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Entered on: August 1, 2008 12:00 AM by The Bone
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Here I am on 1 Aug 08, clocking in at 224lbs. We see what happens after following the Primal Blueprint for a month.

PHOTO 302 - 477 Comments
From: The Bone Entered on: August 1, 2008 11:49 AM

Your turn Roche.

From: John Entered on: August 1, 2008 12:52 PM

Well, Zilla already took a pic of my fat ass and will be posting it soon. Hopefully this will help to motivate me into trimming down a bit.

From: BigFatty Entered on: August 1, 2008 1:15 PM

Ok, if Roche is posting his pic, I feel obligated to post mine.  It only makes sense, if you are going to go primal, then you must go into it with your shirt off (and I will be barefoot).  Is the key to make myself look as poor and miserable as possible.  Somehow, this is all so familiar.  Didn't we do this like 4 times before?

Any other takers?  Bunky??  At least a before pic???

End of day three... just had a little naan bread with my tasty Indian chicken (no rice).  Peanuts and water for breakfast, eggs and peppers for dinner.  Plus, the leftover chicken salad from last night.  Hear me roar bitches!

From: Bunky Entered on: August 1, 2008 1:24 PM

OMG, That is before?

Cheeks blushing... Cannot type...New screensaver...

From: Jackzilla Entered on: August 1, 2008 1:30 PM

Johnnybells pre-Primal:


 And yes, we took this right up in the comic store.  That's how we roll!

From: Bunky Entered on: August 1, 2008 1:32 PM

So you were undressing Bells in your store? Hmm...

From: John Entered on: August 1, 2008 1:44 PM

Good lord, I don't think I could have looked worse if I tried. This will surely motivate me into action!

From: RobotSpider Entered on: August 1, 2008 2:08 PM
Bunky said:

OMG, That is before?

Cheeks blushing... Cannot type...New screensaver...

Hard to type with your "gaming chair" turned all the way up to puree, is it?

From: John Entered on: August 1, 2008 2:09 PM

BTW, this is me clocking in at about 230lbs. In 1 month I want to be down to 215lbs. I know this won't be easy but after today I'm going to cut back on my intake and try going more primal with it. I'm also going to do cardio 6 times a week instead of 2 or 3 times. Bone said I should try changing up my cardio between long workouts and short more intense workouts. I gotta try because I'm full sick of looking at this.

From: Bunky Entered on: August 1, 2008 2:52 PM

Spider, I was in the office and was weakend to the point of being unable to crawl to the game room to reach the chair...

Before Bone? WTF? Before what? Before you brushed your teeth this morning?

I am not sure what the after is going to look like, but I will make sure I am in the chair, with the laptop running through the 42' flat screen.

From: John Entered on: August 1, 2008 4:17 PM

Bone, in the after pic is it going to be more clear with better lighting and you flexing to show the difference?Wink

From: The Bone Entered on: August 1, 2008 8:55 PM

Yeah the lighting in my pic sucked but I couldn't get it right.  But I'm really excited about this challenge. A month is easy to do - at least for me. Following that, my schedule in Jacksonville will be super chill for the next few 4 months allowing me more time to workout. I really feel that the hours and stress of the past year and a half have made it hard for me to be consistant in diet and exercise.



From: Monkey T Entered on: August 1, 2008 9:55 PM

There are too many man boobs on this thread.  Are you guys treating Bunky to a little something special?

From: Monkey T Entered on: August 1, 2008 10:04 PM

Here's a little man boob love for you guys.  Especially you Bunky.


Ron has man boobs

Man Boobs

man boobs

From: Bunky Entered on: August 1, 2008 10:21 PM
Ewwww. I will stick to Bone's man pecks.
From: Ross Entered on: August 2, 2008 7:32 PM
Monkey T said:

Here's a little man boob love for you guys.  Especially you Bunky.


*Ahem* I believe the correct term is "bitch tits."  Get it right...

From: John Entered on: August 4, 2008 7:28 AM
The Bone said:

Yeah the lighting in my pic sucked but I couldn't get it right. But I'm really excited about this challenge. A month is easy to do - at least for me. Following that, my schedule in Jacksonville will be super chill for the next few 4 months allowing me more time to workout. I really feel that the hours and stress of the past year and a half have made it hard for me to be consistant in diet and exercise.



Maybe not that easy since we both fucked up right on the first day with too much food and beer. I felt a little turdy that right from the get go I had too much beer but felt better when Bone called to admit he too overindulged in beer as well. Anyway, I'm back at it so we'll see what I can do in a month.

From: Bunky Entered on: August 3, 2008 12:09 PM
Yeah, I was thinking that Bone looked like he overindulged in beer when I was gawking at his photo.
From: BigFatty Entered on: August 3, 2008 4:22 PM

You can't let the little (or big) slips stop you.  They are going to happen.  You will just have to jump back on the primal warpath.  I've had beer as well (Max 2 in one day).  But, that has been near the daily norm for me.  I am much more positive in not eating any bread, rice, pop, or potatos.  Everything has been non-processed (save beer).  So the stuff I've cut out will still give me benefits.  Still, beer is not a killer at 13-15 grams of carbs per 12 oz.  Some alcohol is 0 carbs - whiskey, gin, vodka, and tequilla.

Having a binge now and then is OK.  You got to look at the long term prospects of your actions.  Out of 30 days, if you messed up once or twice, you are still doing great.  Those two days will not wreck the other 28.  You will just have slightly worse results.

Its certainly tough trying to change old habits.  A slow change, or just focusing on cutting out one or two things at a time, might give you the confidence and strength to continue to make healthier changes later.

My pic is taken... I am full turdy and embarassed about it.  I'll post it in a minute for motivation.

From: BigFatty Entered on: August 3, 2008 4:48 PM

Here's Fatty.  August 2.  190 pounds of pure love machine.


From: Bunky Entered on: August 3, 2008 5:48 PM

Is that the Fats Station in the back corner?

From: Bunky Entered on: August 3, 2008 6:47 PM

Okay Fatty, here is my pre-primal photo:

Here is a couple of recommendations when the Sumo Tube:

1. Do not dive off the platform in the Sumo Tube. You automatically roll onto your     back and it is difficult to roll over and assume the starting position.

2. Wear gloves when holding the handle, or you will jack your palms up.

3. Pull your legs into the tube when attempting to barrel roll and don't lean foward too much or your head will go under water.

4. Wear a rashguard otherwise the tube will rub under your arms.



From: RobotSpider Entered on: August 4, 2008 6:22 AM
Bunky said:

Okay Fatty, here is my pre-primal photo:



Flattering!  (or should I say fattering?)  I think they should have called it the Sumo-Mumu.  I've got special plans for this picture.  I've been working on a Space-Invaders for Jackassery (Ass-Invaders).  And the new Bunky picture is going to feature prominently.

From: John Entered on: August 4, 2008 7:45 AM
BigFatty said:

My pic is taken... I am full turdy and embarassed about it. I'll post it in a minute for motivation.

Dude, you're only 190lbs., that's not that turdy, I've got 40lbs. on you. Plus you're 2 inches taller than me which only compounds that fact that I outweight you by 40lbs. I think we may need to swap monikers.

From: Bunky Entered on: August 4, 2008 8:14 AM

Really Spider? Bells and Fatty look like pedophiles with the disheveled hair look and I get to be a special feature in your Ass-Invaders?

That tube is freakin' huge. I am 5' 5'', and get swallowed in that thing when I am getting towed behind the boat in it. It is hard to get a good grip on the handle and balance yourself while moving because of the width.

I did get a little nervous in the water waiting for the boat to swing the line around to me because it is hard to see that I am in the tube when floating.

I wonder if you do this same move on a wakeboard?

From: John Entered on: August 4, 2008 9:09 AM
Bunky said:

Really Spider? Bells and Fatty look like pedophiles with the disheveled hair look and I get to be a special feature in your Ass-Invaders?





Gee, thanks Bunky. I didn't want to put my pic on JA in the first place but now I feel much better about it. BTW, not really a pedophile.Smile

From: NickNick Entered on: August 4, 2008 10:04 AM

"Gee, thanks Bunky. I didn't want to put my pic on JA in the first place but now I feel much better about it. BTW, not really a pedophile.Smile"

Nope.  Not a pedopihle.  He wait's until they're 18.

From: Bunky Entered on: August 4, 2008 12:42 PM
Nothing personal Bells, I know you are a barely legal guy. My point to Robot was my photo seems to get singled out each time regardless of other photos. And Zilla wonders why I won't post pics.
From: BigFatty Entered on: August 4, 2008 2:29 PM

Why do we get to be pedophiles?  Why do you go there first?  Why can't we be those jaunty young lads with the tussled hair?

My photo has built in photoshop guards... the face-flash.  Oh... you might be able to do something, but it will not be so sweet.

That tube does remind me of a butt-plug... or is it Bunk-plug in this case?

From: Bunky Entered on: August 4, 2008 6:35 PM
I didn't say you were pedophiles. I am used to the striking photos of the both of you, not this uncomfortable Dateline look.
From: RobotSpider Entered on: August 5, 2008 5:09 AM

All I can say is, it's a good thing I'm responsible for the firewall at work.  Otherwise, I'd be getting some extremely uncomfortable questions.



From: Ross Entered on: August 5, 2008 8:00 AM

That's why I do an encrypted SSH tunnel at work to my home box and use my home Linux machine's http proxy.  All my corporate RobotSpider-like Big Brothers know is that I have a lot of traffic to some address, but I could be surfing porn (and Jackassery does blur that line at times) and they'd be none the wiser.

From: John Entered on: August 5, 2008 10:11 AM

That's just how Bert rolls! Big Brother can kiss his ass.

From: BigFatty Entered on: August 5, 2008 3:05 PM

I just read on Yahoo about the "Flat Belly Diet".  It pretty much is touting the benefits of good fats - MonoUnsaturated Fatty Acid (MUFA).  The core of this diet is eating lots of Almonds, Olive Oils, Chocolate, Avacados, and Olives.  It is pretty much the same stuff as the Primal gurus are talking, but with less emphasis on cutting out grains. 

So far I am liking the Primal Blueprint eating style.  Can't say that I am perfect, but I certainly cut out pop, coffee, breads, pastas, rice, and processed foods.  The exercise program got bumped up a bit from the daily walk.  Now there is the 100 push-up challenge (thanks to Ross) and Tony's suggestion of body weight squats and crunches on off push-up days.

The challange I (and Johnny) face is how long to stick with it.  The longest I've gone is about 3-4 months on a good diet and exercise program.  My big goal is not necessary lose weight, but to lose this big old gut flopping around.  I miss a nice and trim waist.  Hopefully I can keep it up until October so you can see a Slim-Fatty again!

Now, I got to stop procrastinating and get to the squats and crunches before I go to bed!

From: Jackzilla Entered on: August 5, 2008 3:53 PM
BigFatty said:

... "Flat Belly Diet". ... The core of this diet is eating lots of Almonds, Olive Oils, Chocolate, Avacados, and Olives. ...

lots of chocolate?   Sweet!  Sounds like my kind of diet!

From: Monkey T Entered on: August 5, 2008 5:45 PM

Stop all the homoerotica, or just break out the rusty trombones already.

From: Bunky Entered on: August 5, 2008 6:11 PM
Has anyone else noticed an increase in Monkey T's visit to the site since half naked men started appearing more frequently? Monkey, you need to do some JA research and look up Crank Gawker. Could the T possibly stand for Tony? Hmmm....
From: John Entered on: August 5, 2008 6:30 PM

Noted, Bunky. Stop fighting your true nature and give into the dark side, Monkey T.

From: Bunky Entered on: August 5, 2008 7:17 PM
I wonder if he keeps a jar of Skippy nearby when he is playing Halo with Zilla? I think the cackle makes Monkey hernie..... Bells, is it possible that he has been seduced by the dickside?
From: Monkey T Entered on: August 5, 2008 9:02 PM
Bunky said:
Has anyone else noticed an increase in Monkey T's visit to the site since half naked men started appearing more frequently? Monkey, you need to do some JA research and look up Crank Gawker. Could the T possibly stand for Tony? Hmmm....

Actually Bunky I have been visiting this site the same for the last month or so, but ever since this thread has been up, your visits have declined. Maybe you would prefer some pictures of flapping bat whistles. You should be the one to talk with your jar of skippy and your "special" pet dog. We all know what goes on late at night in the Leroy household after the chitlens are asleep.

From: The Bone Entered on: August 5, 2008 9:31 PM

Can you do a magic trick without Teller?

From: Bunky Entered on: August 5, 2008 10:16 PM

Do you want me to show you? That sounds like a proposition Tony.

Monkey, my dog died a few months ago. He had a stroke and I had to put him down. Thanks for reminding me. Did I mention I had him for 12 years?

Patrick and I will still love you even if you are defensive about being a Crank Gawker. Fatty might even ask for your email address.

FUCK MICROSOFT and their shitty XBOX 360

That is my public service announcement for the day

From: Jackzilla Entered on: August 5, 2008 10:25 PM

1.  I believe The Bone was comparing Monkey T to Penn of Penn & Teller.

2.  Bunky's Xbox has the red ring of death.  Second one for her.

From: Bunky Entered on: August 5, 2008 10:39 PM
Thanks for clarifying. I am feeling a little sensitive due to the ring. Oh yeah, blonde moment. I just remembered Tony's picture posts.
From: Jackzilla Entered on: August 5, 2008 10:47 PM

From: Jackzilla Entered on: August 5, 2008 10:56 PM

From: Jackzilla Entered on: August 5, 2008 10:56 PM

Just a little FAT from the PAST!

From: Bunky Entered on: August 5, 2008 10:58 PM
Is that Primal Diet cardio? I suspect Monkey may have to rub out after viewing those hernie dance moves.
From: BigFatty Entered on: August 5, 2008 11:34 PM

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA - That video is from one of Jack and my "sessions".  I was unemployed and Jack and I were up until 2-4 AM every night working on some projects.  Most of them XBox related.  We had my Shakira photo photo in that time frame to.

Why can't I have Monkey T's email?  Can't a ninja get a brother's email these days?

From: Monkey T Entered on: August 6, 2008 12:41 AM
Bunky said:

Do you want me to show you? That sounds like a proposition Tony.

Monkey, my dog died a few months ago. He had a stroke and I had to put him down. Thanks for reminding me. Did I mention I had him for 12 years?

Patrick and I will still love you even if you are defensive about being a Crank Gawker. Fatty might even ask for your email address.

FUCK MICROSOFT and their shitty XBOX 360

That is my public service announcement for the day

Bunky please..... You know I would be the last one to disrespect a deceased pet. I was actually talking about one of the parents dogs that roam your back 40. Anyone can have my email if they want it, just don't send me things that will make me too herny. Oh, my XBox is still going strong, and I got it from Bunky.
From: Jackzilla Entered on: August 6, 2008 8:07 AM
BigFatty said:

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA - That video is from one of Jack and my "sessions". I was unemployed and Jack and I were up until 2-4 AM every night working on some projects. Most of them XBox related. We had my Shakira photo photo in that time frame to.


Definately a "Fatty Classic."  When I have time I'll add the funky "Sanford & Son" theme to the background and re-upload it.  Someday we'll do the "Bill Williams Show" and "Booty Quake."

From: Bunky Entered on: August 6, 2008 8:23 AM
Monkey, I wasn't seriously mad about the pet comment. Seriously pissed about the XBOX 360 ring, yes! I am however, thinking about getting another dog because I miss not having one. Fatty will only send you things that make you hernie. I think that's why we don't email each other....
From: BigFatty Entered on: August 6, 2008 11:33 AM

That and she was tired on all the pics of a naked Fatty eating a cheeseburger.


Sorry Jack, the Flat Belly Diet involves dark chocolate... if you are looking for the diet showcasing Snicker Bars, try the Fat Belly Diet.  I have been on that one for years.  I love it!  The core of the Fat Belly Diet is Cheeseburgers, Snicker Bars, Pop, Munchoes, and deep fried everything.

From: BigFatty Entered on: August 6, 2008 3:03 PM

Say Bert... I am betting if you complete the 100 push-up challenge, you will be getting a big chunk of change.  That thing is a bit more difficult than it looks.  I'm thinking you will have a bunch of Yahoos drop out.  Keep us posted!

From: Monkey T Entered on: August 6, 2008 4:50 PM
The Bone said:

Can you do a magic trick without Teller?

Why of course I can Bone, feel free to pull a rabbit out of my pants and give him a big wet kiss?  Tah dah

From: The Bone Entered on: August 6, 2008 6:13 PM

What's the rabbit doing in your pants? Nibbling on the baby carrrot?.

From: Bunky Entered on: August 6, 2008 6:16 PM
Ah Fatty, the naked cheeseburger photos. You know the way to my heart.... Tony, I can't see your face in the photo. How can I be sure it is you?
From: Jackzilla Entered on: August 6, 2008 7:14 PM

Who's Tony?

From: Bunky Entered on: August 6, 2008 8:20 PM

Hey F'er, I believed we covered this topic prior to me getting the ring of death.

From: Ross Entered on: August 6, 2008 8:46 PM
BigFatty said:

Say Bert... I am betting if you complete the 100 push-up challenge, you will be getting a big chunk of change.  That thing is a bit more difficult than it looks.  I'm thinking you will have a bunch of Yahoos drop out.  Keep us posted!

I have to tell you, I don't know if anyone is going to claim the money... week 3 is ridiculously more difficult than week 2... kicked my ass.  So we'll see...

From: Monkey T Entered on: August 6, 2008 9:00 PM
The Bone said:

What's the rabbit doing in your pants? Nibbling on the baby carrrot?.

Ah Bone, I guess you missed the brain train so I shall explain, see the rabbit is a euphemism for PENIS. If you don't know what a euphemism is (or a penis), ask Bunky she knows. Hopefully you get it now.
From: The Bone Entered on: August 6, 2008 9:14 PM

Oh I see. I'm sorry, I was cornfused. Normally when I use a euphamism for PENIS (does this really need caps?), I use something less meek than a rabbit. Sometimes I forget that we aren't all packin.

From: The Bone Entered on: August 7, 2008 10:01 AM

For something a little more inspirational - if this doesn't motivate you to get out there and get healthy so you can spend quality time with your kids, you suck at life:

Edit - here's the link

I think there's something afoul on JA. The embedded video worked shortly after I posted it and now it's a white box. (More Penn and Teller magic?) I noticed the video bunky posted from fail was a white box too. Not that I mind Bunky's white box.






From: Jackzilla Entered on: August 6, 2008 11:20 PM

Bone - I'm afraid I'm not finding the big white box above as motivational as you do.

From: NickNick Entered on: August 6, 2008 11:31 PM
Sure. This is a post mod piece by Kandinsky. I think it was titled White Box on Canvas. It's supposed to illustrate the absurdity of art and bring the over-asked question, What is Art?
From: Monkey T Entered on: August 7, 2008 2:51 AM
From what I hear, the bone doesn't like box, white or otherwise.
From: Monkey T Entered on: August 7, 2008 2:56 AM

I was told to say F the bone

From: Bunky Entered on: August 7, 2008 8:26 AM

Does Tony have what it takes to fill that box?

From: The Bone Entered on: August 7, 2008 10:01 AM


From: NickNick Entered on: August 7, 2008 10:31 AM

Nice.  Thanks for making me cry, you ass.

Pretty cool.

From: Bunky Entered on: August 7, 2008 10:45 AM
Yeah, there is the process fornication happenings here on JA. I had the same issue with my post. Maybe we should chew the ass of the system adminstrator!
From: Bunky Entered on: August 7, 2008 10:57 AM

Wow. That was amazing. Will we be able to see you in shorts like that Bone? I struggle calling that after seeing the photo you claim is your physique. It feels a little dirty now.

One of my three brothers has mild cerebal palsy from a labor/delivery issue. He can't drive a car because of he lacks the coordination. He has let it set any limits for him either. He has a master's degree and lives completely independent. Fortnately his case isn't as severe.

That man is an incredible father.

From: BigFatty Entered on: August 7, 2008 11:19 AM

F the Bone!  That shit has more impact than your meat-grinder picks.  I refused to watch the second half on grounds of No Crying.

From: Jackzilla Entered on: August 7, 2008 11:20 AM

I haven't cried that hard since the last episode of Extreme Makeover: Home Edition.

"Move the bus!  Move the bus!"

From: Ross Entered on: August 7, 2008 3:23 PM

Looks like 'ol Mark takes on the Zone!  Pretty interesting!

From: The Bone Entered on: August 7, 2008 11:13 PM

Most of the Crossfitters are either Zone eatera or Paleo. I dont think the Zone is that bad but I can't be bothered with measuring out blocks and what not. I find the Paleo diet far easier to follow in it's simplicity. I will say though, between upping my physical work output and cutting out grains, I'm f'n run down. Oh, lets not forget 22 yr old hottie that kept me up all night.

From: BigFatty Entered on: August 7, 2008 11:32 PM

That funny.  I asked Bone about what Mark's deal was with the Zone, because they seemed pretty similar.  IMO, Mark draws a lot of conclusions from studies which may not be accurate.  His Zone criticisms are valid, and I never thought of these aspects of the Zone before.

Bone, you gots to up your Fat then!  You know that is now your fuel.  I am lucky that I have loads of in on long term storage.  No problems with lethargy here....  quite the opposite.  Even though I am back to not getting a lot of sleep, during the day I feel better than ever.  No energy drops in the afternoon, no going hungry, and no carb cravings.  The Bone is right, it is a simple diet to follow.  One week in and I have dropped about 2 pounds and I can see the belly looking slightly smaller.

Plus, the PB seems to be attracting Chimay to me....  4 more bottles made their way into my life last night.  Melinda's dad came back from France with them.  Ever since I started, Chimay has been making its way to me.    Good times!

From: The Bone Entered on: August 8, 2008 3:33 PM

Here are a couple of my favorite crossfit workouts. I lke these because they are relativley short in duration but fairly effective at working different cardio energy systems as well as muscle gain.

1. 5 supersets of bench press/pull ups. For the weight - use your body weight. Example - I'm using 225lbs. Do as many of each as you can. Rest as long as you need to within reason.

2. Cindy - In 20 mins, attempt to do as many supersets as you can of 5 pull ups, 10 push ups, and 15 squats. This workout is an ass kicker both cardio wise and muscular endurance wise. I can only do 14 supersets but when you think about it, that's 70 pullups, 140 push ups, and 210 squats.

3. Fran - Superset of thrusters and pull ups. 21 reps, 15 reps, and finally 9 reps. Use 95 lb barbell for the thrusters. This is one of my favorit workouts to start out with if I have been sedentary for any length of time because it engages a lot of muscles in one workout and has a cardio componant.

4. Grace - 135 lbs clean and jerk x 30. This is a fast workout but builds explosive power.

5. Nancy - 5 supersets of 400 meter sprint followed by 15 reps of 95 lbs overhead squats. I usually sprint on the treadmill because of logistics. Throw a 1 degree incline and  get up near 10 mph and you are in there. This one will work you ass and you'll cry like a bitch.

6. Row 1000 meters, 21 reps of 85 lbs thrusters, 15 pullups, rest 2 mins, row 750 meters, 18 thrusters, 12 pullups, rest 2 mins, row 500 meters, 15 thrusters, 9 pullups. You can subsitute running if you don't have a rowing ergometer.

7. Helen - 3 supersets of 400 meter sprints, 21 reps of 55lbs kettlebell (or dumbell) swings, and 12 pull ups. I fucking love the dumbell swings. Ireally works the shit out of my whole body and feels really manly.

