha, fuck the Zone, Bert!" This picture goes a long way toward eradicating that for me.
That's discusting...
That's hilarious...
That's my brother.
I couldn't be more proud of the way he represents the family.
I got two words for you Fat Man... Elastic Waistband.
Or better yet perhaps you should consider a mu-mu.
I'm picturing Fatty-as-Homer when he gains weight to get on disability. Then Bart has aspirations of being like his old man: "I wash mahself with a rag on a stick."
That's just wrong Fat Ass! You, and Roche for that matter, need to get your shit together.
You both are on the cusp of obesity. It ain't healthy and it is a major indicator of heart disease. You are both getting older and it isn't going to be easier to lose the fatness as time progresses. It may be funny now fatman, but it won't be when you are on the operating table - and Roche - I wouldn't be banking on a quick and easy surgical procedure that probably won't be widely available before you are cut open. &e=8&u=/usatoday/11646524
Bert and I will be the only one's available for adventure because you will be too fat and out of shape to move.
Hike up your skirt and do some cardio.
P.S. I've been doing crunches on the Swissball and my abs are beginning to protrude. I still have diahrrea though.
Shit! I need to get on that thing then because the only ab exercise I can tolerate doing is the one where you suspend yourself up on some device and then swing your legs out in front of you. It works but I'm getting bored with it. I should try that ball.... I see people using it and I've heard it's good.
Yes, I have concluded that for the time being at least, Roche (and possibly Fatty) have decided that an early demise is basically unavoidable so why not just embrace it and chow down along the way? I have tried to explain why this system of thought - even if correct, which is unlikely - is a poor one to live by. But my words are discarded like so many an empty pizza box.
That's a good article, too, Bone. Maybe Roche will not go down the genetic argument now. It's not so much genetic to have a bad heart - what tends to be genetic is an attitude/lifestyle that allows you to constantly "treat your body to some stank," as it were.
Can someone please submit a new picture? I know I'm responsible for this one, but that doesn't change the fact that it's going to give me nightmares...
Can someone please submit a cracker?
So I suppose the one you replaced it with is somehow better? Jack, do you have a man-crush?
I am appalled yet I can not stop looking... Help me!
It's okay my friend. Lowell should have some treatment centers for this kind of thing. Oh wait... what am I thinking? It's LOWELL! In that case, you'll need to jaunt on down to my very own Johnson's Foot-to-Ass Clinic. I'll set up your appointment now.