PHOTO 304 - 26 Comments
Oh oh... we should be careful not to get Monkey T too herny.
Now that is some awesome photoshopping!! Edge, should you be scared that Bells' body looks like it fits you. Oh and Bells, vice versa?
I thought Edge went on a diet and lost some LBs..... It least his hair is not tusselled.
Hey asshole, I am at conference and just broke into laughter during the presentation. Can a sister get a primal diet spoiler alert?
your ass is done Zills, Let the photoshop wars begin you f- bag. But I will give u a little credit. I will assure u no one will be spared. I will apologize now for the innocent people who may be harmed in the coming pictures.
Jackzilla said:
Oh oh... we should be careful not to get Monkey T too herny.
To late Jack, as soon as I saw the picture, it was herny times o'plenty
Nice PhotoShop work, Zilla... I don't think I'll put my face on her for a while.
I'm sure someone else can provide us with a picture. Or Fugly might have something interesting to use. Did you know that I'm fuglite. I turn on the webpage and turn off all the lights and light a bunch of votive candles. Then, if you listen to Edge and Bunky, I masturbate to the website.
I like to think I masticate to it. Goes a lot further in explaining the lean, muscle toned body that I have.
I apologize to everyone. This post was made long into a wonderful session of insomnia.
So Edge, is that crank from your personal clip-art collection or did you just google "crank" and spend several minutes picking out the right one? I just find the thought of you going "crank shopping" on the internet amusing.
Crank gawker.
What Zilla, you don't "crank shop"? So what, Edge likes cranks, the look the feel, oh man that's gross Edge.
Alas, upon posting the Zilla at the beach pick, I retracted it to not offend anyone. It was Zilla in his prime though I must say. I will say that hearing his response as well as Bunky and her uncontrollable laughter was a great time. If The domain owner would specify what the limits to this site are, I may repost it if requested by anyone who would like a great laugh.
I think anything goes on this site - and I've tested the limits of endurance.
Yes you have, Bone.
Bone is correct - anything goes. I just ask that if it's too nasty, maybe throw a "NOT SAFE FOR WORK" disclaimer at the top so I know to use some discretion - and get the vomit bucket ready.
Let's just say Edge hacked into Creeko's crank collection.
Nick Nick, I don't believe have ever said you rub any out to this site... However, Monkey is a different story. If he was ever to view Zilla's Not Safe For Work Vacation Photo, he would be super hernie.
JayB said:
Nice PhotoShop work, Zilla... I don't think I'll put my face on her for a while.
Oh yeah. Thanks for reminding me! Check out your face!
Ummmm.... "Don't open at work" should come BEFORE the pick, in case someone is scrolling down from a previous post.
And yes it is disturbing. Cock-shots are very rare on JA for a reason. I hope it stays this way.
Oh yeah, you know me and the crank! I always looking for a posting...
As for Fats, he prefers the pics in his wallet and not on JA!
Fats can't keep his eyes off the Hungarian cranks in the locker room. What's wrong with a little crank on JA, Fats?
Jackzilla said:
JayB said:
Nice PhotoShop work, Zilla... I don't think I'll put my face on her for a while.
Oh yeah. Thanks for reminding me! Check out your face!
Ah, Monkey must have sent you a pic. Well, at least there are no cranks, budda bellies, or open mouths involved.
I call this "FATTY and the UGLIES'
This may be a little more appropriate for the site.I think some of you may have enjoyed Zilla in that pic a little to much, and it made me a little sick feeling as well. Sorry Nicknick and Monkey I know you guys were imagining it being you in the picture.
Well, god damnit. I was busy this weekend and never got a chance to see this mythical picture. But don't worry. I don't I'm bothered by not seeing it. In fact, it's probably better that I don't.
Jack, what shade of blush are you wearing? I think you may want to switch to Bare Escentuals mineral makeup for a more natural look. It is easier to blend and doesn't give you that hooker look you are sporting.
I also recommend a Padawan braid versus the Billy Ray Cyrus mullet thing you have going.
That really is an amazing Photoshop job, Edge. It's so life like! At least there's no crank to look at.
Fatty had the sweet hairline in this pic!