8. - Micheal - 3 supersets of 800 meter sprints, 50 back extensions, 50 sit ups.



From: Bunky Entered on: August 8, 2008 4:04 PM
How do you have time for this and your current rotation of 5 ladies?
From: EDGE Entered on: August 8, 2008 9:10 PM

he obviously doesn't spend every waking hour on XBL or on JA. Not rocket science Bunky, the rest of us r just into more less active hobbies (XBOX couch people).

From: BigFatty Entered on: August 9, 2008 2:02 AM
Bunky said:
How do you have time for this and your current rotation of 5 ladies?

Bone supersets the ladies too!

From: Bunky Entered on: August 9, 2008 8:17 AM

Hey Fucker, most of my JA is done via Blackberry while I am waiting on a doc for work or sitting in a meeting.

As for my XBOX, I travel with it for work since running around cities by myself is not terribly exciting, or if  I am home, it's midnight EST when you are all on. It's not like I am on everyday at 2 pm until midnight!

I do work full time and  have pretty active kids! Shouldn't you be googling cranks right now?

From: EDGE Entered on: August 9, 2008 8:43 AM

Someone sounds like there getting a little grumpy. All I am saying (i'm guilty of it as well), is that if we added up our time on XBL, we would have quite a few hours. Then in return used half those hours for working out or playing some outside sport we would all probably be in a little better shape.

Sooooo........ I know the California air is pretty bad at times but try to breath and relax.

And what is with all the language Bunky?  Your always F this ,F that, F you.


From: Bunky Entered on: August 9, 2008 8:52 AM
XBOX has added to my potty mouth. If you recall, when we first started playing, you rarely heard me cuss. Yeah, if you added up the hours we have spent playing, I would probably have a heartattack! Our air out here does suck! In fact, when I went for a surgery consult Wednesday because of sinus issues, my surgeon told me I needed to move.
From: Jackzilla Entered on: August 9, 2008 9:03 AM

Bunky, you're not going in for "sinus surgery" and coming out with perkier boobs, are you?

From: Bunky Entered on: August 9, 2008 10:42 AM

I wish. I would love to come out with perkier boobs and tighter ass. I think Patrick would prefer that over the packed nose for a week look.


From: Ross Entered on: August 9, 2008 6:50 PM

Roche, are you going to get one of these to keep your goatee perfectly trimmed?  Excuse me for saying so, but you are looking a bit shaggier than you have in the past.

From: Swerb Entered on: August 10, 2008 10:25 AM

Bunky: Good luck with the sinus surgery... I had a deviated septum fixed a few years ago, and it's no fun. Quite painful, actually. Sat on the couch, doped up for a week, string of drool hanging off my chin, dizzy as hell. They don't pack your nose anymore, either - they put splints in there, which just sounds heinous.

It's funny how many people I know are having sinus issues. The last two years, I've had chronic sinus infections, and my docs blame it on allergies (dust, pollen, my three cats...). Been going in for allergy shots for more than a year now, with little improvement. I keep running into people I know at the allergist. It all has me wondering if it's the environment we live in that's F-ing us in the A - or if evolution would have killed us off by now, if it wasn't for modern medicine...

From: Bunky Entered on: August 10, 2008 11:45 AM
Thanks Swerb. I am not looking forward to it. I have heard it is painful and the nurse told me not to plan on sleeping for a week. I asked the surgeon about splints. He still prefers to use the packing over splints for healing. My surgeon told me I need to move. I live in the worst air quality in the nation. I have been putting it off for a while. Typically, when I go to Hawaii ever year, I can breathe well and get my sense of smell back after a few days. That did not happen this time, so I figured I should suck it up and get it done. In addition to the my repairing my deviated septum, I also have to have a resection done on the turbinates. Fun. It is funny you mention sinus infections. I have had several as well the last few years. My allergy meds don't do anything but keep me awake now, and I am having issues with asthma that I have not had since I was a kid. Can you breathe better now?
From: BigFatty Entered on: August 10, 2008 12:55 PM

Have you two tried the Neti pots?  It is a simple concept - nasal flushing.  I do it from time to time because I too live in a large and filthy city.  I can see the dirt in my snot when I blow.  Anyway, it is easy to do and I always feel better after I do it.  Certainly because my sinuses are clean and breathing is easy.

If you have allergies, it will flush out all that pollen and dander sitting in your sinuses.  You should at least give it a shot.  Pots are cheap, under $10.  Many people claim they get relief from their problems.  I just like the clean feeling afterwards....  like after you get out of the pool and your nose is all cleared out.

From: Bunky Entered on: August 10, 2008 2:13 PM

My problem is compounded by the deviated septum and the enlarged turbinates.

I cannot breathe at all out of the right side of my nose because of the deviated septum is touching the enlarged lower turbinate.

So without surgery, there is no chance of improvement. I will hopefully be getting it done in the beginning of September so it will heal before Vegas.

I will not be posting post-op photos with my nose bandaged!

From: Swerb Entered on: August 10, 2008 7:00 PM

I do the sinus rinse every day, sometimes twice a day, as suggested by my allergist. And I do it after I clean the house and do yard work or something. Gives me relief for a while, but doesn't prevent me from getting up every morning from my dust-free, cat-free, anti-allergen-covered pillows and mattress, air-purifier, etc. bedroom every day and hocking up a bunch of gunk. I don't know what it is. Maybe I have mold in my house. My allergist only did a skin allergy test, and didn't really even look to see if my plumbing is functioning properly... so maybe my sinuses are still f-ed.

The reason I had my surgery was to fix my nose after it was mashed (not really broken) in an accident (long story... one asshole's boot met my face... voila! Deviated septum). Prior to getting it fixed, I wasn't getting enough oxygen - I'd play racquetball and get really dizzy because one nostril was probably 75% closed off. The surgery helped quite a bit, but I'm just now wondering if I'm suffering from long-term effects.

From: Bunky Entered on: August 10, 2008 8:27 PM
I not really sure how I messed up my septum. My guess would probably be from soccer, but I do recall getting hit in the face with a Volleyball during a tournament in college and my nose bleeding. Who knows. I have tried the nose sprays and they make me crazy. My sinuses are almost always swollen now because they can't drain properly and I get headaches from it. I am hoping this helps.
From: RobotSpider Entered on: August 11, 2008 8:26 AM
Swerb said:


The reason I had my surgery was to fix my nose after it was mashed (not really broken) in an accident (long story... one asshole's boot met my face... voila! Deviated septum). Prior to getting it fixed, I wasn't getting enough oxygen - I'd play racquetball and get really dizzy because one nostril was probably 75% closed off. The surgery helped quite a bit, but I'm just now wondering if I'm suffering from long-term effects.

Between catching the boot with your face, and the subsequent surgery, it wouldn't surprise me if you've developed scar tissue.  The amount of scar tissue is more a result of how your body reacts to the damage as opposed to the quality of the surgery.  IOW, the surgery may have been perfect, but in that time you've developed more scar tissue than 'normal'. 

I'm not a doctor, but I play one any chance I get.


From: Bunky Entered on: August 11, 2008 9:03 AM
How did you get a boot in your face, Swerb?
From: RobotSpider Entered on: August 11, 2008 10:49 AM
Bunky said:
How did you get a boot in your face, Swerb?

Well, Swerb, for months now, Bunky has been going on and on about how you have 'baby-smooth skin', etc. etc.  The secret is out.  You might as well come clean. 

Before bed each night, John applies just a touch a lavendar-citrus exfoliating mask, followed by a size 14 Doc Martin.



From: Bunky Entered on: August 11, 2008 1:11 PM
Does he use a steel toe boot or standard? Size 14? That would cover my entire head! Maybe after my surgery, I will acheive Swerb Sweet skin!
From: Swerb Entered on: August 11, 2008 2:19 PM

Spider: Good point. I guess I never mentioned The Incident to my allergist - I will at my next appointment. My dermatologist, however, has very little to do in the wake of said events.

Bunky: Not wanting to re-live the physical/psychological pain of The Incident, I will say that I can no longer attend punk rock concerts in Detroit for fear of sadistic, boot-wearing asshats sending me to the ER...

From: Bunky Entered on: August 11, 2008 2:53 PM

What band was playing? I am guessing they were steel toe boots then...

From: RobotSpider Entered on: August 12, 2008 5:09 AM
Bunky said:

What band was playing? I am guessing they were steel toe boots then...

Really, Bunky?  You think getting kicked in the face with 'regular' old non-steel-reinforced boots wouldn't send you to the E.R?  I've never been kicked in the face and, Jebus willing, never will, but I'm pretty sure my face couldn't tell the difference between leather/rubber and leather/rubber/steel.

I jumped on that grenade; luckily it was only an incendiary grenade, not a fragmentation grenade.  Whew, I sure lucked out there!  Well, time to empty my colostomy bag, can you wheel me into the bathroom?

Not to speak for Swerb, that's just my impression... ooh, sorry, I probably shouldn't say 'impression'...

Just sayin'.


From: Bunky Entered on: August 12, 2008 8:18 AM

I am not sure about the East Coast, but out here (atleast in my younger years), assholes would buy the steel toe Docs just for stupid shit like that.

So does that mean you don't know what concert it was?

I hate punk rock concerts just for that reason. A bunch of F-bags go to them. I saw Social Distortion and Bad Religion in High School before they really sucked and dumb asses were ripping seats out of the venue and there were fights everywhere. It reminded me of my first Raider's/Bronco's football game at the Coliseum in LA.

I have seen TOOL 3 times and never had shit like that happen.

Fatty, does it get that crazy at Sade concerts?

From: RobotSpider Entered on: August 12, 2008 8:42 AM

I've never seen a TOOL show.  I have, however, seen lots of tools at other rock shows.  KISS comes to mind.  Lots of tools there.  And some of them were in the audience.

From: John Entered on: August 12, 2008 9:32 AM

Holy shit this has gotten off topic! Well, i just wanted to say I've been going primal for a little over a week with outstanding results. I'm down 8 pound, Zilla as my witness plus an inch and a half off the gut. I've been working hard in the gym and sticking with the primal. Dropping 8 pounds put me at a pound less than Zilla. This is the first time since Zilla and I have been working out that he has been heavier than me. I feel great and must say this is the easiest diet I've ever tried. I want to be under 220lbs. by Saturday and I'm confident I will be.

On another note I just wanted to mention that Zilla hit 210lbs. on the bench today for 3 reps, not bad. He's going for man strength and he's almost there. He is quite a bit stronger than when he started and has been working hard. Can you do this Fatty, I've seen you a little stronger than this, but are you now? Get to work Fatty before Zilla is stronger than you've ever been.Smile

From: Bunky Entered on: August 12, 2008 10:17 AM
Robot, Swerb must get you to a TOOL concert! Friends don't let friends NOT see TOOL live. My husband and I have even brought the nephews to their first TOOL show (once they hit 16 ofcourse).
From: BigFatty Entered on: August 13, 2008 11:53 AM

That is pretty F'n amazing Bells.  8 pounds in a week!!  Great job.  With those results it will be easy to stay motivated.  My program results are not nearly as stellar, but I am very pleased.  I am down about 4 pounds in two weeks.  Belly is improving (no measurements nor adjustment on my belt yet).  The diet is great because it is so easy.  I only 'cheated' one meal when a Cheeseburger and fries was to be had at my favorite burger shack.  Plus, my alcohol intake is 1-3 drinks a day (what can I say.. I have to be social.... Ok 5 last night was pushing things).  But even with the alcohol, the results of cutting bread and shit out speak for themselves.

Exercise is moderate still.  Going with the 100 push-up program week 2 and on off days doing a BW squat/ crunch rotation.  I still call BULLSHIT on the push-up program.  I have yet to read from some dude that actually completed the program.  Most of the links are for webads and the few people posting are on week 1-3.  The progression of the program is WAY too fast.  I doubt anyone gets past week 3.  Fatty is giving it his shot.  Ross, what about you?  You calling BS on the push-up program yet?

From: Ross Entered on: August 13, 2008 1:18 PM

Yes, the pushup program is BS and everyone at work agrees.  We're flailing around on weeks 3 and 4.  I am not giving up, but I'm being realistic about the likelihood of hitting 100 pushups in a measily 6 weeks.

From: John Entered on: August 13, 2008 1:23 PM

For the time being I'm cutting beer out as well, Fatty. At least for the first month and then I'll see where I'm at.

From: BigFatty Entered on: August 13, 2008 2:32 PM

I became suspicious of the program when on week three, your reps jumps up 50%.  Plus you are working near your max effort and are supposed to maintain nearly this with 60 seconds rest.

Most people must get frustrated or lose interest... but it simply is not designed for the average schmoe... as they make it seem.  It kind of pisses me off.  They raise people's expectations only to have 99% (If not 100%) fail and feel bad about themselves.

Johnny... at some point I will NOT be drinking on a daily basis.  These last few weeks it just was not in the cards.  I don't see a break until next week Thursday!  It may be retarding my weight loss.  At this pace, it is still coming off so I accept the trade off.  The workout intensity will increase with time anyway, so this should keep the fat coming off.

It is interesting not experiencing too much in ways of cravings.  The last 2 days I was feeling like a Coke pretty bad.  I thought craving bread would be the worst.  I had that with the Fatkins.  Its only been 2 weeks, so plenty of time for the carb cravings to kick in.  I keep telling myself, once you start in on bread, you will just crave it more.  It is also amazing what cravings some cashews and some water stop.

From: The Bone Entered on: August 13, 2008 4:11 PM

I've lost 2 solid lbs since in a week which is about right for me. Plus 2 people have told me I look like I'm getting leaner without knowing I've been on the program. I've been following the Primal Blueprint at least 90 % between the eating, resting, working out, walking, and other activities. I've some alchohol here and there but really trying to minimize it.

I can't see how the 100 pushup challenge can be that hard. Let's say your are a monumental pussy and could only do 6-10 pushups. By week 3 you are only doing sets of 14 - 25 pushups. After a couple of weeks your body will thank you for getting back to manly endevours that it desperatly craves an will reward you with getting back to a reasonable level of pushup ability. Fuck, it says rest 60 seconds or longer if required.

If you can't do 100 pushups after 6 weeks on this program, go home and ask your parents to throw you off the cliff like they should have done when you were a baby.



From: John Entered on: August 13, 2008 5:40 PM

To what the Bone said, Ha, HA!

From: Jackzilla Entered on: August 13, 2008 5:40 PM
The Bone said:

If you can't do 100 pushups after 6 weeks on this program, go home and ask your parents to throw you off the cliff like they should have done when you were a baby.



From: NickNick Entered on: August 14, 2008 6:31 AM
I would laugh as well, but I might just be the one getting thrown off the cliff.
From: Jackzilla Entered on: August 14, 2008 9:08 AM

I like how Bells and I not only had the same response to the Bone's comment (HA HA!) but at the same time!?

From: John Entered on: August 14, 2008 9:10 AM

The pushay twins need to get to work, 100 pushups after 6 weeks should be no problem. I'm busting ass losing weight and gaining strength at the same time. For the hell of it I might bust out some pussyups and do 100 in a couple of weeks.

From: John Entered on: August 14, 2008 9:15 AM
Jackzilla said:

I like how Bells and I not only had the same response to the Bone's comment (HA HA!) but at the same time!?

I noticed that and was craking up after I posted. Somehow I think Bert and Fatty may not be as amused.

From: BigFatty Entered on: August 14, 2008 11:28 AM

Ain't no thang bitches.... no one here is busting out 100 pushups now so all I am hearing is hot air.

Bone put up or shut up.  You may be fairly close to 100 push ups, so if you want a real MAN challenge to compete....  do your max push-ups then increase them by 80 in six weeks.  That is what I am attempting.

Wait for it.... Bone's witty retort.....

But that is all he will bring cuz he certainly will have some sort of excuse for not even attempting, and he certainly won't be adding 80 push-ups to his max.  There is room on the Puss-ay couch for you!

From: BigFatty Entered on: August 14, 2008 11:34 AM
John said:

For the hell of it I might bust out some pussyups and do 100 in a couple of weeks.

Bring it Johnny-come-Fatly :)  A few weeks huh???  I'll give you six.  What will be your excuse.... I am too busy weight training??  Fuck, the work-out takes 10 minutes... do it at night.  Doing some push-ups won't hurt you..... unless you are a puss-ay.

From: Jackzilla Entered on: August 14, 2008 12:03 PM

Fuck the Fats!  I will push you and your chicken sandwich right off the clif... BEYOTCH!

From: BigFatty Entered on: August 14, 2008 12:20 PM

Bring it!!  Except I don't eat bread, so bring the chicken wrapped in bacon.

From: Radmobile Entered on: August 14, 2008 12:37 PM
I can't imagine eating chicken any other way Fats. No bacon? No thanks!
From: Ross Entered on: August 14, 2008 4:58 PM
John said:

The pushay twins need to get to work, 100 pushups after 6 weeks should be no problem. I'm busting ass losing weight and gaining strength at the same time. For the hell of it I might bust out some pussyups and do 100 in a couple of weeks.

I really don't think you want to start taunting me, my friend.  I say it's legitimately bullshit if you're nowhere near 100 to begin with.  I think you should just take my word for it instead of trying to provoke a verbal smackdown.

From: The Bone Entered on: August 14, 2008 7:25 PM
BigFatty said:


Bone put up or shut up. You may be fairly close to 100 push ups, so if you want a real MAN challenge to compete.... do your max push-ups then increase them by 80 in six weeks. That is what I am attempting.

Wait for it.... Bone's witty retort.....


Here it comes. You are saying that 20 push ups is your max? As ludicrous as that is, it's only because you've been sedentary for a while. To increase your max by 80 in six weeks is a little bit different than for me to do it because I already have considerable conditioning and I'll plateau way before you will. You are right, all I have to blow at this point is hot air because to increase my max by 80 would require me to follow the program at the exclusion of a number of things I already do. I can crank out 90 right now with some effort but I can also bench 270lbs. To say that I could drop everything and knock out 170 pushups in 6 weeks would be pointless because I don't intend to do it.

I do however applaud your efforts along with Bert. Keep up the 100 push up challenge because I think you can do it. If not in 6 weeks, maybe in a couple more. This way you will have a good base to improve other areas.


From: John Entered on: August 15, 2008 7:10 AM

Bert, I'm not afraid of your verbal smackdown, I don't think it will leave any visable marks. As for the push-ups, I am way closer to a 100 than you Fats! I've always been better at push-ups than you and I guarantee I'm still better, I have more upper body strength my friend. When you come in October Fatty you and I are going to have a push-up contest to see who can do the most. Bert you can join in too and we'll see who gets the smackdown.

Now I'm going to hit the gym for some manly endeavors.

From: Ross Entered on: August 15, 2008 8:59 AM

Well, for your sake (and in a true show of manliness) I will refrain from humiliating you.  But suffice it to say that I believe that only simpletons regard feats of physical strength to be the primary indicator of one's "manliness."

From: John Entered on: August 15, 2008 9:29 AM
Bert, only simpletons don't know the meaning of manliness:

1 : having qualities generally associated with a man : strong, virile
2 : appropriate in character to a man <manly sports>

I'm sure more supercilious remarks are to follow.

From: Ross Entered on: August 15, 2008 9:33 AM

I also regard those who quote the dictionary to be using weak form, but let's forget about that for the moment. 

I primarily take exception to your intimations that I am somehow a pussy if I can't complete the 100 pushup challenge in 6 weeks.  I caution you to check yourself before you start throwing those kinds of accusations around and think hard about if you want to call me a pussy.

From: John Entered on: August 15, 2008 10:09 AM
Ross said:

I also regard those who quote the dictionary to be using weak form, but let's forget about that for the moment.

I primarily take exception to your intimations that I am somehow a pussy if I can't complete the 100 pushup challenge in 6 weeks. I caution you to check yourself before you start throwing those kinds of accusations around and think hard about if you want to call me a pussy.

I thought it was obvious I was being facetious with the pussy remarks. Truth be told this is not what I believe in respect to you and I thought you already knew that. I wanted to awake the sleeping giant, mission accomplished. Although you do realize this just sucked the humor out of it.

From: NickNick Entered on: August 15, 2008 10:15 AM
Way to go Ross. I was enjoying this pissing match.
From: Bunky Entered on: August 15, 2008 11:18 AM

Thanks Bells! I have mentioned to Zilla that Ross has been lacking in the rant department a few times recently.

I appreciate you bring him back. I was afraid his research into Scientology may have led him into joining a cult and forced him to cut off communication with his non-scientology friends. I am glad to see everything is normal in Bertland.

From: Jackzilla Entered on: August 15, 2008 11:33 AM

Wow - Way to go, Bone and Bells.  You both started with a sweet, harsh style and then went full kiss-up.  I feel like taking Fats' chicken sandwich and swattin' you both off the cliff!

From: John Entered on: August 15, 2008 11:44 AM
Jackzilla said:

Wow - Way to go, Bone and Bells. You both started with a sweet, harsh style and then went full kiss-up. I feel like taking Fats' chicken sandwich and swattin' you both off the cliff!

I'm afraid Bert brings out the bitch in us. I could've kept poking fun at Bert, but to what end? For a minute I thought he might drive to GR so he could get his ass whupped! And just to clarify, I'm being facetious.

From: The Bone Entered on: August 15, 2008 4:13 PM


Jackzilla said:

Wow - Way to go, Bone and Bells. You both started with a sweet, harsh style and then went full kiss-up. I feel like taking Fats' chicken sandwich and swattin' you both off the cliff!

Well I was just being an acehurl as is my usual custom but the dialogue between Bells and Bert is different and I'm staying out of that one other than my one observation.

I think it stems from back in the Godwin days when Bells had Bert's respect out of fear of physical reprisals. Now that we are adults, it seems like Bert is using his intellect in much the same way that Bells did. There's some sort of deep seated animosity there. It's the same old song and dance between these two - Bells and his threats of physical superiority and Bert and his assertion of intellectual superiority.

However, I must say the below was hilarious and well played.

John said:
Bert, only simpletons don't know the meaning of manliness:

1 : having qualities generally associated with a man : strong, virile
2 : appropriate in character to a man <manly sports>

I'm sure more supercilious remarks are to follow.


From: John Entered on: August 15, 2008 4:25 PM

You may have a point Bone. Bert's threat of a verbal smackdown seemed a bit pompous so I responded in kind. Glad you liked it, Bone, however I meant no real animosity towards Bert, or did I, hmm.......

From: Ross Entered on: August 15, 2008 6:36 PM

In my defense, though Bells and most likely Bone found the likening of Fatty and I to pussies to be merely funny, I don't know how one could imagine that I would find it so.  I can get shitty right along with the very best of them and I really didn't want to go there but if I'm pushed, I will do it.  

Bone, of course what you say does have more than a bit of truth.  Bells was bully at times even though we were friends and even though I know he probably regrets it now, some part of me can't fully let it go.  That said, when the threats of physical superiority come out (a sign that he can't fully let it go either), I don't see much wrong with battling back however I can.  

Finally, I'm glad that while Zilla can't tell the difference between "kissing up" and "not being an asshole" (even if it's in jest), the rest of us can.

From: John Entered on: August 15, 2008 7:42 PM

At the risk of sounding like a pussy, I agree with you, Bert. I do sometimes resort to the physical superiority card and admit at times I feel an overall lack of respect from you. I'm sure to a degree my own insecurities play into this. As far as the pussy thing goes there was no true malice and as for my other remarks today I was jackassing around. You gotta admit though, my simpleton retort was pretty sweet. Ouch, I just broke my arm patting my own back.....

When you said I need to caution myself before throwing around such accusations the Bone was tempted to say, who are you, Leonitas and you're going to kick him into the abyss but alas, maybe there have been too many 300 references of late. I cracked up anyway.

From: Ross Entered on: August 15, 2008 8:28 PM

Well, rhetorically speaking, I have been known to knock a motherfucker down a hole once or twice...

And hey, you definitely get my respect for your physical prowess - but I think there's a mismatch between us with respect to just how much respect we think that should earn you.  As children, it earned you a lot more, a) because you had a much worse temper, and b) as adults, beating people up (not to mention your friends) is an incredibly stupid thing to do.

Anyway, I hate to sound overly-contrary but I wasn't joking or avoiding the point when I said that quoting the dictionary is actually considered a weak form of argumentation.  Mainly because people often mistake the role of what a dictionary is for: it's not to define terms, but to reflect their current usage - meaning it's not static, and by no means complete.  In any case, I think #2 leaves a lot of room for interpretation anyway, and is well within bounds of what I was talking about.  So no, sorry, I guess I don't think it was sweet as you do - even though I could play your game and find a definition that is more in my favor - but then we sound a bit like fundamentalist preachers quoting the Bible, don't we?

... Manly is usually a term of approval, suggesting traits admired by society, such as determination, decisiveness, and steadiness: a manly acceptance of the facts; manly firmness of character.

From: Swerb Entered on: August 15, 2008 10:41 PM

Regarding the psychology of this thread... this will be my only post.Tongue out

From: John Entered on: August 16, 2008 1:27 AM
Ross said:


Anyway, I hate to sound overly-contrary but I wasn't joking or avoiding the point when I said that quoting the dictionary is actually considered a weak form of argumentation. Mainly because people often mistake the role of what a dictionary is for: it's not to define terms, but to reflect their current usage - meaning it's not static, and by no means complete. In any case, I think #2 leaves a lot of room for interpretation anyway, and is well within bounds of what I was talking about. So no, sorry, I guess I don't think it was sweet as you do - even though I could play your game and find a definition that is more in my favor - but then we sound a bit like fundamentalist preachers quoting the Bible, don't we?

... Manly is usually a term of approval, suggesting traits admired by society, such as determination, decisiveness, and steadiness: a manly acceptance of the facts; manly firmness of character.

Aww hell, Bert! I was just saying it was some funny ass shit to do, not that it was worthy of the debate team, you sure know how to suck the funny out of the room. I guess I was right about the more supercilious remarks thing.Wink

From: Ross Entered on: August 16, 2008 8:44 AM

Far be it from me to suck the fun out something that's being had at my own expense!

From: John Entered on: August 16, 2008 9:03 AM

It's our duty as Jackasses to have fun at each others expense. In all fairness I've been known to suck the fun out when it's been at my expense. With that said duty calls, it appears when you're being made fun of you turn into a bit of a pussy.Wink

From: Bunky Entered on: August 16, 2008 9:20 AM
The testerone surge on this thread is kinda hernie...
From: John Entered on: August 16, 2008 10:11 AM

Oh yeah! Bunky, put your butt up in the air. Now it feels like Gears of War up in here. Hopefully billions won't die because of it.

From: Bunky Entered on: August 16, 2008 10:14 AM
I don't even think we have even cracked one million ass smackings in Gears of Wars.
From: John Entered on: August 16, 2008 10:23 AM

Well, get your butt up in the air so we can crack 1 million!

From: Bunky Entered on: August 16, 2008 1:30 PM
It appears Bells is getting the fat off and getting hernie!
From: BigFatty Entered on: August 17, 2008 3:57 PM

Looks like I missed the batter-flinging...  So, as posted eariler...  The Fatty's are coming to the US in mid-October for 2 weeks.  That gives us all further incentive to keep with the programs (or start one NickNick) else face smug ridicule from slimmer JA-sarians.

Rolling into week three.... Still doing well on the PB diet.  Some friends stayed with us for a week, yet I still did fairly well eating.  My only real 'cheats' were:  I had some potatoes with two meals, once I had 1/4 of a pita with a salad.  Thats it.... well, drinking increased even more.  Drinking should get curtailed soon, save the wine tasting this weekend.  We did eat out a few times so the meals were much larger than normal.  This would slow things down some, even if the meals were PB material.

I start the 3 week of pushups.  Last workout I started out with 16 reps and did descending sets.  This was challenging for me.  Two days later I am supposed to start off at 25.  WTF!!!  How am I supposed to magically jump up 10 reps???  It is just like those real estate infomercials.....  Ok - you have no job and no money - you buy a house....  you use the equity in the house to buy two more houses....  WAIT!!!   You are missing some VERY important information.  How do you buy that first house?  Oh, send you $300....

SO... its ON!  Lets see who is chunky and who is hunky in October. 

AND no Johnny... feats of 'Maniless' will not count.  We are going to see who has slimmed down the best.  We are each going about it differently.  I am not even touching weights yet and may not until after the trip.

From: The Bone Entered on: August 17, 2008 10:42 PM
BigFatty said:

I start the 3 week of pushups. Last workout I started out with 16 reps and did descending sets. This was challenging for me. Two days later I am supposed to start off at 25. WTF!!! How am I supposed to magically jump up 10 reps???

You are seriously doing 16 push ups after 3 weeks? I can't even stand it. Have you somehow become a quadriplegic and I missed it? I can't think of any other explanation. So anyways, you increase to 25 reps by manning up and cranking them out. If you need to rest a second or two between reps then so be it. If your muscles are screaming in agony, it's called being a man and is fully normal. It's alright to puke sometimes. Giddyup cowboy.

From: John Entered on: August 18, 2008 8:43 AM

I'm going to be called "Johnny come fatly" by you Fatty, the push-up pussy. Dude, I was drunk at a party the other night, ( I know, I shouldn't be drinking), but a young skinny guy challenged me to a push-up contest. He was fresh out of Airforce bootcamp but I was undaunted by this. A random girl counted for us and he reached 43 push-ups and was done. When I hit 53 she said she was tired of counting so I stopped. At this point I hadn't faded or slowed. I feel sure I can pass 70 if put to the test and that's with me weighing 30 pounds more than you Fats, so man up.

From: Jackzilla Entered on: August 18, 2008 8:49 AM

Fatty, Fatty, Fatty...  Last week, already tired from working out but wanting to test ourselves, Bells and I both cranked out 30 pushups without incident (I hadn't done them in forever).

Then last Saturday night, in an apparent celebration of Festivus, a drunken Bells churned out 53 pushups in the presence of bewildered strangers (at Bad Andy's sister-in-law's Hawaiian Loua party).

All "100% Vomit Free" by the way.

Maybe gravity is stronger in Hungary?

From: BigFatty Entered on: August 18, 2008 12:57 PM

HAHAHA!  I love it on how concerned you all are on my pussy-up abilities.  I never said I could only do 16... just the last workout I did started with that.  Still, I think 30 would be all I could do anyway.

Johnny-come-Fatly - That's crazy talk - 53 push-ups and counting!!!  That cracks me up.  I know you are good a push-ups, but come on!  You never do them.  I had you pegged at 40-50 and that is impressive.  If you are zoning in around 70, well... I'll try and remember my penis when I come.

So.. why do I get all this grief?? If some skinny youngin straight from bootcamp can only crank out 43, how many is a fat old man to do?  Besides the spicy 'Bell' pepper that is?

From: John Entered on: August 18, 2008 3:05 PM
BigFatty said:

Johnny-come-Fatly - That's crazy talk - 53 push-ups and counting!!! That cracks me up. I know you are good a push-ups, but come on! You never do them. I had you pegged at 40-50 and that is impressive. If you are zoning in around 70, well... I'll try and remember my penis when I come.

Push-ups are a lot easier than benching 300lbs., Fatty. With my kind of upper body strength push-ups are easy even though I rarely do them. A little more endurance and 100 would be no problem. Not only was it 53 and counting but I was drunk as well. In a few days I'll go for my true max and let Zilla watch so you know it's accurate. Then when you come in October we can throw down and see who the push-up master is. Better get to work, Fatty.

From: The Bone Entered on: August 18, 2008 9:48 PM

I cranked out 85 while sick with pnuemonia and not having done a pushup in several months.


50 push ups seems like a normal amount for any human you grab off the street. Now granted, the guy was in the Air Force which is he supremely pussy version of the military where they take their physical fitness test on a bicycle.


But if you can do thirty, then 25 should be no problem for your workout.

From: John Entered on: August 19, 2008 10:30 AM
The Bone said:

I cranked out 85 while sick with pnuemonia and not having done a pushup in several months.




Dude, that's just kicking ass. When we were young you and I always ended out workouts with push-ups. When we did we had our feet up on a chair to make them harder. I remeber even though I was better a 1 rep power than you I would always get edged in endurance by you.

I worked my ass off in the gym today, but Zilla was the star of the show. He hit 215lbs. for 4 reps on the bench. Zilla's been kicking ass getting stronger every time in the gym. We both sweated our asses off on the cardio and I feel great. Bring it on, Fatty. I can't wait to see who looks better come October, and yes muscle mass will be a factor.

From: NickNick Entered on: August 19, 2008 10:48 AM
We just won't mention how many push-ups I can do. Once I make it big as an artist, I shall hold that skill over all of you who are in better shape than me. I will hold it up and laugh as my coffers fill with gold.
From: John Entered on: August 19, 2008 11:13 AM

As your coffers fill suddenly you feel a sharp pain in your chest, oh no, it's a heart attack. Next thing you know you're dead and your filling coffers don't mean shit. Well at least your kids will benefit. Hopefully this doesn't happen but when you're overweight the chances are greater. This is why I'm working my ass off because I want to be around for my kids and grandkids.

From: Bunky Entered on: August 19, 2008 11:34 AM
My brother graduated top in his class from the Air Force Academy. I will be sure and let him know him that classifies him in the kitty family Bone.
From: John Entered on: August 19, 2008 11:55 AM

Bone, wasn't your OCS bootcamp just like the Marines? I watch the Military channel sometimes and the Marines bootcamp is considered the hardest. I have heard Air Force bootcamp is the least hard. I however mean no disrespect to someone that graduates at the top of their class.

From: BigFatty Entered on: August 19, 2008 12:59 PM
The Bone said:


50 push ups seems like a normal amount for any human you grab off the street.

Dude.  Where are you living??  F'n Melrose Place?  I think I want to live in your world.  How absurd is that statement??  You got Jack living in Uncle Remus's world with birds landing on his shoulders while he whistles to work, with shouts of 'Hello Jack!' everywhere.  Then you got Bone's world... aka Melrose Place.  Just perpetually fit people, pin-up girls and pussy. 

I am guessing Joe Average can do 10-20 push-ups.  The push-up program states this as well, but I call them BS, so my statement stands only on my experience with people.  Lets take a poll of JA members.  Ross what was your total before the program?  Rad?  NickNick?  Robo?  Swerb?  Monkey?  Do a set tonight for 'research' sake.

From: NickNick Entered on: August 19, 2008 1:04 PM
John said:

As your coffers fill suddenly you feel a sharp pain in your chest, oh no, it's a heart attack. Next thing you know you're dead and your filling coffers don't mean shit. Well at least your kids will benefit. Hopefully this doesn't happen but when you're overweight the chances are greater. This is why I'm working my ass off because I want to be around for my kids and grandkids.

I'm not denying the increased potential for an early release due to my physique. I am however miffed at the total lack of physical prowess that I posess. I beleive, at my best, I was able to do 25 push-ups.
From: Radmobile Entered on: August 19, 2008 1:16 PM

Well, the other day I did arround 25 (mostly out of boredom). I could've probably done some more but I wouldn't imagine much more than 30 without practice. Perhaps I'll try again tonight to see where my limit is.

Perhaps 50 is a reasonable number for "in shape" people, but that certainly doesn't seem like the average state of affairs.  Not in my neghborhood anyway.

From: Creeko Entered on: August 19, 2008 2:05 PM

For research's sake, I pumped out 20 just to see if I could and surprisingly enough, I had a few more left in the clip.

Back when I was "Ab-Man" (note the hyphen) I could manage 100 push-ups and it wasn't even that hard. Now-a-days I go by the name of Flab-Man!

From: Bunky Entered on: August 19, 2008 2:51 PM

Bells, I don't think Bone should mock some kid he doesn't even know. Because he choose the Air Force doesn't make him a pansy, it may have suited his interested more so than the Navy.

I went on 2 dates in college with a Navy Seal (that was all I could take). Should I assume, based on my experience, that all Navy men have over-inflated egos and spend extra hours at the gym overcompensating for some shortcoming?

I could make a stupid general statement like any monkey who can pass a written test and physical can enlist in the military and go off to boot camp...

My brother's best friend and roommate broken his arm and dislocated his shoulder during the beginning of survival training. He was captured and tortured like all the others, and received medical attention a week or so later after the completetion of the exercise.

I wonder how many push ups Bone could do with a dislocated shoulder and broken arm?

My brother choose to attend the Air Force Academy because of his interest in one of their undergraduate programs, as well as his interest in serving in the military. As with all the military academies, you have to apply for acceptance, and it is based on many factors. 

My brother is one of the most well rounded individuals you will ever meet. He is both athletic and brilliant. He has had an exceptional career because of his Air Force experience, one that even the Bone would find impressive.

From: Jackzilla Entered on: August 19, 2008 3:40 PM


Bone - Looks like you got more kissing up to do...

From: Swerb Entered on: August 19, 2008 6:22 PM
BigFatty said:

I am guessing Joe Average can do 10-20 push-ups.  The push-up program states this as well, but I call them BS, so my statement stands only on my experience with people.  Lets take a poll of JA members.  Ross what was your total before the program?  Rad?  NickNick?  Robo?  Swerb?  Monkey?  Do a set tonight for 'research' sake.

I just hit the floor and pumped out 50 push-ups. This from a guy who works out about twice a week and honestly, not all that hard (and is feeling crappy from drinking beer and eating shitty food all day yesterday). Of course, 50 is probably my upper limit - I was lacking a bit of oxygen when I stood up...

From: Ross Entered on: August 19, 2008 9:39 PM

Well, this is the last I'm going to comment on the topic because it's gone full ridiculous, but Fatty is right - I independently surmised that 10-20 is probably average for a man before I read his post.  Neither Bells nor Bone apparently has any real understanding of what an average person's strength level is, not that that's necessarily a bad thing - reality is harsh, and people tend to be weaker than stronger people would realize.  I started at 27 as my max so I don't reckon I'm much sweeter.  And unfortunately, I've been feeling extremely shitty for the past couple of weeks and haven't kept up with my program.

As for the average capability, I speak from a more informed position on this matter simply because I'm working with a bunch of dudes who are doing the challenge, and I hear them talk.  They're essentially in teh same boat as Fatty and I - we all started somewhere in the high twenties to low thirties, and we all faced the same hurdles around week 3 of the program.  These are completely normally built people, some of whom play sports on a regular basis, even. 

So yes, props to you pushup masters, consider your egos stroked.  But you are atypical and we are typical.


From: The Bone Entered on: August 19, 2008 10:11 PM

Good lord. I make an offhand quip about the Airforce physical fitness test and Bunky launches into a multi-paragraph tirade? Someone's a little sensative.  I don't even care about the Airforce or your impressive brother. They're both fine and dandy.

As for the Melorse place I live in it's true. I work with people who have personel pride. They find the time to work out and yes most can do 50 push ups - even some of the girls. Second, I live in Hawaii where outdoor sports are very popular. I know many guys that are 10, even 20 years older than me that are in great physical shape. It's a choice. Do you want to sit around all day at work in front of a computer monitor followed by more sitting in front of a TV or video game console?

Big props to Swerb for being in the man club. According to Fatty and Bert the membership must be at an all time low in the modern era.



From: NickNick Entered on: August 20, 2008 12:02 AM
You're completely right, Bone. Those of us who can't meet the 50 push up limit must sit on our ass all day. There's no way we could be carting children around, feeding babies, working on other personal projects other than trying to impress myself with my body. No way one could possibly spend 3 to 4 hours a night working on something as meaningless as a comic book or a web page AFTER you get the kids to bed.
From: The Bone Entered on: August 20, 2008 12:34 AM

There's certainly the possibility of carting children around, feeding babies, personal projects (jacking off?). It's not about impressing yourself with your body, it's keeping youself in good working order to have quality of life with your kids and setting a good example for them to follow.

Everbody has shit to do. I don't believe for one second you don't have time in your day you lazy farmer. Being sloppy simply doesn't bother you. You don't have the courage, resolution, and discipline to exercise and stay fit. You'd rather jump up on Jackassery while eating you manufatured food item that's loaded with high fructose corn syrup.

From: BigFatty Entered on: August 20, 2008 4:15 AM

Afraid the Bone is right here, Nick.  Although I am no poster child for health and fitness, I do know it does not take a lot of time, it is the effort that stops most people.  If you have 20 minutes a day, you can become more than reasonably fit.  You don't need a lot (or any) equipment.  But the 20 minutes are killers.  The key is short, intense workouts that encompass full body movements.  I am trying this out this month, a non-equipment, home-styled work-out, to see what results I get.  Just push-ups, squats, and crunches.  Plus, a daily walk for any hour, but if you only have 20 minutes, sprints are a much better substitute.  Do 20 second sprints, 4-6 times for a workout.

Of course, you should ramp up the intensity.  That will come naturally anyways.  The begining weeks is getting your body used to the exercises and getting it to handle the work.  Sprinting especially.  Do moderate sprinting the first few times so your muscles, tendons, and ligaments have some time to strengthen.

Don't even have 20 minutes?  The burpee beatdown will whip you into shape in 5 minutes.  1/3 of those 5 minutes you are resting.  It looks and sounds easy??  Once you try it once (and I doubt you will make even 6 cycles - about 3 minutes), it will take all your maniless to start up the Beatdown the next time.

From: RobotSpider Entered on: August 20, 2008 7:39 AM
The Bone said:


As for the Melorse place I live in it's true. I work with people who have personel pride. They find the time to work out and yes most can do 50 push ups - even some of the girls. Second, I live in Hawaii where outdoor sports are very popular. I know many guys that are 10, even 20 years older than me that are in great physical shape. It's a choice. Do you want to sit around all day at work in front of a computer monitor followed by more sitting in front of a TV or video game console?

Pride? Try vanity.  First, if you couldn't do XX pushups, you weren't a 'man'. Now, you don't [shouldn't?] have any personal pride?  And what you call sitting "around all day", I call making a living.

I'm fat. But I can still run around with my son in the backyard. I push him in the jogger while I skate behind him.  I backpack.  And yes, I "sit in front of a video game console".  Don't tell me what "it's about".  The only time I was ever thin was high school football, and I will never find 3 hours/night, 5 days a week ever again.  I do what I can, but don't enjoy the luxury of enough free time to follow a system.

It's funny that fit people love tell others that it's not that hard to be fit.  And people with a lot of money tell others it's not hard to make money.  And Star-Bellied Sneetches tell those without one upon thars that it's not hard to be Star-Bellied Sneetch.  Speaking as someone with a lot of empathy, I know it's hard for some people see things from another's point of view, but I know it's beyond many peoples' ability to do so.

It's reassuring to know that, despite what my friends and family said growing up, people do care about what's on the outside.  And whenever I have to talk or interact with someone during the day, that person is walking away with an informed appraisal of my level of self-dignity.  Obviously being healthy is important, I'm not saying it's not. I am saying you worry about you, and I'll worry about me.

Now, if you men are done measuring your cocks, and MET-Rx chat, can we get back to Photoshopping Bunky into awkward situations?  Please?

From: RobotSpider Entered on: August 20, 2008 7:43 AM

Here's a palette cleanser for everyone:


From: Radmobile Entered on: August 20, 2008 8:17 AM

Item one: Mad props for the star-bellied sneetches reference. Now if only I could work in a reference to the pale green pants with nobody inside them.

Item two: That fail picture is a huge technical foul.

From: RobotSpider Entered on: August 20, 2008 9:13 AM
Radmobile said:

Item two: That fail picture is a huge technical foul.

Hey, blame the good people at Bryers for that one.   I just posted the pic. :)  I'll spare you my tirade on evil marketing people.  But that's what happens when your ad, graphics, and marketing divisions aren't in the same state.

From: Bunky Entered on: August 20, 2008 9:26 AM

Thank you Robot.

I blew a Bunky gasket because this whole push up thing that started off as a joke has gone completely ridiculous.

First off, my husband has a couple of nephews who are overweight, but could probably outbench and push up most of the people on here. So what?

I just found it funny that Bone makes a stupid remark about the kid doing the push ups, instead of questioning why there is a push challenge going on at Bad Andy's sister in law's party? I personally have not experienced any off this nonsense at a party since high school...

Bone, I am not feeling sensitive, nor have I ever been one to give a shit what other people think about me. I do things for myself because my I have a family history of heart disease and diabetes, and I have an obligation to my children to be healty.

I personally believe that you need to do things for yourself. I don't watch TV, I pack a lot into a day, and my XBOX time comes after bedtime or when I am traveling for work.

Fatty, get back to grabbing my boobs before they start to sag and Bone has Ross remove me from the site (oh yeah, and I like it)! Is that better Robot?

Bone, I hope this won't prevent you from posting your after picture at the end of August. I wouldn't want to this to screw Fatty, Jack, and Bells out of a shirtless (tanned?) Bone in boxers picKiss

From: Jackzilla Entered on: August 20, 2008 9:49 AM

Back on topic (did I just say that?):  I'm considering going primal myself for a month and seeing what happens.  What are you people eating?  I know Bells is drinking a protein shake for breakfast.  There's gotta be something more interesting than that.  Any lunch or dinner ideas?

From: Radmobile Entered on: August 20, 2008 9:52 AM
Just out of is a protein shake conisidered going primal?
From: RobotSpider Entered on: August 20, 2008 10:20 AM
Radmobile said:
Just out of is a protein shake conisidered going primal?


Perhaps this picture from the Dawn of Man will shed some light...


From: NickNick Entered on: August 20, 2008 11:12 AM
Jackzilla said:

Back on topic (did I just say that?):  I know Bells is drinking a protein shake for breakfast. 

Dude. I didn't know you were THAT comfortable with Brokeback Mountain.
From: The Bone Entered on: August 20, 2008 11:20 AM

Robot - my comment about sitting around all day is misinterpretated. Most people sit around all day at work - me included.  I sat around all day at my last job staring at a computer monitor. It was draining but I snuck out for a 20 min workout during lunch whenever I found the time, or after work. I just don't want to compound the problem by sitting around in fron of my computer or TV all day on the weekends either. I'm for video games as well. There's an entertainment factor there as well. Nothing is more stress relieving and satisfying than when I handed Bunky her ass at Gears of War on my first and only time playing. I disagree about the vanity vs personal pride. Humans aren't meant to be obese. It's a product of our sedentary lifestyles and our access to large quantities of cheap processed food. You want to get suckered in to all that. Have at it. I'm not advocating spending 3 hours a day exerciseing. It's absurd and a waste of time. I'm advocating eating no twinkies and maybe 20-45 mins of exercise. Surely in 24 hrs you can find that time. You don't need a gym membership. It's free as fuck. All you need is resolve. And I wasn't always in shape. I've had periods where I let myself go. I just felt like shit and did something about it. Same with Creeko. He was getting chunky in his college days and turned into a super ripped ab man. It can be done. Probably easier than you think.

Bunky -  I'm sorry you take particular offense to the Air Force comment. It's a well known joke in military circles so I didn't think it would get anyone's panties too bunched up. (not that I'm overly concerned with that) Even the Air Force friends I know joke about it. There's a reason the kid fresh out of boot camp can only do 43 pushups when from personal experience, every last male out of Navy OCS could do somewhere in the order of 70-114 pushups in 2 mins. Call it a stupid comment if you want. It seems I'm a controversial figure on JA these days.

From: Jackzilla Entered on: August 20, 2008 11:36 AM

Bone - "blah blah blah"   What did you have for breakfast?  Help a newbie-Primal out, ninja!

From: NickNick Entered on: August 20, 2008 11:37 AM
Yeah, you're just a jerk. :) Isn't that sort of the point of Jackass. We're not all supposed to play nice. It isn't any fun then. As for the time to work out, you're correct, it is about resolve. My wife and I are both trying (in vain, so far) to get back to healthier eating and a workout routine.
From: Bunky Entered on: August 20, 2008 11:39 AM
Bone, my panties were not all bunched up. I don't wear any when I am responding to your posts or looking at your before photo. As for Air Force comment, I really was not offended at the comment, just suprised you did not ream Bells for throwing down a Push Up Challenge at a random party. However, I do think my brother is pretty sweet! I am sure I would be willing to overlook this whole incident if you were to post some photos of yourself doing pushups (shirtless, in boxers, ofcourse).
From: Jackzilla Entered on: August 20, 2008 12:31 PM

I think what Bunky really means is that she has no use for Bone above the shoulders.  Smile

From: BigFatty Entered on: August 20, 2008 12:35 PM

Another JA golden topic!  Push-ups, piss-ups, pussy-ups.  Who would have thunk it.  It is as surprising as the Mini-van discussion.

Don't worry, I will keep the thread updated on the 100 push-up program.  It is an impossible program, but I am sticking to it for proof.  I had to drop a level to stay with the program.  We will see how that works out.  Weeks 3-4 are the same, then week 5 they have another 'magical' jump.  They tell you to do your max push-ups, then rest 60 seconds and do almost as many.  I'll stick with the program, but complain all the way.  Thats what Fatty does best.

Jack - dude... primal is the easiest thing in the world to do.  You eat meat, veggies, fruit, nuts, and bugs if so inclined.  Scramble up some eggs, it takes 2 minutes.  Throw some bacon and veggies in if you like.  I do eggs a few times a week with bacon.  Some quick days are some nuts and seeds and maybe a piece of fruit later on.  Its important to have plenty of protien and fat, cuz that keeps you from getting hungry - healthier fat choices are from plants (olive oil, nuts, etc.)  My basic rule of thumb is to always have protien with every eating.

Rad is right... technically a protien shake is not 'primal'... but it is one of those things that some people need to do to get the extra protien.  Some are much better for you than others, primally speaking.

From: The Bone Entered on: August 20, 2008 12:48 PM

Zilla - I just ate some Bison, a banana, and some fresh figs for breakfast. That's not my usual though. I'll normally eat a couple hard boiled eggs, some frozen blueberries and blackberries, mixed with walnuts.


Nick - I think the most important aspect of getting fitter is making it a part of you daily routine. Even if you just go through the motions it's still good because cements the habit. Like brushing your teeth, it becomes a part of your daily life. If I'm tired and don't feel like working out, I'll just stretch for 20 mins and maybe throw in a couple situps and pushups. I rarely go beyond 30 mins in a workout. I'll go for a long walk from time to time but I don't consider it a workout, it's just nice to get some fresh air and take in the sites. I'll rarely run or do dedicated cardio. I think it's uneccessary and very boring. I'll do it every once in a great while just for variety. Changing my diet is the toughest part. As Bells knows, I have no self control when faced with something tastey like pizza, burgers, Dove bars. It's just something I conciously choose to do. Let's face it, we are a nation of softies who don't like to anything uncomfortable. Every once in a while it's appropriate to adopt The Hard Routine  which is as much about forging mental strength and character than it is about health and fitness. No vanity here, just old fashioned manliness and mental resolve.


From: BigFatty Entered on: August 20, 2008 1:42 PM
The Bone said:

Zilla - I just ate some Bison, a banana, and some fresh figs for breakfast. That's not my usual though. I'll normally eat a couple hard boiled eggs, some frozen blueberries and blackberries, mixed with walnuts.

Thats right Jack, take it from Melrose.  You go get some Bison and figs.  Go ask for some Bison at Meijer.  They shave it fresh off of a live buffalo in the back.  As far as figs...  I can just see you eating figs.

If you go back far enough in the historical record, you certainly will find that man hunted and gathered Scrambled Eggs and Ham Hot Pockets (TM), so you might be all right.

From: The Bone Entered on: August 20, 2008 1:47 PM

Another thought if I may; I don't regard any single feat of physical strength or endurance as a measure of manliness. I was just bustin Fatty's balls for letting himself get out of shape. With Bells piling on, it snowballed out of control. The most important thing about the 100 push up challenge in my opinion is the fact that it forges mental resolve in meeting the goal. That's why I fully encourage Bert and Fatty to complete it in earnest. The fact that they'll be able to do 100 push ups is inconsequential. It won't make them any fitter. What it will do is harden their character and serve as a building block to other things.

This concept doesn't just apply to the physical realm as well. I view exercise and physical capability in the same realm as intellectual capability. Those who are weak mentally deride those who are physically weaker as inferior and those who are intellectually superior view those who are stronger as inferior. Both views are myopic. It's really about improving all aspects of yourself.

Little known fact about me. I've always had difficulty learning math. I was the mathmatical equivelent of a fat, out of shape kid who lost his breath going up a flight of stairs. I scraped by algebra, geometry, trig by the narrowest or margins. I took the easy/lazy route and dropped out of pre-calc because it was unecessary to graduate. In college, I substituted math with logic. Again, the lazy route. When I decided to join the Navy, I failed the math portion of the test to become an officer.  At that point I realized what a  lazy, undisciplined  fuck I was throughout my educational years. I decided at that point to do something about it. I checked out several mathmatics books and buckled down for over a month and learned all the math I'd avoided in the past. It wasn't easy and took dedication but I knew all the people that passed that test weren't superior to me.  The next time I took the test, I kicked ass.

So to sum it up, if you are neglecting your health and fitness, you are doing yourself a huge disservice. To say you don't have time is an enormous fallicy. If you believe that you are delusional. You can do the burpee beatdown 5 times a week. It takes 6 mins total. You don't need any equipment save a timer. If you did only this workout and nothing else for a year, you would be ridiculously fit. The only problem is it takes a great deal of mental resolve and an ability to give a shit.

From: The Bone Entered on: August 20, 2008 1:52 PM
BigFatty said:
The Bone said:

Zilla - I just ate some Bison, a banana, and some fresh figs for breakfast. That's not my usual though. I'll normally eat a couple hard boiled eggs, some frozen blueberries and blackberries, mixed with walnuts.


Thats right Jack, take it from Melrose. You go get some Bison and figs. Go ask for some Bison at Meijer. They shave it fresh off of a live buffalo in the back. As far as figs... I can just see you eating figs.

If you go back far enough in the historical record, you certainly will find that man hunted and gathered Scrambled Eggs and Ham Hot Pockets (TM), so you might be all right.

Maybe not at Meijer but certainly here.

From: NickNick Entered on: August 20, 2008 2:18 PM
Call me ignorant, because I am. What exactly is the Burpee Beatdown. I tried to google it and all I got was rubbish. Give me some direction and maybe I'll get some motivation. I'll also post up a just married pic and a now pic of me as additional motivation. I apologize if this last step causes any type of sickness on anyone's part.
From: BigFatty Entered on: August 20, 2008 3:33 PM

HAHAHA!  Sprik Farms.  Not only are they Buffalo farmers, but they are laywers!  Sprik and Anderson.  I am sure we all remember their comericials - yes, they hyped the buffalos then too.

Nick - why Google when it is all on JA???  Shame on you....

It cannot be understated.  This simple exercise is an assWHOOPER, especially done in Tabata intervals.  It is all explained in the link.  The bottom line is, you get an intense workout in less than 5 minutes.  After the first workout, you will be scared of doing it again.  This is when your mental resolve comes in.  My second time, it took me 30 minutes to sike myself up and actually start the workout.

Here is a brief summary...  20 seconds burpees, 10 seconds rest, repeat until puking (maybe 6 cycles if you are sweet).

From: NickNick Entered on: August 20, 2008 4:07 PM
All right. That's it. I'm going to give it a try. I've cried off pop again. Haven't had any since this morning. (I have to start somewhere). My sandwich for dinner was even an unwich (without the bun.) Keep an eye on the obits tomorrow to see if I'm dead.
From: Bunky Entered on: August 20, 2008 4:11 PM
Bone stop, the intelligent side of you is making me hernie and it is hard to work, keep taking pants off, and type on my Blackberry!
From: Ross Entered on: August 20, 2008 7:32 PM

Well I decided to chime back in because while I think Bone's heart might be mostly in the right place (with the exception of his douchebag jabs about people's manliness), and perhaps he's trying to motivate people in some Bone-only-knows kind of way, I believe he is mistaken on a very key point: "getting fit" is all about, or at least mostly about, vanity.  That doesn't make it bad, nor am I judging that at all.  But it's not about health.  There is no good evidence that "fit" people live longer or better quality lives than "out of shape" or even "fat" people.  Now, if you go too far in either direction, your quality of life starts to drop off - of course we find many more morbidly obese people who acquire type 2 diabetes and other complicating ill health effects than people who suffer from working out too much. Furthermore, it's not even clear that exercise is fundamental to managing your weight anyway.  Seriously.

But to say that someone who doesn't work out on a regular basis lacks personal pride is not only absurd and purposely inflammatory but demonstrably wrong.  Maintaining an above-average fitness level is a conscious choice, nothing more, and for most people is a matter of priorities.  For instance, it changes in my priority list over time - during my immediate post-college years it was not a priority, then around 1999, exercise and diet became my very top priority (mostly due to vanity because I was a fat ass).  Never once would I have said my level of personal pride changed over that course of time - my priorities simply shifted. Once Heather was pregnant and since Logan was born, my priorities have since shifted a bit further away from my exercise plans.  It's not always even a conscious choice, but sometimes a way of coping with new situations.

Anyway, the bottom line is this:  moderate exercise is good for you, and being obese is bad for you, but doing 50 pushups, benching 200+ pounds, or going primal (which, sorry guys, is at least partly Bullshit - I'm going to have to have Penn and Teller do an episode on it) is not key to your health in any way shape or form. 

So stop confusing "fitness" with "health".  And don't try to frame the argument as "you have time to keep yourself healthy so you can be around for your kids!" when your advocated solution for relatively normal people is to start an exercise program - they are not risking their health!  If you want to motivate people to get in shape so that they are happier with their body image (not an ignoble goal, in my opinion), just admit it, because that's really the underlying reason.


From: Ross Entered on: August 20, 2008 7:14 PM

By the way, I didn't write the above to in any way excuse my current relative lack of fitness - I'm rather aggravated by it as well, and am working to try to figure out a manageable way to improve it - but I don't have any illusions about doing so for health reasons.  It's almost entirely vanity, plain and simple.  And I'm confident enough to admit that.

From: Bunky Entered on: August 20, 2008 7:41 PM
Sweet! Ross is back!
From: The Bone Entered on: August 20, 2008 8:34 PM

I'm willing to concede that vanity plays a part in my motivation to stay fit but not nearly as much as you would like to believe. A large part of it is because I enjoy various sports which require a level of fitness to be successful. If you'll notice, I've completely abandoned both bodybuilder and a power lifter modalities of training for functional fitness. I've been doing crossfit style workouts for over 5 yrs now. The goal isn't to be more muscular or stronger - just to have a great base to survive in heavy, life threatening waves, or maintain comptetiveness in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, or even to go on an arduous hike with a hot chick.

I feel vanity is a little strong though. Despite Bert's objection to quoting the dictionary - vanity is having excessive pride in one's appearance or accomplishments. How you define excessive is different for everyone. I suspect that those who have difficulty maintaining lower levels of bodyfat and who have difficulty motivating themselves take a more aggressive view of what's excessive. For me 20-30 mins of my time 3-5 times a week doesn't require an excessive amount of pride - just a reasonable amount.

Being fit is a tremendous boost to morale. I've been soft and out of shape before and I honestly didn't feel great about it. Ask Bell's how sweet he feels now compared to when he was on the Bill Phillips program. Almost universally, POWs would exercise and maintain grooming standards to the best of their ability because it gave them a sense of purpose and bolstered personnal pride. It certainly wasn't vanity for them.

I seek easy ways to incorporate diet and excercise in my life. The primal blueprint may have elements of bullshit for sure but it's very easy to incorporate and seems to work pretty well so far. My modified version of crossfit is equally easy to maintain and consumes very little of my time.

Finally for Bunky - why would I ream Bells for throwing a push up contest down at a party? When Bells is drunk there's no telling what's going to happen. You may be merrily enjoying your beer at a Christmas party when all of a sudden you find yourself being pulled into a jiu jitsu competition. Bells gets physical when drunk and a push up contest is the least suprising outcome.


From: Ross Entered on: August 20, 2008 9:02 PM

I totally agree about feeling better, both physically and mentally, as a result of exercise.  I just got done with a run and I feel 10 times better than before I started.  And I generally enjoy life more when I'm in good shape. 

Even so, like you say, Bone, it mostly boils down to vanity vs pride.  You accused those of not exercising with having no pride, but it seems to me that your implied personal definition of pride (surviving in heavy waves, wrestling, or impressing women with your hiking skills) is by no means what an average person's is or should be.  In fact some would probably say yours do boil down to vanity.  So I have to say that you are unfairly characterizing "pride" to fit your own proclivities and it's rather obnoxious, quite frankly.  But I guess we don't call this site Jackassery for nothing.

I will say that meeting and overcoming challenges and a quest for personal growth, in some form or another, is an essential point of pride.  But it doesn't even have to be physical at all for some people.  You ought to acknowledge that.

From: The Bone Entered on: August 20, 2008 9:22 PM

It's more than pride vs vanity. Part of it is looking professional which I include keeping bodyfat levels at a lower level. Part of it is physical conditioning to be able to do the things I enjoy as I advance in years. Part of it is the mental challenge of grinding out a tough workout - knowing that I could have given up and relaxed but choosing to reach my goal despite great physical discomfort.

Certainly you can achieve accomplishments to be proud of in other arenas. Nick Nick's comic book is one example where he has every right to be proud of himself.

The pride I speak of stems from being able to look at yourself in the mirror and know that you are prepared for mental and physical challenges whether you are called upon or not. It's something that has always seperated the warrior class from the merchant class so I guess I shouldn't expect everyone to understand.

From: Bunky Entered on: August 20, 2008 10:33 PM
Thanks for clarifying Bone. I was not aware that was the norm for drunken Bells. Perhaps that is why I found it a little odd, and you would not. To the Bone/Ross debate: My last boss (that I worked under for 10 years), was under constant stress. They only way he could release his stress was by going to gym and doing an intense work out. In fact, this was the norm for many of the type A personalities at my job. So much so, that the owner built a gym in our new building for all employees to use. He also brought his personal trainer out to show employees how to use the equipment. There were showers in the men's and women's restrooms so employees could go before work, or at lunch. My boss was not doing it for vanity reasons. He was extremely athletic, played sports most of his life, and it was the only way he could keep his temper in check. If vanity were an issue, he would not have worked out in those awful spandex shorts, and laughed when we called him Marble Bags. I know many people who work out as a hobby and stress release. As with anything in life, you need to do it for yourself.
From: Swerb Entered on: August 20, 2008 11:07 PM

Here, I was all ready to make a sort of broad, generalized statement based on my own particular philosophy/worldview, and perhaps inadvertently piss off everyone else in the discussion and prompt angry, defensive responses (occasionally laced with links to articles supporting my argument), but decided against it.

Did I mention I can do 50 pushups? It's because my wang is small. Less weight to lift off the ground.

Bone works out and Fs chicks because it's fun and it makes him feel good. I listen to heavy metal because it's fun and it makes me feel good. Everybody else plays video games because it's fun and it feels good. I mean, c'mon people, (sniff) can't we all just get along?

From: NickNick Entered on: August 20, 2008 11:27 PM

Pride plays a huge role in a lot of it. I can't speak for everyone of course, but it's my lack of pride that makes it hard for me to work out. I don't feel that I deserve to be a fit hunk of man. (This is in no way an attempt at pity.)

I have every right to be proud of my comic book, but it's truly hard to feel that way. I do it mostly because I HAVE to... no other way around it. Much in the same way that Bone needs to work out. I get antzy if I don't.

And no, Swerb, we can't get along. I think you're an ass..... that is unless, you can get someone from the press to do a featured article on me.

From: NickNick Entered on: August 20, 2008 11:48 PM

And now, it's time to make everyone fell really good about their bodies... or to vomit. Here it is folks My "before" picture.





Nicholas McFatty

From: Jackzilla Entered on: August 21, 2008 12:26 AM

That's what I get for checkin' in to JA before I go to bed.

Really?  NickNick's hairy nipples gets to be the image I go to bed with?  Fuck!  Here comes another night of shitty dreams!

From: NickNick Entered on: August 21, 2008 7:22 AM
SWEET!!! My life is complete. Two words, Zilla. Hair Ball.
From: Ross Entered on: August 21, 2008 7:46 AM
Swerb said:

Here, I was all ready to make a sort of broad, generalized statement based on my own particular philosophy/worldview, and perhaps inadvertently piss off everyone else in the discussion and prompt angry, defensive responses (occasionally laced with links to articles supporting my argument), but decided against it.

Did supporting your argument with actual evidence actually become a bad thing while I wasn't paying attention?

From: John Entered on: August 21, 2008 10:54 AM

Do you hear that noise, it's Bert sucking all the humor out of the room again.

From: The Bone Entered on: August 21, 2008 1:09 PM
Ross said:
Swerb said:

Here, I was all ready to make a sort of broad, generalized statement based on my own particular philosophy/worldview, and perhaps inadvertently piss off everyone else in the discussion and prompt angry, defensive responses (occasionally laced with links to articles supporting my argument), but decided against it.

Did supporting your argument with actual evidence actually become a bad thing while I wasn't paying attention?

Like quoting such definitive articles from the BBC and New York magazine? Gosh, there's no way I could possibly do a google search and find articles supporting my point of view that exercise (along with proper diet) is a key element to mainting lower levels of bodyfat and play a role in longetivity as well as quality of life.

Here's a broad, generalized statement based on my own particular philosophy which I feel compelled to share; even if exercise doesn't do a damn thing for your health it's still manly. Physical feats are manly. Competition is manly. Strength and physical prowess is very much respected around the globe. We elevate a man to super star status simply because he can pummel another in the boxing ring, or because he can run the 100 meters faster than anyone else. In this world there are men and males and then of course women.

From: Creeko Entered on: August 21, 2008 1:26 PM

I don't know... if Bert doesn't care for people who quote the dictionary, I don't see how a link to an article to support his argument is any different. I think the dictionary is more commonly accepted as a reference than a news web site. (last I checked the dictionary doesn't sell ad space).

From: John Entered on: August 21, 2008 3:29 PM
Creeko said:

I don't know... if Bert doesn't care for people who quote the dictionary, I don't see how a link to an article to support his argument is any different. I think the dictionary is more commonly accepted as a reference than a news web site. (last I checked the dictionary doesn't sell ad space).

It's so funny but Zilla and I were thinking the same thing. I just didn't say anything because I thought it might reignite that whole debate again. Well said, Creeko.

From: Ross Entered on: August 21, 2008 4:19 PM

Well, you are incorrect, and I already explained why the diictionary isn't a good source, go back and fucking read it before you accuse me of being sloppy. 

Futhermore Bone, if you can cite the examples, do it.  That's how debate actually works.  The articles - if you care to read them - are reporting on what is foudn in studies, which are what we call science.  If you can refute me, do it - don't just claim that you can.

The fact that you're unwilling or unable to tell the difference between BBC online and the source it's reporting, which is the Journal of the American Medical Association pretty much sums up why it's clear that you don't know what the hell you're talking about.

From: Bunky Entered on: August 21, 2008 5:53 PM
Ross, before you ask Bone to read your studies, I suggest you do so before you post them as a source in your debate. First off, the report in BBC in April of 2005, I would not consider a study. The US team looked at data from three US surveys about health and nutrition carried out in the 70s, 80s and 90s. It would be more of a retrospective analysis based on data collected. In other words, it doesn't mean shit. This is not a clinical trial. It is a summary of surveys with a ridiculous amount of variables. There is a huge possibility that people in fact lied when being surveyed, and there is no way to measure the impact that would have on outcomes. Second, the method they used to determine BMI (calculated by divide a person's weight in kilograms by the square of their height in meters) also has a large margin for error. If you take someone with an athletic build (a football player for example) that is quite muscular, and calculate their BMI using this method, he will automatically have a elevated BMI just based on the fact that his muscle mass weighs more than fat. The article completely contradicts itself. You have one guy saying "Even though we are getting fatter, in a society that is putting more emphasis on a healthier lifestyle, the impact may be lessened. Here are some quotes from your article that argue against that school of thought: The people who lived the longest of all were those with BMIs of 25, which lies between the ideal and overweight margins. In comparison, there were 112,000 extra deaths among the obese category and nearly 34,000 extra deaths among the underweight category. US researchers recently estimated that, based on the current obesity levels, life spans could fall by between four months and nine months. If the rise in obesity - 50% a decade in both the 1980s and 1990s in the US - was not stopped, the team said it could fall by two to five years within decades. Dr William Cochran, a nutritionist for Pennsylvania's Geisinger Health System in the US, said the new research could cause confusion about whether being overweight is unhealthy. "I think like most things, it's a mixed bag and the truth is not always black and white. "But there is positively, absolutely, undeniably no doubt that being obese is not good for you."
From: Ross Entered on: August 21, 2008 6:34 PM

It's basically impossible to do a clinical trial when it comes to overall diet, for exactly the reasons you cite, mainly that people lie.  So in other words, it's the best data we have, and it is hardly worthless.  I will grant that meta studies are less reliable than actual ones, but even one study (or trial) cannot be considered definitive.  It takes an entire body of literature to lead us toward some level of confidence, and I was only citing one example that is merely presenting evidence that it isn't clear that being "fit" makes you live longer.  Bone is, rather was (he seems to have recanted and reverted to argument from vanity) making the claim that unless you exercise, you won't live to see you kids grow up, and that's just not a well-supported argument.

In any case, props to you Bunky for calling me out - I haven't read the study myself either (I assume it's like most journals in that you have to pay to read them directly) but I have seen that study cited numerous times.  So while I don't necessarily agree with your conclusions, at least you appear to have some respect for an argumentative technique beyond merely stating your opinion forecfully and passing it off as fact.

From: Bunky Entered on: August 21, 2008 7:18 PM
Harvard has been doing obesity and diet studies in mice, and looking at longevity, the long term effects of insulin, and the role it plays in life spans. I deal with clinical trials all day long for work, and in my opinion, they are all flawed to some degree.
From: NickNick Entered on: August 21, 2008 8:32 PM

This is just plain silly. We're arguing over what type of healthy is healthy. Guess what.... if you lead a healthy lifestyle; eat a variety of foods (heavy on veggies and fruits) mantain a somewhat active lifestyle and try and reduce stress, then you're going to, most likely live a longer life. There are always exceptions to the rule. The high school athlete who died of a heart attack, the olympic runner who died of a heart attack. Hell, on the other side of the coin, I used to have a guy come into the gas station I worked at and he was around 80. He'd been smoking for 60 years. Pall Mall unfiltered. He usually followed those with a couple cans of beer and a nice greasy jerky stick.

Look. The whole point should be to try and live a healthy, happy life. It really shouldn't matter HOW you do it. You could live your life obsessed with your body weight and muscle mass and how many push ups you can do and then be eaten by a shark.... or you could live your life obsessing over studies on the best way to live healthy and then be attacked and killed by rabid squirrels.

Taking it THIS FAR kind of defeats the purpose of trying to live a healthy life, don't ya think?

From: Jackzilla Entered on: August 21, 2008 8:54 PM
Ross said:

Well, you are incorrect, and I already explained why the diictionary isn't a good source, go back and fucking read it before you accuse me of being sloppy.

Other than Bert, am I the only one that doesn't understand why -- in an argument over the meaning of a word -- referencing the dictionary is bad?

From: Jackzilla Entered on: August 21, 2008 9:07 PM

In other news...

Guess who ate bison for dinner tonight, a-holes?!  Yes!  Meijer has bison and I was loving my man-style!

Bone - How do you like your bison prepared?  We fixed it on the grill.  (I didn't even have A-1 Steak Sauce (tm) with it, it was too corn-fructosey for my primal ass).   I also discovered tuna steak (that was lunch!).  I hope I don't get the shakes tonight from Hot-Pocket (tm) withdrawal.

From: Bunky Entered on: August 21, 2008 9:26 PM
Did Bells come over and enjoy the Bison as well? Did you enjoy it with a side of berries?
From: Jackzilla Entered on: August 21, 2008 9:33 PM

Actually, Bells was jealous of my lunch:  Tuna steak with berries and melon!  I also had some almonds for a snack.  No insects today.

From: John Entered on: August 21, 2008 9:37 PM
Jackzilla said:
Ross said:

Well, you are incorrect, and I already explained why the diictionary isn't a good source, go back and fucking read it before you accuse me of being sloppy.

Other than Bert, am I the only one that doesn't understand why -- in an argument over the meaning of a word -- referencing the dictionary is bad?

If you'd only go back and fucking read what Bert said then you'd understand why!

From: Bunky Entered on: August 21, 2008 9:42 PM
Jack was to busy eating bison and berries to read...
From: The Bone Entered on: August 21, 2008 10:00 PM

Bert - This is a good exchange. You'll teach me how debate works and I'll teach you how to be manly. So rather than go through the tedium of linking the multitude of articles supporting my assertion, I'll link just one that makes numerous claims which support my arguement and is supported by SCIENTIFIC abstracts.

Now I never said that if you don't exercise you won't live to see your kids grow up. The closest thing I said is that exercise is valuable for more than vanity's sake - it's about keeping yourself in good working order to have a better quality of life with your kids as well as set a good example for them. Now if your idea quality of life is sitting around the TV eating Ho Ho's and pizza rather than going for a swim at the lake or taking the kids on a hike up Sleeping Bear sand dunes then my arguement makes no sense. I guess quality of life is a value judgement and I value fitness that only comes with exercise. And if being a sedentary fuck is your idea of a good example for your kids to follow, then maybe I'm all fucked up in that regard too.

As far as the dictionary side topic is concerned, I raise my hand in ingorance regarding WTF you is talking about ninja. You say the dictionary's role is not to define words rather to reflect current usage. Well whatever you want to call it, the end result is the word's meaning. So by your rationale, the current usage of manliness is the very definition Roche laid out. At that point your arguement makes little to no sense to either myself, Roche, Creeko, and Zilla and possibly everyone else who has yet to register thier opinion on the matter.



From: John Entered on: August 21, 2008 10:16 PM
The Bone said:


As far as the dictionary side topic is concerned, I raise my hand in ingorance regarding WTF you is talking about ninja. You say the dictionary's role is not to define words rather to reflect current usage. Well whatever you want to call it, the end result is the word's meaning. So by your rationale, the current usage of manliness is the very definition Roche laid out. At that point your arguement makes little to no sense to either myself, Roche, Creeko, and Zilla and possibly everyone else who has yet to register thier opinion on the matter.

Damn skippy!

From: The Bone Entered on: August 21, 2008 10:26 PM

Zilla - I'm super impressed with what you've been doing. Bells told me that 6 months ago you were barely repping out with 95 lbs on the bench and now you in the 200 plus club for reps. He says your also a fiend on the treadmill sprinting at 10 mph. Now a primal diet? Good lord, you are going to be a monster. Way to man up!



From: Jackzilla Entered on: August 21, 2008 11:59 PM


From: Bunky Entered on: August 22, 2008 12:03 AM
10 mph on the treadmill? Good lord!
From: BigFatty Entered on: August 22, 2008 1:14 AM
Jackzilla said:

In other news...

Guess who ate bison for dinner tonight, a-holes?! Yes! Meijer has bison and I was loving my man-style!

Bone - How do you like your bison prepared? We fixed it on the grill. (I didn't even have A-1 Steak Sauce (tm) with it, it was too corn-fructosey for my primal ass). I also discovered tuna steak (that was lunch!). I hope I don't get the shakes tonight from Hot-Pocket (tm) withdrawal.

Looks like Fatty is eating crow now.  I don't even know what to say... Jack has not gone primal, but full crazy (but in a good way).  He is a far cry away from his daily hot-dog eating, exercise avoiding, Ruby-red drinking ways.

Great job Jack.  I know when you change your ways it has a lot of sticking power.  If Tony is Melrose, you are 90120 (or maybe you'd like to be 90-210?).

BTW... the above exchange reminded me of a retort to Bone's agruements.  I got tired of him always saying 'Studies have shown.... blah blah blah...'  So the next time he did that, I cut him of in mid-sentence with "None that you have read!"  We both cracked up at that cuz it was true.

From: Ross Entered on: August 22, 2008 4:41 AM

I will do my best to clarify the dictionary thing:

As I said, dictionaries don't define terms, they merely give their best attempt at showing the different ways words tend to be used.  But since English is very much a living language, dictionaries are always playing catchup, and can never be considered "definitive", since they can't set limits on usage.

So on to my point: a dictionary can show someone is right about whether a word is used in a certain way, but it can't show you that someone else is wrong about how they use it.  Granted, I'm sure the communication majors can jump on that and talk about how people have to have a general understanding of what words mean to be effective, and all of that is true but the point is when you quote the dictionary you end up trying to compete for "best" definition and there just ain't no such thing. So if someone says "X means Y" and someone else says "The dictionary doesn't say so!", that can't really be used a valid form of evidence.  At best, all you can say is "maybe so, but it also means A, B, and C".

If you go back and look at the original discussion on it, John subtly (and perhaps inadvertently) changed the subject from my "primary indicator of manliness" to "meaning of manliness".  Well, I hope I've made my point that it's incorrect to try to say that my "meaning" is wrong.  There is no "one meaning", and even the two that he quoted are incomplete as I later showed (again, this is why dictionaries aren't good for this kind of thing).  My original point was that that I didn't respect those who chose a particular usage as their primary one - not that they were misunderstanding the term, as John alleged of me.




Anyway, this is going to be my last post on Jackassery for a while.  I am not particularly proud of the way I have allowed Tony in particular to anger me nor my reactions as a result.  I also have too much going on in my life right now to let this kind of stuff bug me any more than it already has.  Perhaps during a sabbatical I will be able to reflect on the matter and return with a better perspective. 

I'll be sure to check in from time to time to make sure the site's still running well.  Adios.

From: Bunky Entered on: August 22, 2008 7:56 AM
Wow. One shirtless picture of The Bone, and all hell breaks lose on this thread! Jack thought I was the only one who got all hot over it.... You might want to keep your clothes on for awhile Bone. We need to cool things down in here!
From: John Entered on: August 22, 2008 8:32 AM

Bert, you have seemed stressed out lately. For my part, I was just jackassing around and admit I was trying to antagonize you but only in fun. It was certainly not my goal to piss you off so much that you would need to take a hiatus from your own site. At any rate you will be missed. I thought some of the exchanges of late were hilarious.

As for all that is going on in your life, I wish you well and hope things improve or at least settle down some.

From: Bunky Entered on: August 22, 2008 10:24 AM

Hey Bone, when you are discussing the Primal Diet with individuals, you may want to disclose the side effects and let them know it is rumored to cause an increase in testosterone levels, especially when combined with push-ups.

From: John Entered on: August 22, 2008 10:45 AM

I would like to add that I don't believe my push-up contest at a party was any more sophomoric than the dialog that transpires during Halo and Gears matches. Double kill, Bitches !

From: The Bone Entered on: August 22, 2008 11:37 AM
Ross said:

Anyway, this is going to be my last post on Jackassery for a while. I am not particularly proud of the way I have allowed Tony in particular to anger me nor my reactions as a result. I also have too much going on in my life right now to let this kind of stuff bug me any more than it already has. Perhaps during a sabbatical I will be able to reflect on the matter and return with a better perspective.


Aw man, now I feel bad too. I'm not particularly proud of the fact that I've been a full arsehurl. I accept blame in this mess stemming from my initial comments on the push up bit. I was really just trying to bust Fatty's balls. However, when you made several comments to Roche about provoking a verbal smackdown and that you would show refrain from humiliating him -  that came off as particularly mean spirited, condescending, and in my eyes was a total lack of respect for his intellect. At that point I decided that I'd needle away at you whenever the opportunity arose. It was childish of me and I can't say that my behavior before hand gave me any moral high ground to launch such an assault. I hope you accept my apology and know that as ashamed of your behavior you are, I feel the same way about my actions as well.

From: Jackzilla Entered on: August 22, 2008 11:55 AM

This thread is Classic Jackassary.

When we do the 10th Anniversary Comback Special, this thread will be fondly remembered by all!  Manliness, naked torsos, pussy-ups, herny Bunky/pissed off Bunky/herny Bunky again, eating bison and berries, dictionary diatribes... remember when Bone called NickNick a "lazy farmer"?  All classic!

Well done, everyone (that includes you, Bert!).  Hugs and Warm Fuzzies to all!

From: John Entered on: August 22, 2008 12:17 PM

If Bert would reply it should go something like this, "Apology accepted Captain Needa". I too thought this was a sweet thread, the end result notwithstanding. This was classic in every way. I only hope Bert's sabbatical will be short lived. After all, this is his creation, Jackassary and all. Bert, you can't just leave your creation to it's own device, it may go feral on you.

From: Bunky Entered on: August 22, 2008 12:29 PM

Does this mean we AREN'T getting the after photo of Bone? It is almost the end of August and I have been waiting patiently.....

Bells, good point on the Halo/Gears. I have to say, if you ask me a couple of years ago if I would be diddling mouthy chitlins on LIVE, I would have said no. Questioning the push up challenge with my online shenanigans makes me quite the hypocrite and I am sorry if I offended you.

In my defense, the diddle/smack talk combo did not become routine until Zilla/Edge entered the gaming picture.

Speaking of being hernie again, this whole sensitive side to Bone, coming to Bells defense, combined with the manliness.... Good Lord! I am thankful the Elite just came back and I am able to hook the chair up again!

From: John Entered on: August 22, 2008 12:34 PM

Lol, no offense taken, Bunky. I'm just glad you're hernie again.

From: Bunky Entered on: August 22, 2008 12:37 PM

Me too. I thought the whole point of this thread was to the fat off and get hernie...

So will you posting pics of the Manly arms soon? It is not offensive to use that term is it?

From: BigFatty Entered on: August 22, 2008 4:08 PM

See.  Its all fun and games until people start eating bison.  Bert will be back soon enough.  If he is having tons of stress in life, having the JA mob against you doesn't make life much sweeter.  Once he is back on an even keel again, then it will be JA all around.  Nothing like being a little miffed and then being surrounded by A-holes.

Nick... I want a FULL report of your first attempt at the Burpee Beatdown.  Do at least 4-5 sets.

Fatty's primal diet has shed some light on his lifestyle.  I drink way too much.  It seems every fricking day there is drinking to be done.  Half the time it is the homemade moonshine - which is harsh.  With my friends visiting, there was a lot more drinking.. and eating.  But, I stayed true to my diet and still have no breads, grains, or processed foods.  Even with the excess, I have dropped another pound.  That makes me happy under the circumstances.  Looking forward, the drinking is best cut out all together.  We have a wine festival this weekend and a cold beer in the fridge.  Those will have to be finished.  Next week, the drinking will stop and it will be interesting to see if the weight loss accelerates.

I finish week three of the pussy program.  I have a chest cold, but will try and finish it tomorrow.  Max reps are up to 30-ish!  Halfway through the program and the 100 is certainly within my grasp!!!

From: Bunky Entered on: August 22, 2008 6:57 PM
Fatty, was there a time when we weren't a-holes and I missed it?
From: NickNick Entered on: August 22, 2008 11:13 PM

As far as the Burpee Beatdown goes.... I haven't yet worked up the courage to actually try one. You've got me so psyched out. I think, if people like Fatty and The Bone think the Beatdown is harsh, what chance do I have against it. I will have to attempt it this weekend or it just won't get done.

And Bunky.... we all are genetically predisposed to be a-holes. I think the only exception to that might be Rad. Have you noticed his quite noticeable absence from the site when things went arssy. I truly don't think Rad has it in him to be a full arsehurl. He's too nice. Bastard.

From: The Bone Entered on: August 23, 2008 11:55 AM

Nick, the Burpee Beatdown is eaually harsh for everyone no matter their fitness level. You do as many as you can in 20 secs. For me that might be 8 or 9, for you it may be 4 or 5. Since you do as many as you can, it is automatically scaled to your fitness level.

From: The Bone Entered on: August 23, 2008 11:58 AM

Bunky - here's a pic. It's actually not too recent but I found out I'm on the picture of the week for a paddlesurf company here in hawaii.

From: Bunky Entered on: August 23, 2008 1:53 PM

You paddlesurf too? Thanks for bringing the hernie-ness that has been lost over the last week back to Jackassery! Ross doesn't know what he is missing out on!

This may be the only thread on this page I visit from now on......

From: BigFatty Entered on: August 23, 2008 3:07 PM

Dude... that is super-cool.  You are one of those surf-dudes.  You even got your name on the pic.  I see you ignored my advice on wearing brown shorts in case you meet up with sharks.  Oh well - I hope my logic never gets proven or else it will be an uncomfortable/ embarassing walk across the beach.  Its one thing dealing with the shark injuries, but if you happen to shit yourself.. that is embarassing.

Next, you should see if you can get your pic in 'Masterbation Times'.  That is another past-time you enjoy, plus you spent more time at it than surfing.  Bunky would really like that!

Ok... I am opening myself up for retorts about pics in 'Couch Potato Monthly', 'Push-up Push-ay', 'Small Dick Gazette', or 'Men's Un-health'.  We all know Johnny has a life-long subscription to 'Muscle and Fatness'

BTW - we need an update from the Bell's primal style

From: Bunky Entered on: August 23, 2008 3:46 PM
Fatty, I don't need the pic in a mag for it to work it's magic. I began blushing as soon as I read "Bunky - here's a pic". That's all the Bone foreplay I need!
From: NickNick Entered on: August 23, 2008 9:15 PM
Dude.... that's just weird. Bone, you have the same name as my dad. For your sake, let's hope we're not related in any way.
From: NickNick Entered on: August 24, 2008 9:18 PM
The Bone said:

Nick, the Burpee Beatdown is eaually harsh for everyone no matter their fitness level. You do as many as you can in 20 secs. For me that might be 8 or 9, for you it may be 4 or 5. Since you do as many as you can, it is automatically scaled to your fitness level.

All right, so I finally worked up the courage to try the Slurpee Beatdown. Here's a run down of how the set's went.

1st set - hey this really isn't that bad.
2nd set - ok, now I'm a little winded, I can see why this might be hard.
3rd set - ahhh, ohhh, can't breathe, legs burning!!!
4th set - Jesus lord kill me now, in the love of all that's holy!!!
5th set...... I decided 4 was a good number to start with.

So, we're going to try this once a day and see what I can do with it. I still haven't been able to give up the pop thing yet.... more to come.

From: BigFatty Entered on: August 25, 2008 12:52 AM

Sweet NickNick...  welcome to the Beatdown club.  The first rule about beatdown club is you got beatdown by the burpee.  Thats pretty much how my first experience of burpees went too.  The first 2 sets are deceptively simple.  The 3rd set starts telling you that you are in  store for some business.

As Bone said, it is scalable.  You can move faster or add sets to make thing harsher.  You did 4 sets, so you had an ass-whooping routine in 2 minutes.  Cut time off your long shits and anyone has time to do the Burpee Fitness program!

From: The Bone Entered on: August 25, 2008 1:36 AM

NN, thats a real good starting point. Try to do it maybe 4 - 5 times in a week. Then add an additional set until you can do 8 sets. No need to go beyond 8 sets. At that point try to increase the amount of burpees you do in a set. I swear you'll be abusurdly in good shape if you do it for any regular length of time.

From: Jackzilla Entered on: August 25, 2008 8:54 AM

Day 5 of Primal for me:  Had a couple scrambled eggs and berries for breakfast.  I don't feel starved at all.  I miss the breads but I'm loving what I eat, so...

Over a month with no chocolate (except for 2 M&M's at a party... I forgot and then screamed at myself).

2-3 years: No pop (this is an easy one for me, once I went cold turkey).

From: NickNick Entered on: August 25, 2008 1:25 PM
So.... when it gets to be October/November, are all you Primal eaters going to grow yourself beards and go out into the wilderness to kill your meat? The first deer that you kill, you cut the throat and make the youngest one drink.... sorry, I went Red Dawn there for a minute.
From: BigFatty Entered on: August 25, 2008 2:21 PM

Thats how we do it in Hungary every morning before breakfast to get our meat for the day, except it is a pig or goat.  It puts food in a totally different context when you kill and butcher what you eat.  Nothing like a little blood on your hands to make you appreciate food, life, and what goes into feeding you.

You guys are WAY too removed from what food really is.  It is not packages of meat, ready for the microwave.  It also helps you not to waste food, since you kinda knew the meal beforehand.

From: Jackzilla Entered on: August 25, 2008 4:06 PM
BigFatty said:


You guys are WAY too removed from what food really is. It is not packages of meat, ready for the microwave. It also helps you not to waste food, since you kinda knew the meal beforehand.

Dude!  Have you noticed any farms in Lowell?  Maybe the grain silos in the middle of town?  We know where food comes from out here!  Now, you folks that grew up in G.R., that's another thing:  I tease Angie that pigeons are "Kentwood chickens."

From: John Entered on: August 26, 2008 3:12 PM

Time to report in. I've started to waver a bit on the primal. I had a few days that I fell off all together. I'm back on today but even though I've been up and down on it I've still lost 10 lbs. since I started. I weighed in at 219.75 today, the first time I have been under 220 lbs. in a  long time. I feel strong in the gym as well as solid on cardio. I'm actually in the best shape in years.

I wanted to report for Zilla as well. He was 221 lbs. when he stareted the primal and 6 days later, 215 lbs. You saw it right, 6 pounds in 6 days! Then he comes in the gym and shatteres his previous record on the bench which was 215 lbs. for 4 reps on the bench. Today he hit 230 lbs. for 4 reps, talk about primal strength. He's lighter and stronger or as he said "I'm more efficient now". Zilla has become a primal monster!

From: BigFatty Entered on: August 26, 2008 3:54 PM

I am shocked at Zilla's progress.  That is amazing.  I am not too sure what is more impressive, his 6 pound drop, or his 15 pound bench increase.  I am going to go with his bench.  He has been benching for a while, so jumping up like that at this stage is very impressive.

Whats come over Zilla???  His he going to be one of 'those guys'?  You know, downing protein shakes and working out in purple spandex.  He has got to love the primal now.

Keep at it Bells!  There is no falling off the primal bus.  You are right back on at the next meal.  10 pounds is a great start, and just the beginning.

I have been real good still with my diet and programs, but the results have slowed drastically.  I did cut out alcohol this week to see if that was the problem (I think it was since every day was happy time).  Plus, I need to up my exercise levels.  Sprinting is looking like a good addition.  I'll try adding that on Saturday morning.  There is a track 15 minutes away, walking, from me.  I found the perfect gym I wanted to join, except it is on the other side of town near my old job.  Its one of those shabby, power-lifting places hobbled together with various equipment.  Remember that place in the Comet, Johnny?  I forget the name, but it was my favorite gym.  No frills and no nonsense.

From: John Entered on: August 26, 2008 4:04 PM

Yep, Fatty that was Beckwith Gym. It was actually one of my favorite gyms I've worked out in. As far as the primal today, I'm doing real well. It's time to drop another 10 lbs. hopefully in the next couple of weeks, if I can be strict. Like I said, my cardio is going real well lately. The weight lifting for me has been solid also.

From: Jackzilla Entered on: August 26, 2008 5:22 PM

John is being modest.  Today he set a new ALL-TIME SQUAT RECORD for himself:  380 lbs!!!  And quite frankly, if he'd approached the weights with less reps, I think he could have done 400.  That's full obsurd, my friends!

Now excuse me while I head out to the store gaming at BC Pizza and have a salad while surrounded by "Shoreses" and "Schneiders" devouring pizzas (Fatty knows what I'm talking about!).

From: BigFatty Entered on: August 27, 2008 12:42 AM

I did not realize that according the the ZillaBells interpetation of the Primal, there are plenty of servings of sucking each others dicks!  No thanks, I will stick to salads.


Good job Johnny!



From: BigFatty Entered on: August 29, 2008 4:32 PM

Fatty primal update.......  End of week 4 and still am going strong.  This is certainly the easiest eating change I've ever done.  I don't really worry about shit.  I am never really hungry, and if I am, a few nuts takes it away.  Nuts do the same thing if I am feeling a little fuzzy in the brain during the afternoon.  Much better than a Snickers bar (*gasp*).

Not so much in ways of carb cravings either.  Today someone wanted to split a pizza with me and the thought of it was appealing, but I had no problem saying no.  My salad was more than satisfying too.

So, whats the progress?  I am not blazing trails like Bell's and Zilla's first week tonnage loss.  My is a very typical and expected weight loss.  I've reached my first benchmark of 180 pounds today.  I am very pleased with the results thus far.  The belly is shrinking (my main goal) and the belt went in a notch this week.  Plus, this week I got a comment that I was looking great and what was I doing?  Whats my goal??  Maybe 170 to even a scrawny 165.  I was just under 160 around age 25 with a flat tummy.  Now there might be some more muscle mass, so we will see how things look at 170.

The push-up program.  It is still bullshit!!!!  But, I am still on it and following along.  Just finsihed week four.  It is tough and challenging.  There is no way that it will work.  Today I did do over 100 push-ups total in a workout, but to do them all at once in two weeks???  Not.  The muscle endurance and recovery time are the problems.  The next two weeks will work on shortening your resting time.   I think the program should focus on building endurance.  So far the most consecutive push-ups in a set was 25.  Next week it is bumped up to 35.  Yes, you do multiple sets with minimal rest.  Still, I estimate my one-time max only going up to 40.  And that is expected in the program at this point!!!!!  If I can do more than 60 after two weeks, I'd be surprised.

From: The Bone Entered on: August 29, 2008 6:26 PM

Good job Fats. I've been off the primal for the last few days. I'm not eating too bad just not primal. Between the moving, traveling and this shitty room I'm in, it hasn't been as easy. I'm trying to get a room with a kitchen but one hasn't opened up yet. I haven't really been working out either but I did do water survival the last 2 days which is somewhat exhausting.

I do have plenty of time, a gym, a track , and a pool all within a 3 mile radius so I should get back on track soon.

Finish the push up workout as prescribed. On game day, adrenaline and pride and shear force of will should give you an extra bump.


From: BigFatty Entered on: August 30, 2008 1:20 PM

We will see....  I will give it my all, just to prove that it is bullshit.  I'm following the routine so far, right on track (but on the middle program).  I am busting my ass to keep up, so there is no whoosing out on this end.  I do think next week the program will go too far.  But, I will give it the Big 'O" crush.

After over ten years of not running, I did my first sprint routine today.  I kept it real light, but tomorrow I am sure I will be very, very sore.  The calves are tight and sore already.  Did 6x100 meters with a 100 meter walk in between to recover.  Start calling me Fatty-Bolt soon.

From: The Bone Entered on: August 31, 2008 9:55 AM

Bro, I don't know how wise it is to roll straight into 100 meter sprints with no running base. Even when I running track in high school, the coach made us run distance (3-4) miles for several weeks before starting the sprinting. The potential for injury is pretty good in the 100 meters, especially for old mofos like us.

You should jog a slow 800 meters, stretch, sprint a couple 400s, then maybe add a couple 100s if you are feeling good until you are fully adjusted. When I'm a little more motivated I'm going to write the Bone Treatise on Fitness but from what I've gathered and experienced, sprinting is far, far more effective in making you leaner, more muscular, and explosive than any faggoty 5k or 10k type running.


From: BigFatty Entered on: August 31, 2008 12:01 PM

Yep - you clued me into sprinting some years back and I've kept it in the back of my mind.  Men's Health had a great story on it some time back that I remember.  Don't worry - I am not jumping in all hung-ho.  I am very aware of my old, out-of-shape ass.  I did do a 400m warm-up jog... then my 'sprints' were me running fast but at maybe 3/4 intensity for the most bit.  I felt a little awkward and really turdy.  It is going to take some time for all the tendons and joints to get strong, but I will make sure I do take it easy for the first 4-6 times.  Once a week is all that is planned at this point, so there will be plenty of recovering time.

The Daily Apple has launched me into other websites that have been interesting - The Fitness Black Book, The Zen to Fitness, Modern Forager.  At least browsing these keeps me interested in fitness and keeps me motivated.

From: BigFatty Entered on: August 31, 2008 12:08 PM

BTW... it is my abs that have the most soreness.  My lower legs are what I expected and not too bad.  I heard my abs would be sore... but I did not think they'd be like this!

From: BigFatty Entered on: September 1, 2008 4:44 PM

100 Push-up update..... BULLSHIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Day 1 Week 5 - They full went off their rocker.  I knew this from the start.  My prediction was week 3 or 4 was when people would drop out.  Me, I had to drop a level, but I pressed on.  My last workout on Week 4 was tough, but I completed it.  I did the push-up test for Week 5 and did 40.  I fit nicely into the second tier workout, so Week 5 should have been do-able.

Say all the stupid shit you want, but by pure logic this program is stupid.  On Friday they had me do 25-19-19-17-25 with 2 full minutes rest in-between.  It was very difficult, but by busting ass, I did it.  So three days later, they wanted me to do 35-28-25-22-35 with only 1 minute rest in between.  WTF???  Three days ago I could not do that with twice the rest period, now under some miracle I am that much stronger??  Yes, I rested ALOT longer than the 60 seconds and managed this 35-20-20-17-18.

The workout changes some the next two workouts this week - more sets of less reps and less resting time.  I might fare slightly better on these. I'll give the week a shot still, even if I have to drop another level.

I am not giving up, but this program is set up for selling tee-shirts.  I am not kidding.  You can buy your own saying 'I am doing the hundred'.  They do not have one for sale saying 'I DID the hundred'.

It is almost time for a photo update....  who is in???  NN - what about your Burpees?  How many days did you do them?  Something tells me you did not attempt day two.

From: Jackzilla Entered on: September 1, 2008 5:50 PM

Day 12 of Primal for me.  Plus, no chocolate in about 1-1/2 months.  I'm not hungry or suffering too bad.  Had a cookout and I just had hamburger without the bun and the fruit.  Bought some walnuts and almonds at Costco, so I won't be running out of nuts anytime soon.  Thursday is 2 weeks... I'm interested in how much (if any) additional weight I've lost.

Bone, Bells... it's been a month!  Update!  (and for Bunky's sake you better have pics)

From: The Bone Entered on: September 1, 2008 8:30 PM

I've been off primal for a week now. Not totally fucked up but not all there. I will say though I look more ripped than the before pic. Unfortunately I don't have a camera or a scale. I'm slowly getting back to primal and I've done a couple good crossfit workouts. Tomorrow is my first day at Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. Can't wait to choke out some Floridians. 

I was thinking about Nick Nick today as I was doing the 5 pullups, 10 pushups, and 15 squats (as many sets as you can in 20 mins). It's similar in shittiness to the burpee beatdown and for some reason felt Nick Nick no longer does them.

One last side note - I bought a Macbook today and it blows every piece of shit PC product I've every had clean out of the water. 

From: Bunky Entered on: September 1, 2008 8:53 PM
Thanks for thinking of me Jack!
From: NickNick Entered on: September 1, 2008 9:33 PM
Fatty. I've actually done quite well on the burpees. All though, I've scaled it for my fitness level. I think if I went all out with the full 4 minutes I would have given myself a hernia. As it stands, I was fairly close to doing that anyway. So, I'm going to try and get up an hour earlier every morning and start off with a burpee and then run for 20 - 30 minutes.
From: The Bone Entered on: September 2, 2008 6:54 AM

Nick, try doing a body weight squat using the the Tabata protocol (20 secs on, 10 rest) It's less ass kicking than the burpee but will be more effective than running 20 mins. I'd rather do that 6 to 8 times and be done with it.

From: BigFatty Entered on: September 2, 2008 12:51 PM

NN - I am proud of you!  Usually lack of discourse means lack of effort.  Glad that is not the case.  Don't worry about how many you are doing starting out.  You MUST scale them to your ability.  You will know when to push yourself as your body gets used to them.  The longer you do them, the more you can do...  But in a few weeks I hope you are motivated enough to branch off into other exercises.

Listen to the Bone.... he really is a bit of a Guru.  I consider myself fairly well versed in diet and exercise (in knowledge that is), but the Bone blows me away.  The exercises he is telling you are not magic exercises, just more efficient.  Running for long periods of time will not burn as many calories in total as short, high-intensity interval training.  Running burns calories at that immediate time, but little after, and HIIT style fires up your body for many hours of calorie burning.  The trade-off is they can be ass-whoopers.  Tabata Squats are not too bad.  I am doing those now.

Bone - thats crazy!  I just started researching the Macbook.  I am thinking about getting one when I am in the US.  My current laptop served me well, but it is now about 5 years old.  It seems like the thing to do.  Ross got one a few years back and loves it too.  I was hoping he'd be around for his input.  I am glad you like it.  What sold you on it?  I have lost favor hearing all that shit on Vista and understand the Mac OS and apps are uber sweet.

From: Bunky Entered on: September 2, 2008 1:07 PM

Fatty, Robot is the equivalent in the IT world of Bone in the fitness/frooking world.

BTW, I love how everytime you post on this thread it loads up Bone's physique on my screen. Keep posting bitches!

From: BigFatty Entered on: September 2, 2008 1:40 PM

Robot - throw it down then!!!  Gimme some Macbook reviews!!!  Apple has a sale that makes them $100 bucks off and you get a free IPOD Touch ($299 value).  The catch is you have to be a student or parent of one.  I will look to get around that one (employees of schools count too).

No offense on my asking Ross.  He has always been my techie guide for things.  He is on top of the electronics info and has been good to me (Save the time I bought his old home computer which may have contributed to my near hear-attack when it crashed exactly when I pressed 'send' to email in my freshly completed thesis 2 hours before the deadline - also known to the world as the 'Worst Paper Ever!')

So damnit.... I need a new laptop to become my Fatstation entertainment center!  Will the Macbook be good to me and keep up with technologies for 4-5 years like my trusty-rusty Toshiba?

Plus...  can anyone else confirm that Firefox 3 is a CPU hog and jams up your computer???  I want my 2.5 back and no luck finding it yet.

From: Jackzilla Entered on: September 2, 2008 2:37 PM
BigFatty said:

 I have lost favor hearing all that shit on Vista and understand the Mac OS and apps are uber sweet.

I bought a new 64-bit HP a month or so ago and have had zero problems with Vista (well, besides HP not supporting a 5 year-old printer with a Vista driver... fuckers!  I bought a new Canon printer and now Canon is getting all my printer ink money!  HA!).  I've heard tons of horror stories of Vista, but I've had zero issues myself and it works great for me.  Love it!

EDGE has a Mac for his photo stuff and loves it.

So... whatever floats your boat I guess.

From: Bunky Entered on: September 2, 2008 6:41 PM
I doubt Robot is offended. I threw his name out because it appears Ross is still on his self imposed leave, and Robot is an IT genius. He even offers up consults while killing bitches on LIVE! My guess is, if Ross is checking the site, it is while he is not logged in, and therefore probably not going to respond to any questions.
From: The Bone Entered on: September 2, 2008 8:04 PM

Today was a rough day workout-wise. I did 5 supersets of 400 meter sprints/15 reps overhead squats w/95lbs. That destroyed my legs and my will to live. Then I manned up and went to my first day of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. After all the learning, we rolled (sparred) and I went 1 win and 2 losses. Not bad considering they were higher belts than me and I have a 1 inch by 1/2 strip of skin ripped off my palm from pullups.

From: NickNick Entered on: September 2, 2008 8:39 PM
Today, I stripped down to my underwear and dove into the amazon. I chased a few pirhanas through water and then ate them. Then I found a crocodile and brike it in half for the rest of the pirhanas to feed on. After that, I raced a cheetah but couldn't quite catch up with it. I was winded. While I was catching my breathe, a tribe of African woodsman descended upon, determined to skin me for my pelt. I manned up and beat them all to within an inch of their life. Pretty impressive, right?
From: Jackzilla Entered on: September 2, 2008 9:07 PM


From: Swerb Entered on: September 2, 2008 9:53 PM
NickNick said:
Today, I stripped down to my underwear and dove into the amazon. I chased a few pirhanas through water and then ate them. Then I found a crocodile and brike it in half for the rest of the pirhanas to feed on. After that, I raced a cheetah but couldn't quite catch up with it. I was winded. While I was catching my breathe, a tribe of African woodsman descended upon, determined to skin me for my pelt. I manned up and beat them all to within an inch of their life...

and then, I ate breakfast: nine figs, six grains of barley and a dodo egg.

From: BigFatty Entered on: September 3, 2008 12:10 AM
Swerb said:

and then, I ate breakfast: nine figs, six grains of barley and a dodo egg.

HAHAHAHA!  We just don't understand what its like to be a warrior.  We should not laugh.  Bone may require another therapy session with Xerxes.


'Those assoholes just don't understand.  Would you like a fig?  I mean, seriously, we could rip off their little heads in a second!  They would not be laughing so hard then... right?  They should respect a warrior.  We do require a high caliber of food.  Dodos are extinct anyways - dumbasses.  You can now only get Dodo eggs Trader Joe's extinct section.  Whole Foods stopped carrying them.'

From: NickNick Entered on: September 3, 2008 8:30 AM
I hope everyone realizes that the only reason I feel safe is that there are, I believe, 6 time zones between The Bone and I.
From: The Bone Entered on: September 3, 2008 8:39 AM

Nick, don't get too down on yourself about the cheetah. I used to get smoked by him too until I started doing burpee beatdowns. SInce then I've improved my VO2 max substantially and now its the cheetah that gets winded.

Man, I have to admit that I'm sore, bruised, and tired today. I'm going to have to have a beer and get my frook on.

From: Creeko Entered on: September 3, 2008 12:58 PM
BigFatty said:

Plus...  can anyone else confirm that Firefox 3 is a CPU hog and jams up your computer???  I want my 2.5 back and no luck finding it yet.

Have you tried Google Chrome yet? I've only had it for a day but its supposed to be pretty slick


From: Jackzilla Entered on: September 5, 2008 9:55 AM

Primal Update:

I'm half-way through the month of my Primal Diet.  Weight loss in the last week: A big fat zero.  Pretty dissapointing as I lost 6 lbs quickly the first week.  Angie is in the same boat -- initially took weight off, and now nothing the last week.  We're both completely eating primal:  no breads or processed foods, no sugar/chocolate - just meat, fruits, vegetables and nuts.  And we're excercising!

But we're sticking with it.  Two weeks to go!

Bone, Bells, Fatty - We need pics/final numbers after a month of Primal.   I know Bells has fallen off the Primal Train, smashed his head on the beer truck and got ran over by the Pizza Van more than once.  How about the rest of you?

I do think I'll have some improved eating habits when the month is over and hopefully have a little more moderation in my diet.

From: Radmobile Entered on: September 5, 2008 10:40 AM
What's mod-er-ash-un? I'm unfamiliar with this term.
From: Jackzilla Entered on: September 5, 2008 11:00 AM
Radmobile said:
What's mod-er-ash-un? I'm unfamiliar with this term.

WTF Rad?  I don't even know what that means.  Besides, what are you doing here?  This is a topic for the men.

From: Radmobile Entered on: September 5, 2008 11:29 AM

What are you doing here? Don't you have Earth 2 to be watching?

Seriously though, I too have been trying out the whole moderation thing. I've not gone primal with it, but I am being a bit more reasonable with my intake. I have been eating almonds as snacks lately too. I like me some nuts! (homosexual implications intended)

From: The Bone Entered on: September 5, 2008 11:41 AM

I'd guess that I've been about 88% primal since Aug 1st. My main lapses have been from travel and they haven't been berserker with the exception of the 2 bags of donuts I ate on day and felt like I at cyanide. I've lost a solid 5 lbs which is excellent considering I'm fairly lean to begin with. I don't have a camera but I can see a very distinct improvement in muscularity and cutness (I've coined that word).

Zilla, Don't worry about the fat loss. You should not lose more than 2 lbs a week at a maximum. Anything over that is either water or muscle loss. My rate of fat loss has been 1 lb a week and I've kept every bit of muscle as far as I can tell. 

From: The Bone Entered on: September 5, 2008 1:06 PM

Just to add to the longest thread ever - i tapped 3 dudes out of 3 last night in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. One was a cop which was extra special. Hopefully Bunky's relatives aren't cops cause I don't feel like a verbal reprimand.

From: John Entered on: September 5, 2008 1:37 PM

Well, I started the primal at 230lbs. and now I'm 222lbs. as of today. This is with me falling off the primal train and hitting my head on the beer truck while being struck by the pizza van. As far as an after pic I don't know how much a difference the 8lbs. has made in my overall look.

I'm still hitting the gym pretty good and I'm eating more primal again. I'll keep trying because why do we fall? So we can pick ourselves back up. Wow, that sounded familiar.

Wow Bone, 3 dudes and one was in the airforce, I mean police force.

From: Bunky Entered on: September 5, 2008 1:50 PM

Funny you mention that Bone, my Uncle is a Sheriff in a beach town in CA and my husband's best friend is a cop!

Since you were thoughtful enough to post the paddle surfing pic, there will be no more verbal reprimands from me.

Anyhow, it was more in the spirit of the thread than serious anyhow. Had I known at the time you were just defending Bells, I wouldn't have even gone there. I find that to be very sweet.

I have pretty much figured you are a bad ass by now anyhow.

I am also extremely uncomfortable from surgery and trying to avoid the pain meds because I do not like them. I could not unleash a verbal assault if I wanted too!

From: BigFatty Entered on: September 5, 2008 5:28 PM

Fatty has been about 98% to his plan, which I had to modify when the plan still included lots of drinking.  So for pure primal - we will say 90%.  Yesterday I treated (cheated) myself to a burger and fries plus some cocktails for a reward for my success.  I am not done yet, but the progress after 30 days is 10-11 pounds lost, noticable reduction in fat on my face and belly, one belt notch lost, and an increase of 30 push-ups.  My exercise is low to moderate, but it still counts.  Just push-ups three times a week and squats the other three.  Plus, the added running/ sprints I will do once a week.  I am going to have another fun day on Sunday with a big ole cook-out.. then back on the primal.  I do like it and still find it easy to live with.  There is a noticable craving for carbs now....  burgers, pizzas, breads...  but, my appetite has gone down.

Besides my beer cheating that was modified later...  I really only had bad carbs in the form of 4 pieces of bread and maybe two potatoes total in thirty days.

You will get an update photo in the next few days....

From: The Bone Entered on: September 6, 2008 8:51 AM

That's impressive Fatty. I'm going to try to be a little more strict for the month of Sep - maybe 95% primal. The results are astonishing and it's fairly easy to adhere to compared to other diets.

From: BigFatty Entered on: September 6, 2008 4:45 PM

This is a long ass thread... Here are my pics before and current:

Just for the record... I am not trying any thinning tricks...  I am tensing my gut, not sucking it in, and I am trying to stand up as straight as possible.  There is definate belly shrinkage!  This is after finishing push-ups, ending week 5.  I had to drop to the first level and could not complete (came close, had to rest a 3-4 minutes at the end before the final max set and fell 5 short).  At the begining of the week, by their testing standards, I should have been able to complete the workout at level 2.  This is where their workout becomes pure fantasy.  Not too many people reach week 5 I'll bet.  I look at what I am supposed to do in two days time and crack up.  Even the level one they are asking for the impossible for the conditioning I am at.  I'll do what I can and do the final test to see where I fall.  Sure, they are saying now that you might have to go back and repeat weeks...  Well assholes, that means your '6-week program' doesn't work.

Can I get a shirt printed saying 'I did the 100 and it is bullshit!'?


From: The Bone Entered on: September 6, 2008 6:20 PM

Dude, that is full sweet. That's significant progress. I'm convinced the Paleo is the best, most easily sustainable plan out there. The fact that you've managed such an impressive improvement with a relatively weak exercise program is proof in my mind that diet is the most significant factor losing fat.

The 100 pushup workout is bullshit I agree. I think there are better ways of hitting 100 in 6 weeks.

From: BigFatty Entered on: September 7, 2008 2:04 AM

I agree that this is full sweet.  Seeing how major your diet is in impacting losing weight is one of  things I wanted to experiment with.  So going primal with a short and very simple exercise program is what I wanted to do.  Bells and Zilla were hitting the gym which seemed to have better results at first (and I think they will have better results overall) but I think in the long run, they will only have slightly better results.

I was hoping NN would follow my route because he has little time or equipment....  I was even thinking it would be cool to have him only do the burpees and see the only exercise portion of it.  But... hell Roche and I have tried that style for years with poor results!

I can't say I am a true primalist - this boils down to being a low-carb diet.  The only thing I really did is cut out bread, rice, pastas, grains, pop and other processed foods.  I really just added eating nuts more and of course more veggies.  This diet is so easy cuz you don't need to worry about portions and ratios.  Of course you can't go full hog at each meal.  It allows you to adapt the portions to how you feel.  Now I am eating smaller portions than when I started and I really did not even set out to do so - it just happened.

The exercise portion is what really interests me.  I am all about efficient workouts.  You and I have talked about this for some years, and I have read some interesting things in that time.  The Crossfit ideal IMO is the way to go.  Different short, intense workouts which incorporate heavy lifting, full body movements, and supersets to gain functional strength and fitness.

So I really can't wait to get to the gym and hit some dead-lifts!  But this month was all about what a person can do with nothing.

With all that being said... I am going to an end of summer cookout and I am going to go full hog!  I'm making burgers, bringing chips, and will drink plenty of beer.  You got to enjoy life too.  Tomorrow I will be back on the plan (even tonight).

From: John Entered on: September 7, 2008 12:21 PM

Well done FATTY, I'm impresses with your  results. Unfortunalely all that Zilla has said is true of me. As of today I'm going to reboot the primal. Still, I was 221.5lbs. in the gym today. Zilla and I worked out pretty  hard although we both felt a little low on energy but we pushed through.

Anyway, keep up the good work Fatty, and I'll kick it up a notch so I can look better yet when you get here. Zilla wants you to join us in the gym while you're here. Good luck keeping up with the Zills, Fatty. Zilla is an endurance machine much like yourself in the gym, Fatty. Me, I'm all strength up front, just the way you remember it.

By the time you get here you may have to come up with a new moniker other than Fatty as it won't be apt anymore.

From: Jackzilla Entered on: September 8, 2008 2:30 PM

All these pictures making our site attractive to "the gays" notwithstanding, I see the improvement Fatty... keep it up!  Your visit in October gives us all a goal for trying to look our best.

My weekend was fraught with perils and dangerous encounters -- a Saturday get-together at my house where people brought cheese cake and chocolate; a birthday party yesterday with chocolate cake and icecream -- but I remained faithful to the Primal and fought off their lascivious advances!

From: Jackzilla Entered on: September 9, 2008 12:50 PM

212 pounds today at my weigh-in (that makes about 10 pounds total I've lost).  If I keep seeing progress I may extend past my month-long Primal til I get the weight I'm looking for (I'd like to get to 200).  Bells and I did squats with hand weights and I certainly felt it in the ol' chickens today!

From: BigFatty Entered on: September 9, 2008 2:25 PM

Dude - if you treat the primal as a diet, you will gain everything back when you stop it.  If you treat it as a lifestyle, then you don't have to worry.  You should be developing the habits of a sustainable and livable 'diet' that you will continue.  I thought that was what you had in mind.  If you can do this for 30 days, you certainly can continue.  I hope you are just looking at cutting back on the strictness now and then.  Shit, a ninja has to go primal on a cheesecake once in a while!

Shit, I never will say I am strictly primal - I just cut out a few things from my diet.  What was cut from my diet has made a big impact.  You can't be so strict as to not enjoy 'the good life' or 'good times'.  Next weekend, I am planning on some BK - they got some mini burgers that I am looking to try.  95% of the time, I am on task.  The other 5% doesn't make too big a difference. 

Who remembers the Bill Phillips??  The F'in cheat day... good lord - I had to stop the cheat day cuz each one, I ate so much, I got sick.  I was a fucking Hog.  I think Bells and Bone had similar experiences with that.

From: John Entered on: September 9, 2008 3:12 PM
BigFatty said:

Who remembers the Bill Phillips?? The F'in cheat day... good lord - I had to stop the cheat day cuz each one, I ate so much, I got sick. I was a fucking Hog. I think Bells and Bone had similar experiences with that.

The cheat day never bothered me in the least, Fatty. I also lost weight every week despite the cheat day, proof that if you eat clean most of the time you will loose weight. I never felt sick from cheat day, just satiated. Bill's point was a cheat day can actually kick your metabolism into gear. It seemed to work for me but I had to be strict all the other days for it to work right.

Zilla's plan is to stay more primal just not as strict as he has been the past few weeks.

From: Jackzilla Entered on: September 9, 2008 3:26 PM
John said:

Zilla's plan is to stay more primal just not as strict as he has been the past few weeks.

Exactly.  I've been 99.99% primal and haven't had any beer (duh), pizza, bread, sugars, chocolates at all.  My eventual regular diet will have a little of that, but mostly I plan on continuing to eat better.  The Daily Hot Dog Train has left the station!  I think one meal a week -- eating out, having some Three Brothers Pizza (my mouth salivates just typing it, Bells knows what I'm saying!), Ball's icecream... I'm thinking once a week or so for stuff like that.

From: BigFatty Entered on: September 9, 2008 3:35 PM

Dude - you may have on some rose colored glasses.  You may not have gotten sick on the cheat day (you could never eat yourself sick), but I know you went well overboard on the cheat days - ignoring the spirit and living the law.  Sure we lost weight, no person's body could metabolize the amount of calories taken in that day.  But c'mon, you went full hog on those days too.  I am certain that Bill wanted people to enjoy their day off, not eat themselves into near insulin shock.

I'm saying we took the cheat day too far, even if it seems that it did not have negative results.  I believe you ate full pizzas on your cheat day.  I know I did.  All that food in one day is not great for you.

From: John Entered on: September 9, 2008 3:45 PM

All I know is I went from 214lbs. to 188lbs. in 10 weeks on the Body for life. So it worked even with the cheat day. Some cheat days were worse than others, not all included a large pizza.

From: The Bone Entered on: September 9, 2008 8:08 PM

I'm all for a cheat day but it's a slippery slope. Example: Sat is your cheat day but it's Wed and there's some good shit in front of you. Fuck it, You have your cheat day now. Then next thing you know it Sat and you decide to rebase your cheat day. Then Sun you have a barbecue and get drunk and eat some pizza. You say, "Ah fuck it, I'll get back on track next week", but you never do.



From: John Entered on: September 9, 2008 8:39 PM

Yeah, you do have to be strict with it.

From: Bunky Entered on: September 9, 2008 9:01 PM
Speaking of sweet and fit, Lance Armstrong is going to do the Tour de France in 2009. He is also doing the Tour de California, and it is all through my work territory. I am going to have to strategically schedule my route in February to correspond with the stages!
From: Jackzilla Entered on: September 16, 2008 1:41 PM

Wow.  When Bert gets back he really needs to break some of these topics up into separate pages.  I felt like I was on dial-up loading this page up!  Anyways...


This Thursday is my 4-week mark, and I continue on with no cheating!  I was at 210 lbs today at weigh-in... that's about 12 lbs lost on Primal.  I think Ang & I are both going to continue on 100% primal past the 1 month mark.  It takes getting used to going to the store more often, and planning meals, but I'm not suffering too bad (only when fuckers are eating crap in front of me).


From: The Bone Entered on: September 16, 2008 1:55 PM

Congradulantions man. 12 lbs in a month is really, really good. I lost 5 lbs and I'm stuck. I need to be a little more strict on it. 

From: NickNick Entered on: September 16, 2008 2:00 PM

Jack, don't force chocolate cake on to guests and then complain they're eating it in front of you. :)

Seriously, though. I truly wish I had your resolve. That's awesome progress.

From: John Entered on: September 18, 2008 10:40 AM

I've got to update for Zilla. Lately he has been doing awesome with his weight loss but hasn't had any strength increases at least till today. 230lbs. on the bench for 7 reps, and then 240lbs. for 4 reps blowing his old record out of the water. Then Zilla and I kicked butt on the cardio, and that's right, I can hang with Zills on cardio now.

Unfortunately I tweaked my hamstring again on barbell squats. I felt great up till when I felt a pull in my hamstring. Again it was just 320lbs. that pulled it and I felt strong like I was going to go to 400lbs. before it happend. Oh well, at least this time I caught it before it caused me any real pain. I will go back to dumbbell squats which don't seem to bother my hamstring for the time being.

I need to find a way to strengthen my left hamstring without injuring it, any suggestions, Bone. I'm willing to try anything because I want to squat to my potential. I sense my quads are overpowering my hamstrings and I need to fix this problem. Maybe some lightweight stiff leg deadlifts, what do you think, Bone?

From: The Bone Entered on: September 18, 2008 10:55 AM

I think once you pull your hamstring you'll always be prone to it. I seem to pull it easy when I sprint. Best advice is to rest it for a week, then do some high rep body weight squats for a couple weeks, then stiff leg deadlifts and squats. Light on the squats until you get the SLDL going strong

From: BigFatty Entered on: September 18, 2008 12:54 PM

Fatty's update is not so exciting.  Still on the program.  The 30 day trial is a good brainwash.  Now it is a habit for me.  I think it might stick for a while... maybe for good!  I am losing a pound or so a week still.  The belt went in another notch.  The push-up program netted me 50 push-ups total.  I sprint one day a week on the weekends.  That I like.  This week is a mofo at work and am working 10-12 hour days.  Not doing much for exercise but my daily walk to work.

So things are still going... I am happy and looking thinner.... but nothing exciting.


From: Jackzilla Entered on: September 22, 2008 4:51 PM


Ok, I made it 30 days without cheating at all!  My final weigh in was 209 lbs (about 13 lbs total lost).  Now Angie and I have decided to continue on Primal past the 30 days (!!) with little adjustments here and there:  For instance, I allowed myself oatmeal at Bob Evans for breakfast yesterday (woah!  Do I know how to cheat or what!?).  At this point I'm determined to get under 2 bills.  And since the YMCA is open Sundays again (closed during the summer), I'm back to working out 3 days a week.

Carry on.


From: The Bone Entered on: September 22, 2008 6:35 PM

I had a Whopper with cheese, fries, and a cheeseburger for dinner. I need to refocus. I'm proud of you and Angie. That's really sweet and helps motivate me too.

From: Bunky Entered on: September 22, 2008 8:37 PM
Wow Zilla. Good for you and Angie! Bells, how did it go for you?
From: BigFatty Entered on: September 23, 2008 12:51 PM

HA!  I splurged at BK too last week.  They had on offer a six-pack of mini burgers.  How can a Fatty say no??  Plus, you could get them in a 'Snack Pack'.  This consisted of large fries, onion rings, 6 chicken wings, and 6 mini burritos.  I guess you are supposed to share this.... Fuck that - Fatty is eating!  Man, that was some glorious gluttony.  Afterwards, I was completely satisfied.  I was curious on how many calories were consumed.  The mini burgers were just shy of 1000 calories alone!  My estimations put that meal around 2500 calories minimum - about a whole days worth.  Well, you gotta go full hog once in a while.

Besides that, I am pretty steady on my eating.  This week, no weight loss.  I am not concerned.  I like the eating style and it is easy to do.  In the next 3 weeks I expect to drop another 3-5 pounds.  We will see how that goes.

From: Jackzilla Entered on: September 28, 2008 11:37 AM


206 lbs!  That's another 3 since last report (16 total lost).  200 is now in sight and will be my bitch!

From: The Bone Entered on: September 28, 2008 2:24 PM

Jesus Henry! You are my new hero. That's fucking sweet. An while adding strength? You are a monster.

From: BigFatty Entered on: September 28, 2008 4:12 PM

I am willing to name Jack the Primal King.  He certainly has had the best and most consistant results.  Plus, he was able to completely change his lifestyle.  Not only did he change is diet, but continues to exercise regularly.  At 40, Jack will be in the best shape of his life.

I am still hovering around 178 pounds (11 pounds lost) and have not hit the exercise like Jack did.  This shows me the diet is the most important part to weight loss.  Exercise will only improve your results, but it is not necessary.  Fatz will try to lose another 8 pounds and concentrate his efforts again.  This weekend was more relaxed and I felt the power of what eating a whole meat lovers Pizza Hut pizza can do.  I still got the shits.

From: Creeko Entered on: September 28, 2008 5:32 PM

I too have changed my eating style, I've droped 11 lbs (5kg) in a little over a month. No excercise what so ever.

From: The Bone Entered on: September 28, 2008 6:26 PM

It's a good thing you converted the lbs into kilos for us Creeko. 

From: Creeko Entered on: September 29, 2008 3:15 PM
The Bone said:

It's a good thing you converted the lbs into kilos for us Creeko. 

well, I have a metric scale so the kilo measurement is a more accurate representation of what I have lost. The Lbs. was just a conversion from kilos.

From: Bunky Entered on: October 7, 2008 8:42 PM

It's time to bring hernie back to JA!


From: Jackzilla Entered on: October 13, 2008 8:43 AM


Yes, I'm still at it (over 8 weeks, with only one cheat meal):  203 lbs.  It's coming down slow but steady.  Hopefully I'll hit under 200 in the next couple weeks.  I'm still refusing any sweets or breads/grains (other than occassionally oatmeal for breakfast).  I think the next cheat meal will be our Halloween party on 10/25.  I don't think anything healthy is on the menu that night... daddy's gonna eat some candy corn and crap!

I also have to update y'all on Bells' powers.  He squatted 410 lbs yesterday.  For 7 sets!  He had never done 400 before and handled it just fine with no help from me.  It's fairly obsurd.  I told him that it's like one of me sitting on each of his shoulders and we had a good laugh.

Carry on!

From: The Bone Entered on: October 13, 2008 2:58 PM

The Primal Blueprint allows for some alcohol from time to time so I stopped by the liquor store and got me some Mead. That's right bitches, the brew of Vikings. It's actually really good and makes me want to pillage your village. I don't know if you can get a manly drink of Mead in GR but if you happen to be near Detroit you can get some here.

Zilla - this is your time my friend. Bert, Roche, Creeko, and myself have all done some incredibly sweet body transformations at some point in time. It appears this is your time. My hat is off to your dedication and perseverance. 

From: John Entered on: October 13, 2008 3:08 PM

Aw man, I got get me some mead and pillage some villages and defile some bitches. Hey, that's what we do in Gears of War from time to time.

From: BigFatty Entered on: October 13, 2008 5:31 PM
The Bone said:

The Primal Blueprint allows for some alcohol from time to time so I stopped by the liquor store and got me some Mead. That's right bitches, the brew of Vikings. It's actually really good and makes me want to pillage your village. I don't know if you can get a manly drink of Mead in GR but if you happen to be near Detroit you can get some here.

Wow - Vikings!  Really??  Well, here are the directions to the one in Ferndale:

'Turn left on Wanda and drive approximately 1/4 mile. Just before the next light, on the right hand side of the road, you'll see a sign for Moo Moo's Vegetarian Bistro. Go to the back of that building, and there we are'

Just look for all the vikings at the back of Moo Moo's Vegetarian Bistro.

I fly into Detriot.  Maybe Papa Heiss and I will stop into Moo Moo's for a bean sprout salad and a pint of mead.


From: jeurge Entered on: October 13, 2008 9:01 PM

No need to travel to Detroit, boys. Pauly's, the awesome liquor store down the street from the Roche's and Reedy's has a wide selection of Mead. I'm not quite sure if that makes us more cosmopolitan or more agrarian. One way or another you can all come pillaging when you visit Lowell.

From: The Bone Entered on: October 14, 2008 8:08 PM

Pauly's is a great liquor store. They have the best selection of beer so I figure if anyplace in GR has mead, it would be Pauly's. I guess Roche got his hands on some cause he called me at 6pm saying he's been drinking since 1045 am - woohoo!

From: BigFatty Entered on: October 14, 2008 11:07 PM

Ahhhhhh...... the lazy, heady days of unemployment.  Bone, you don't need to worry about what to do when you reach early retirement age from the Navy.  Move back to GR and Roche will surely fill your days with wonder and excitement (beer).  Hell, Juerge might 'encourage' him to take an extended stay in Hawaii. 

Your days will be filled with drinking, lifting weights, Smallville, Xbox, porn, and watching fights.  F' it .  Unemployment suits Fatty too.  Save your third bedroom for me!

PS....  make sure you pay off the house BEFORE we move in.  Cash will be a little tight with me for some time (forever).

From: The Bone Entered on: October 15, 2008 8:59 AM

I've been back on the Primal more or less. I decended into mediocrity for a while. A few weeks ago I severly tore the ligaments in one of my fingers duing jiu jitsu. It prevented me from doing any type of excercise that involved a grip. I did some gay ass cardio but that was about it. When I'm not working out I tend to eat shitty as well so a few Hardee's thickburgers and BK Whoppers found their way into my gullett. Not to mention I had two boxes of cereal during this point. That's all it took and I was back up 225 lbs plus.

My finger is still fucked but usable. I'm back crossfiting and eating well. I have motivation to show up in top shape for the Thanksgiving Battle of the Builds (TM) hosted in Roche's living room.

From: John Entered on: October 16, 2008 10:30 AM
Zilla update, he's down to 202 lbs. and on the bench today he put up 250 lbs. for 4 reps. Not bad at 202 lbs., he's lighter and stronger. That's tough to pull off.
From: The Bone Entered on: October 16, 2008 1:45 PM

That's very impressive. It's very hard to lose weight and gain strength concurrently. 

From: NickNick Entered on: October 16, 2008 4:57 PM
Zilla weighs less than I do now. Confatulations!! Asshole. :)
From: Bunky Entered on: October 16, 2008 7:19 PM
Way to Man Up Zilla!
From: The Bone Entered on: October 16, 2008 7:31 PM

Oh shit! We face extinction with all this manning up.

From: NickNick Entered on: October 17, 2008 7:32 AM
From: NickNick Entered on: October 17, 2008 8:58 AM

What I meant by the man up comment was that if every person in the world decided to man up then we would all become men. Then, where would the babies come from?

Hopefully someone will realize that I'm not being serious.

From: John Entered on: October 17, 2008 4:30 PM
NickNick said:
Zilla weighs less than I do now. Confatulations!! Asshole. :)

Plus I'd wager he's stronger too. That's how you "man up".
From: Bunky Entered on: October 17, 2008 7:27 PM
NickNick said:

What I meant by the man up comment was that if every person in the world decided to man up then we would all become men. Then, where would the babies come from?

Hopefully someone will realize that I'm not being serious.

You are aware that you are NOT helping make your point? You can't really throw out a "Fuck Bone" because he is responding to a comment you made. I should probably add f'in Bone to my "list of things to do before true men become extinct!"
From: EDGE Entered on: October 17, 2008 8:40 PM

I am begging if there is a GOD out there...............Please help NickNick leave the DARKNESS of the BASEMENT and return to the light of day................ somehow he is changing......outgrowing his surroundings becoming unable to "MAN UP" if you will.

Is he LEGEND... the last true man on earth (trapped in a basement)....... keep reading true believers and see where this goes.

Anyways what the hell is wrong with you ..... I'm not sure if I should feel bad for you, rent you a hooker, build you a shed to live in- I'm just so confused by all of your comments NickNick. Yet I continue to read on and on, what have I been drawn into?

Great job on the primal Zilla.Keep it up and you may end up in better shape at 40 than when you were 20.



From: EDGE Entered on: October 17, 2008 10:01 PM

Fuck, can I please get a new avatar. I make myself sick everytime I see that fucking thing.  I look damned retarded, shit I look worse than fucking Corky.

From: John Entered on: October 17, 2008 10:19 PM
EDGE said:

Fuck, shit I look worse than fucking Corky.

Yes, yes you do.
From: Ross Entered on: October 18, 2008 8:00 AM

Send me one, Edge, I'll hook it up.

From: NickNick Entered on: October 18, 2008 8:44 PM

Hey Edge... you're a few comments late. The "Jump on Nicknick and fuck him up because he's a stubborn ass train" left the station a while ago.

By the way, while we're on the topic of things we know nothing about, how's the porn collection, Princess?

From: EDGE Entered on: October 18, 2008 10:45 PM

Not so good,  kids keep yelling and your mom just can't focus. Its like take 53.

So if thats the best you have go F - yourself. If you have anger issues feel free to take it out on me, unlike many now days I'm not even close to a meltdown......Vent away.

Your train may have left the station but it seems to be on a circle track.  If your gonna say off the wall shit, its only fair that I chime in when able. I truly believe that if someone acts negative give them negative. If they act stupid treat them stupid.


I'm so stupid, how could I do that....... I give you "you said it, your so stupid"

this makes me look fat............I give you a "yes it does"

my life sucks blah blah blah......I give you "sure as hell must cuz thats all I hear"

Man up and go extinct............. I give you " what the fuck"

Now lets all play nice. I'm not a big a-hole honest,( nice framed book cover flashback) and for the record I don't have a porn collection or magazines laying around . I'm not sure where your info is from but hey thats cool.




From: NickNick Entered on: October 18, 2008 10:45 PM
:) That one's so good, I need to put in the wall of my (in-laws) basement. Johnny, your kids got any tips. ;) I probably do have anger issues. Seriously. That's probably what contributes to my anxiety. I've never been in a fight, (physical, that is.) And Jackassery is probably one of the few places where I've allowed myself to have an honest-to-god confrontation. I wonder if I should take up boxing or anything. Bone, you have good advice for someone who's not in their best physical condition and has back issues? I might have to look into it before I start beating the crap out of hobos on the street.
From: EDGE Entered on: October 18, 2008 10:52 PM

That could be a problem. I used to have anxiety issues which added to high blood pressure. I even had meds for it at one time. Now I just let 99% of everything fly. Lifes to short and shit none of us are getting any younger ( ask Bunky about her BOTOX) for sure. Zilla in his current condition doesn't count.So if you feel that I'm just being a straight up prick let me know but it is all in good fun.


From: The Bone Entered on: October 19, 2008 12:59 PM
NickNick said:
Bone, you have good advice for someone who's not in their best physical condition and has back issues? I might have to look into it before I start beating the crap out of hobos on the street.


You have to exercise. It will improve your physical condition and if done properly, strengthen your back. It's also a great stress reliever. I have back issues as well usually causes by heavy squatting. Sometimes I literally won't be able to tie my shoes and I'll barely be able to climb into my car. 

I work on my core and stretch to improve my back. Generally I'll do some sit ups and back extensions once or twice a week and I'll do the Plank once or twice a week. I always stretch after my workouts. 

You could take one of those cardio boxing/kickboxing type classes but if you went to a real boxing gym, I think you'd be pretty intimidated and wouldn't go back. No offense to you but every time I step into a legit fighting gym I feel a strong sense of apprehension and I'm in shape and have some skills.

I always switch up my workouts with crossfit but if my mind was transfered into your body a la Clark/Lionel Luther, I'd gain access to one of those fancy treadmills with a hill program. I'd program it for an hour, 3.8 mph, and maybe level 7. I'd do it almost every fucking day, raising the level by one each week. After a 100 days you'll have lost significant fat. Couple that with cutting out sugar and it'll be a big step.

Finally, getting fit is a lifelong struggle. Sometimes you make progress, sometimes you retrograde. The progress is slow and incremental but you have to keep making the push and hold your ground as much as possible. It's easy to give up and hard to subject yourself to discomfort but when you do it, you build character and confidence in yourself to persevere and endure adversity. 

Here's an example of a 64 yr old woman who keeps pushing her limits and quite frankly puts most people on this board to shame. 

From: The Bone Entered on: October 19, 2008 1:53 PM

More inspiration for those who aspire to man up!


From: Jackzilla Entered on: October 19, 2008 5:36 PM


201 lbs!  And that's after eating out Saturday and having a steak, full rack of ribs and even *gasp!* a couple rolls of bread!  I will be under 200 this next week!  At least that's the plan if having Fatty in town doesn't completely fark me up.

Meanwhile, I'm having back issues myself.  I've been having lower back pain after standing long times at work.  And after benching 250 a couple days ago, my upper back feels crimped.  I was also doing a lot of crunches the last couple weeks and it's been giving me a neck ache (even though I don't pull on my head with my hands).  Getting old's a bitch, but at least I'm workin' it!

From: Jackzilla Entered on: October 21, 2008 10:27 AM


Good News!  I weighed in at 200 lbs today, bitches!!!

Bad News!  I'm taking the day off work and eating like a hog with Fatty, Bells and Swerb!  Gyros and Baconators (tm) are the order of the day!

From: Swerb Entered on: October 21, 2008 5:24 PM

Well, for the record, we ate gyros, then had tasty shakes and malts at Steak 'n' Shake, followed by Fatty's nixing of the Baconator - a thoroughly logical conclusion, although it did mean disappointing Zilla. Also for the record, Bells went "full gay" with a pretty pink strawberry shake, while the rest of us went "full hetero" with variations on chocolate. Regardless, I'm certain none of it was primal.

From: Jackzilla Entered on: November 10, 2008 10:39 AM


Well it's been an interesting couple of weeks.  Since the last update, Fatty has come and gone.  I had just hit my goal of 200 lbs when Fatty visited... 5 days later: 206 lbs!   ARGH!

Currently, I'm not 100% Primal, but I am eating better overall with a little cookie or pizza here and there.  And I'm still working out 3x per week.

Current weight: 199!

My new goal is 190 lbs... but I can see its going to be a long road.

From: Ross Entered on: November 10, 2008 1:29 PM

Congrats, dude.  That's the way to do it: slow and steady.

From: NickNick Entered on: November 10, 2008 2:58 PM
Seriously Zilla, You have inspired me to try again. I started doing to burpee beatdown again this week and we just purchased a Wii, which helps disguise physical activity as a video game. Congrats on the 199. You can definitely do 190. Don't be suprised if you can't get it before the holidays. You're not going to be able to stay away from ALL the food.
From: NickNick Entered on: November 11, 2008 10:26 AM

On this note, I've given up pop. That's soda, Bunky. Today's my first day so we'll see how it goes.

I also restarted the beatdown. It was kind of fun because I had Hunter count for me. Made it to 3 sets before one of my legs fell off and I died. Luckily enough, Hunter knows how to bring people back from the dead.

From: Jackzilla Entered on: November 25, 2008 9:53 AM

Time for some updates!

First, I'm holding in the 199-201 lbs area (that's 25 lbs lighter than earlier this year).  I continue to mostly eat primal breakfasts and lunches, decent dinners (some pizza here, or bread there) and healthy snacks (with only an occasional sweet).  Angie just loves having to go to the store all the dang time for our fresh foods!

Bells broke his personal record for squats today:  420 lbs for 10 reps!  Good Lord!  Can the Bone hang with that?

NickNick - Tell me you're still off the soda-pop!?  Pop is bullshit, my friend!


From: NickNick Entered on: November 25, 2008 12:35 PM
Soda-pop has a vice grip on my balls. I think I need an intervention. The problem is that it's so damned accessible and everyone else is like, hey, you wanna pop? I'll come into work some days and there'll be one sitting on my desk that someone bought me. I know it's just a matter of saying enough is enough but, damn, it's tough.
From: The Bone Entered on: November 25, 2008 6:27 PM

Zilla - that's full sweet. If I could drop 25 lbs I'd be happy as fark. I'm eating well and working out but I can't budge from 225lbs. I'm thinking about adjusting my workouts to include less lifting. As for 420 lbs for 10 reps? Fuck no. Even without a suspect back I doubt I could crank out 1 rep much less 10. That's phenomenal for Johnny. 

Nick - at least tell me you are drinking diet soda. If you are drinking the full high fructose corn syrup version.....I don't even know what to say. 

From: NickNick Entered on: November 26, 2008 8:14 AM

Unfortunately, nay. The pop is Code Red Mountain Dew. It's mostly a psychological addiction, I'd bet my hat. I'm afraid I'm working my way towards type 2 diabetes. Hopefully, over this 4 day weekend away from work, I can stay away from the "sauce" (code red), and that should give me a good foundation for finally staying away from it.

From: Jackzilla Entered on: November 26, 2008 9:39 AM

Good Lord, NickNick.  Do you have a 3-packs-a-day smoking habbit you want to mention too?  Let us know when you've dumped the Dew!  Pop is bullshit!

Shout it with me, NickNick: "Pop is bullshit!"

Say it loud, say it proud, cracker!  "POP IS BULLSHIT!"

I want you to add up all the money you spend on pop in just one year (I won't even get into the calories). I'm talking cans/2-liters from the grocery store, eating out, vending pop at work... add that shit up.  Now, don't you have a better use for all that money?


From: NickNick Entered on: November 26, 2008 10:07 AM

I know, I know. Again. This weekend should be a good test because I told Hunter not to let me have any pop and I'm going to try and get Megan on the wagon with me as well. We're both unhappy with our bodies at this point and I can assure you that pop is a major contributing factor.

From: The Bone Entered on: November 26, 2008 11:30 AM

Or as we say in the civilized world, "SODA IS BULLSHIT!"

I would say that eliminating the Dew would be a far more effective and easy step than working out.

From: Jackzilla Entered on: December 2, 2008 11:15 AM


198 lbs!  That's one more pound!  What?!  Even after lots of pie!?  FACT!


NickNick - How goes the no pop routine?  I noticed you brought out the Dew Saturday...

From: BigFatty Entered on: December 2, 2008 12:47 PM

Fatty is up to 180 pounds (+5) after the trip to the US and London.  I am meaning to buckle down again but there is always something these holidays.  This weekend we will go to the store and replenish the primal stock of nibbles.  The new clothes are getting tight, so I am glad I bought a size smaller when I was in town.  Now I have to slim down.  Plus the gym in my office building is open.  Looking at trying that out in the morning to see how that goes.

Shit - Bone might be here in a month.  At least I need to slim down to 'Slightly Portly' status.

Kudos to Jack for sticking with it.  It certainly is a sustainable diet.  It only takes a little willpower to keep it going.  Plus, be flexible enough to allow yourself some lack and get back on the plan again once you strayed.

Damn Nick!  At least grow some stones and cut out the pop.  Not only is it extra calories, but think of all the money you spend on it.  The money you spend on daily pops can easily fund a healthy Xbox lifestyle.

From: Jackzilla Entered on: December 4, 2008 9:59 AM


Zilla - Down another pound!  I'm now at 197 lbs!

Bells - Is attempting to go full Primal for a month, but wet burritos conspired against him yesterday on Day 4.  The good news?  This morning he once again shattered his life-time record for squats.  Are you ready for this?  450 lbs for 10 reps!  H@LY FUC4ING 5HIT!  Unreal!

From: Bunky Entered on: December 4, 2008 10:24 AM
Zilla, you're not on the Karen Carpenter Primal Diet are you?
From: Jackzilla Entered on: December 4, 2008 12:07 PM
Bunky said:
Zilla, you're not on the Karen Carpenter Primal Diet are you?

No, I still have bigger boobs than Karen ever had...

From: The Bone Entered on: December 4, 2008 12:54 PM

Bells called me yesterday to brag about being Primal for 4 days. He talked about his salads and sweet potato. Then he said how easy it as to stay primal and he didn't understand why he falls off the wagon. He acknowledged that he would probably fall off again - but within hours? Really?

From: BigFatty Entered on: December 4, 2008 4:08 PM

Bell's burrito choice is not necessarily a deal breaker.  Ok, if you are a 'true primalist' then it is.  Our primal ancestors were not wolfing down burritos.  If you are more of a low-carbist (as I am but like the primal moniker), the burrito could be passible.  The tortilla can be low in carbs, plus, if you skip the rice, you are doing OK.  Granted, it was most likely far from being an all-natural burrito. 

I hope he jumped back on again.  I am back on this week.  Or am getting on it.  I find it better to move into it gradually, and not be so rigid.  The longer I am on it, the better I am at it.  Its just getting back into the swing of things.  Tonight I had one of my favorite meals - a red and yellow bell pepper salad with olives, green onion, feta, and oil with balsamic.  I love it!  I had tomorrow's leftovers tonight. 

Bell's new squatting best concerns me.  I think he is tasting the power addiction again.  The weights he is using is starting to get up in the highly dangerous zone.  I am afraid he will not stop until his body stops him again.  That is too much weight to have a lift fail.  You think he could chalk this current best as uber-sweet then switch over to a major bulk reducing program?  Doubt it.  We will have to hear about the maniliess of the Bells squat until he F's himself.

From: Jackzilla Entered on: December 9, 2008 10:27 AM


I'm 195 lbs today!  That's 2 more pounds since the last update!

And that's only 5 lbs away from my new goal of 190 and nearly 30 lbs total lost.  And I'm not starving myself.  In fact, I had some of my mom's homemade chocolate chip cookies over the weekend, chocolate cake and pizza (two meals!), and late-night snacking (jerky, olive-oil popcorn, grapes).  But my breakfasts and lunches are generally awesome along with afternoon snacks (pears, nuts, etc).  I generally eat much less sugars and breads than I used too.  The lbs keep dropping and it seems easy, though I have to remember I started eating different back in August.


From: Creeko Entered on: December 9, 2008 11:47 AM

Good job Zilla!!!

I too have been quietly primaling away and have just lost pound number 20. I don't have any specific goals, but now that I'm within my ideal BMI I feel less morbid and makes me feel good about myself.

I'm my case, I haven't been following any exercise program, other than chitlin liftin. It's pure lifestyle - healthy eating and moderate drinking. Once or twice a week I´ll eat something less healthy, but I don't consider it cheating, more like enjoying life, in moderation.

From: Jackzilla Entered on: December 9, 2008 12:14 PM

Good job Creeko!

I've never been one for moderation before, but I'm really giving it a try.  It helps if we don't have unhealthy snacks in the house.  My powers of moderation are weak staring at a bag of chocolates...

From: The Bone Entered on: December 9, 2008 12:26 PM

Zilla - did you get the 3x3 workout routine I emailed you? Use it so you can stem off the muscle loss evidently responsible for your continued weight loss :)

20lbs Creeko - sweet. Viva the Ab Man!

From: Creeko Entered on: December 9, 2008 12:36 PM

The last 4Lbs were all thanks to a stomach flu so I'm not counting those as official yet but 16Lbs are gone for sure.

From: BigFatty Entered on: December 10, 2008 12:30 AM

If we could be so sweet....  Jack, better keep working!


In this undated photo released by Cenegenics Medical Institute on Oct. 8, 2008, is Dr. Jeffry Life when he was 67, after being on the Cenegenics program for about two years. Life, the chief medical officer at Cenegenics, will be 70 this Christmas day.

From: The Bone Entered on: December 10, 2008 9:07 AM

You could be that sweet if you have the $Grand a week it costs for proper hormone replacement therapy. 

From: Bunky Entered on: December 10, 2008 6:07 PM

My husband has a friend that takes HGH. It definitely has enhanced his physique, and he spends a small fortune on it each month. Patrick's pharmacy does alot of hormone replacement therapy for women, but stays away from compounding HGH. The FDA has been cracking down on HGH and how it is used.

From: BigFatty Entered on: December 27, 2008 5:23 PM

Fatty was doing some internet research on some fitness routines for his new gym (all while eating a bag of Cheetos).  I will join the first week of Jan because the membership is 1/3 the price!  It will be real nice because it is right in my building.  It offers saunas and a hot tub.  It is worth it just for that!

Anyway - I came across this badass Mofo.  This dude is strong...


From: Jackzilla Entered on: December 27, 2008 7:03 PM

That's obsurd.  I like the hanging off the fence at 3:10 or so...

From: Jackzilla Entered on: December 30, 2008 10:24 AM


40 Years Old!  200 Pounds!  (Yeah, I'm up a little after holiday eating).  I'll get back under 200 here shortly me thinks.  Tomorrow night - My Birfday Slumber Fest!


From: Jackzilla Entered on: January 16, 2009 1:35 PM

From: Jackzilla Entered on: January 16, 2009 1:37 PM

That was The Push Up Challenge from a couple weeks ago.  It should be mentioned that neither Bells nor myself do push ups regularly (though I issued a challenge on my b-day that went unfulfilled).  I had completely forgotten about this -- I think it was after we had watched The Wrestler? -- But Ang captured it for prosperity.

From: BigFatty Entered on: January 16, 2009 4:32 PM

Pushups???  More like half ups.  Nope - they don't cut the mustard for either of you bitches.  Zilla didn't get near enough to the floor and Bells never went into full extension.  Still pumping out 70 half assed pushups isn't too bad.  I'd put both of you in the 50s for decent pushups.  Quality counts when you do pushups my friends.  Don't believe me?  Try straight elbows and chest fist from floor.  Count how many then.

If I did those during the 100 Pushup Challenge, I'd be doing 150 of them bitches Fo Sho!


From: Jackzilla Entered on: January 16, 2009 4:59 PM

Ok, Fattard - Put your money where your mouth is!  Let's see your 150 "half-ups"!

From: BigFatty Entered on: January 16, 2009 5:22 PM

C'mon, really?  I just tried how many I could do - Zillastyle.  Bringing my upperarms parallel to the ground.  So without any exercise for over 3 months, plus being EXTREMELY sore from my first workout on Thursday, I was able to do 50 without pushing too hard.  Could I have done 70?  Nope, not now - but 60?  Sure.  Give me 6 weeks on the program, then hell ya.. I am doing 150.

Maybe thats why I thought the program was BS.  I was doing REAL pushups.

So, it is not so impressive if a guy not doing ANY working out for many months is almost hanging with you gym-going motherfuckers.

From: The Bone Entered on: January 16, 2009 6:14 PM

The ninja is supremely impressive. That's the type of strength I'm most impressed with and I find very functional for sports and combat. Goes to show you can get a phenomenal physique without a gym membership. There's a park like that by my house that I'm going to have to start frequenting.

As for the pushup challenge - Bells is claiming 70 but I counted only 59. Feel free to double check me though. Zilla's pushups involved parlor tricks I'm afraid to say. Do over with 2 independent counters holding a fist on the floor. A rep counts when the chest touches the fist and rises to near lockout.

I haven't weighed myself in weeks but I'm feeling svelt. 

From: Jackzilla Entered on: January 17, 2009 12:50 AM

I just looked over the video and Bone is right - Fucking Bells only did 59!  FUCK!  I beat him!  Way to inflate your numbers doing half-ups, Bells!

From: BigFatty Entered on: January 17, 2009 8:26 AM

Bells is the first to question one's form... I can't believe he is counting this performance as acceptable.  He still does not accept Ross' 300 benchpress.  Plus for him to miss count?  Do we have another JA scandal here?  Last thing we need now is more defectors over to FB.  We all can admit that the majority of the crew spend more time on FB than here now.

If pushups are worth doing, they are worth doing right.  You will see that doing them with proper form and range of motion will shave off about 20 from your total.

Bone - I'd love to see you head over to the local hood playground.  You'd fit right in with the ghetto folks who have nothing better to do than practice feats of strength on the monkey bars.

You may even get the chance to put some of than Jujitsu into practice!  I wonder how many big-ass Kananks it takes to put down a Bone.  I'll wager 2 big ones.

From: Ross Entered on: January 17, 2009 9:26 AM

I don't want to rekindle the stupid ass pushup/manliness debate, but I will say that when I was doing the pushup challenge training, I was doing a much larger range of motion than what I saw from either of these guys in this video.  If Bone's definition is accurate, I might have even been overdoing my range of motion.  So the comparisons were not apples to apples in terms of who could claim to be doing how many pushups - not that I'm saying I can out-pushup anyone else, just that my numbers would be different if I was doing them with less range of motion. 

From: Jackzilla Entered on: January 17, 2009 11:14 AM

I brought up Bells' bad half-up counting to him on the phone this morning (and claimed myself the proper victor of said challenge) and unsurprisingly was told something along the lines of "let's see you bench 300 and then we'll see who... blah blah blah".  Really?  How about you learn to count, MF'er!  Laughing

From: BigFatty Entered on: January 17, 2009 12:59 PM

Johnny better be careful.  Aren't you just one 'add 50 pounds to your bench' program away from 300?  Besides, now his arithmetic abilities are called into question.  Did he really do 300, or was it more like 269?

All I am saying is, he should be careful on getting a Zilla motivated.  What will he say if Zilla is benching 300?

Anyway - both of you still aren't doing pushups right.  Go back to school.  Benching 300 or not, if you don't know how to do a decent pushup, you aren't a man.

From: Ross Entered on: January 17, 2009 1:47 PM

Good lord, Fatty, that's just what we need around here...

From: Jackzilla Entered on: January 17, 2009 4:08 PM
BigFatty said:

Anyway - both of you still aren't doing pushups right.  Go back to school.  Benching 300 or not, if you don't know how to do a decent pushup, you aren't a man.

What's that say about you who can't even do as many half-ups as us?  Fatstain better watch it or he'll find that chicken sandwich smacked out of his mouth and used rolled-newspaper-style to beat him like a 3-legged, blind dog.   Beyotch!

From: BigFatty Entered on: January 17, 2009 5:08 PM

Whats that smack talk???  I am sitting on my ass for 3 months and am only 10-15 half-ups from you?  Thats a lot of progress from your workouts.  You want to give me two weeks so I can show you better results than you've had in three months?  Is that really what you want?

A little advice, maybe hike up your skirt on the treadmill.  You won't be stepping on it when you run.  Ain't no one smacking any chicken sandwich of mine.  I'm eating it and you can watch me lick my fingers Beeyotch!

Photo 302 is where the action is.  Fuck Facebook!

From: Bunky Entered on: January 17, 2009 8:51 PM

I'm not going to complain about having to look at the opening photo all over again....

From: RobotSpider Entered on: January 19, 2009 7:49 AM
Jackzilla said:

Fatstain better watch it or he'll find that chicken sandwich smacked out of his mouth and used rolled-newspaper-style to beat him like a 3-legged, blind dog.   Beyotch!

HA HA HA!!  Or my favorite variation on that beat him like a rented gong. 

For anyone who would rather not have to look at any half-naked men, I HIGHLY recommend the AdBlock plugin for Firefox.  Right-click, Ad Block Image...  Never shows up again.

From: The Bone Entered on: February 14, 2009 11:49 AM

Primal Update - I'm down to 216 lbs weighed on two different scales. For a while there I wasn't budging on the weight but since I've been back I've been streamlining my diet and lifestyle.

Diet - I haven't actually been low carb primal but there's a Whole Foods near my crib so I've been eating about 85% of my meals there. Typically I'll eat some variation of salad, rice, broccoli, and meat from the hot bar for dinner. For lunch, I usually bring boxed salad to work and I'll have a stash of unsalted mixed nuts and a fruit for snack. Breakfast consists of full fat Greek yogurt mixed with fresh coconut and/or papaya. The only supplement I've been taking is premium quality Cod Liver Oil. After doing some research, I've concluded it's the best thing known to man for health.

Exercise - I've only stepped foot in a gym once in the past couple months. That workout was a superset of pullups and clean and jerks. What I've really been doing is walking around Diamond Head from time to time and stopping at a little park to do a park workout. (Pushups, pullups, ab stuff, and tabata box jumps if I'm up to it). I've also been hiking up Koko Head stairs. It's a pretty steep set up stairs that takes about 25 mins of effort to get up. 

For additional reading, this is a well laid out article addressing vanity vs health with regard to being healthy. This link discusses the emerging science supporting a Paleo style diet. 

From: Bunky Entered on: February 14, 2009 12:55 PM
I think we need some photographs for proof. Preferably shirtless and in board shorts.
From: Jackzilla Entered on: February 14, 2009 1:33 PM


Okay, It's only fair that I report the bad news with the good news.  As expected I ate like a hog on the cruise.  My weight is 205.  No good.  I'm determined to get it back under 200.  As soon as I finish the giant chocolate chip cookie Angie made me for Valentine's Day of course.

From: Radmobile Entered on: February 14, 2009 2:26 PM

I didn't do too bad.  I'm still in the 155-157 range I started the cruise at.  There's still room for loss mind you, but at least I didn't gain much with all the overeating that was done.  Luckily between intentional laps up and down the stairs and arround the upper deck and having Annie to keep me in check, I managed to eat a lot of good food and not get any fatter.

That said, I sorely miss that breakfats buffet.  Kashi bars don't quite measure up to a plate full of eggs, bacon, and sausage. (with the occasional "Franch toast" thrown in there)

From: Jackzilla Entered on: February 14, 2009 4:36 PM

Rad, you can't fool us.  You burned off all that cruise food having "maritals" in your suite.

From: John Entered on: April 17, 2009 11:14 AM
BigFatty said:

Johnny better be careful. Aren't you just one 'add 50 pounds to your bench' program away from 300? Besides, now his arithmetic abilities are called into question. Did he really do 300, or was it more like 269?

All I am saying is, he should be careful on getting a Zilla motivated. What will he say if Zilla is benching 300?

Anyway - both of you still aren't doing pushups right. Go back to school. Benching 300 or not, if you don't know how to do a decent pushup, you aren't a man.

Fatty, when I was working out before Melissa's liver transplant Zilla witnessed a more than 300 lbs bench as well as a bar bending 450 lbs squat for 10 reps. You yourself have been present when I've gone over 300 lbs on the bench, three 45 lbs plates on each side of the bar asshole and now you're calling my bench into question. Yep, I tricked you with fake weights, WTF. Dude you lifted with me for years and were never even close in any lift but now you're more manly in the weight room, give me a break.

As far as endurance goes, I hate to make excuses but I'm on 3 different blood pressure meds all of which can compromise my endurance which was never my strong suit to begin with. I've always been better at raw power than endurance. I'm very strong out of the gate but tend to fade over time. If that makes me less manly than so be it.

From: Ross Entered on: April 17, 2009 11:26 AM

Way to fight back 4 months later! Laughing

From: John Entered on: April 17, 2009 11:39 AM

Yeah, well I've been a little busy.

From: Jackzilla Entered on: April 17, 2009 12:43 PM

Yeah, Bert: You insensitive asshole!  Bells has had a lot on his plate!

Those Smallville's aren't going to watch themselves, afterall!  Laughing

From: Jackzilla Entered on: June 19, 2009 9:37 AM


So how is Zilla fairing these days?  I'm right around 208.  Which is not under 200 like I've been (I reached 195 last year!) but it's also not 225 like last summer.  After a 2 month break earlier in the year (due to my back problems) Bells and I have been back at it regularly twice a week at the gym.

I've toyed with going full Primal again to take more weight off, but I'm currently just trying to eat with moderation.  I did have a candy bar this week -- and some chocolate at my reunion last Saturday -- but all and all I'm going sugar-snack free these days.  I'm having a little bread & cereal but much less than I used to and my meals are generally full of veggies, meats and fruits and light on pizza.


From: Heather Entered on: June 19, 2009 3:22 PM

Zilla, I also believe you indulged in a bit of sweets during your recent visit here too!  I think you and I killed a couple bags of Skittles on our own.  Oops!  Oh well, it was fun regardless.  Laughing

From: Ross Entered on: June 19, 2009 6:02 PM
From: Jackzilla Entered on: June 19, 2009 7:09 PM

Ah yes, the SKITTLES!  I was a bit dazed upon leaving that Sunday morning, but I remember thinking to myself upon seeing the full dish of Skittles as I left:  "Fuck!  They're all still there!"  This after endless eating all weekend.  I generally eat something til it's gone, so it was hard for me to leave that dish a defeated man.

From: Heather Entered on: June 21, 2009 11:15 AM

No worries, Zilla.  The bowl didn't stay full for long.  I think I took care of them over the next day or two.

From: BigFatty Entered on: August 5, 2009 1:48 PM

Back to Bunky's favorite topic - Photo 302!.

A site that has been mentioned before - and a damn interesting one - Marks Daily Apple, is having its 30 day challenge.  Its one of the Primal sites, but is much more reasonable in the approach.


Anyway, Mark always had a great approach to get people to start a program.  He has a lot of good stuff in his Primal 101.  I am starting it up again and this time.... putting it all together.  This is something I've never done in the past -  Diet, exercise, and sleep.  I hope to make the habits stick a bit longer this time.  Last go around did instill better eating habits.  I am adverse to bread, pastas, and rice and avoid them when I can.

If you are looking for inspiration again, or an excuse to start, take a look at the site!

From: Bunky Entered on: August 5, 2009 10:55 PM
Oh yeah, put your butt in the air!!!
From: BigFatty Entered on: August 6, 2009 12:08 AM
Bunky said:
Oh yeah, put your butt in the air!!!

When I hear this, I think it is in reference to the Fart Cannon.  Does that make you hernie?

From: Jackzilla Entered on: January 8, 2010 6:40 PM


I'm back at eating less after some wonderful Holiday eating.  Currently 198 lbs.  I wanna hit 190 (my lowest was 195 a little over a year ago).

As for Bells?  He's gone full bat-shit crazy -- basically surviving on berries, nuts and boogers.  He weighs 189 (from a high of 240!).  Crazy!  And he wants to lose more.  Congrats to Bells!  It's motivated me to lose more.

From: Ross Entered on: January 9, 2010 7:34 AM

I was worried that my holiday eating was going to derail me too, but I am weighing in at 168.5, which is my lowest in about 5 years.  However, Johnny's gut is measuring smaller than mine by about a half inch!  He's a machine!  Congrats to him!

From: Jackzilla Entered on: January 9, 2010 9:56 AM


Bells @ 189!

From: Bunky Entered on: January 9, 2010 12:34 PM
Nice work Bells! The weight loss really brings out your biceps!
From: John Entered on: January 10, 2010 2:00 PM

Thanks Bunky, I think I'll post again when I get down around 170.

From: BigFatty Entered on: January 10, 2010 2:23 PM

Well Johnny - you are under Fatty now (this is where Bunky wishes to be).  Confatulations!  You are looking great!  I really piled on the pounds and belly fat over my visit AND the holidays.  A good solid 2 months of gluttony.   I am slightly disgusted with myself and don't even want to say I am one week in on yet another attempt to get back to slimmer.  My gym card is all recharged for the year and tomorrow morning, that is starting up.

Johnny, you will be my inspiration.  I cannot stand to have you gloat about how thin you are compared to me.  You already hold the strength card, my once lower weight was all I had!  SO, next time you see me, if I am not thinner than you... give it to me with both barrels. 

I'll race you to 170!  Not sure where I am now.. but I think it is about 195-200.


One more thing.... what the hell goes on in the back of Rookies?

From: Bunky Entered on: January 10, 2010 3:29 PM
There have been questionable activities occuring in the back of Rookies. My box was assaulted by some foreigner a few months back in that area...
From: BigFatty Entered on: January 12, 2010 1:57 PM

Ok Bells - Here is your bone.  I weighed myself today and tipped the scales at 198!  You are 10 pounds lighter than Fatz.  So now I can say, you are a little girl and I am at a more manly weight.

From: Jackzilla Entered on: January 12, 2010 4:48 PM

Dude!  You weigh more than both of us (not put together, silly!).  I came in at 197 today!  Er ner!  Fatty is living up to the name!

From: Bunky Entered on: January 14, 2010 7:33 PM
Nevermind living up to the name, that gut will make Fatz' crank look smaller! Poor Fatty.
From: BigFatty Entered on: January 15, 2010 4:01 PM

Normally, you would be correct, Bunkz - You aparently don't know *why* they call me Fatty.  While most men carry their weight in the gut, I carry it in my crank.  Its still awful short, just REALLY wide!

From: Jackzilla Entered on: January 16, 2010 12:08 AM

Balls don't count for width measurement, Fatz.

From: Jackzilla Entered on: February 19, 2010 1:19 PM


192 pounds yesterday -- my new low!  And that's after a weekend of Swerb chicken wings and chocolates!


181 this morning -- his new low!


There's gonna be a lot of shirtless Bells and Zilla come this summer!  ;)

From: Ross Entered on: February 19, 2010 5:02 PM

Here's my stats: I've been holding around 165 for the past couple weeks.  When I started my diet (not doing much working out these days) due to Johnny's influence, I was in the high 170's, so I've lost 10-12 lbs.  Not a huge amount, but I've lost 2.5-3" off my waist in that time, which is what I like the most.

The Obligatory Bunky Diagram (TM):


From: Jackzilla Entered on: March 4, 2010 10:35 AM


191 today.  Not bad considering I had chocolate-covered bacon on Sunday.  I'm going to reach the 180's yet!  I just need to be even stricter calories-wise for week.  Maybe I'll cut out the boogers (see Berries, Nuts & Boogers).

Bells had a birthday goal of 180 -- Happy Birthday Bells! -- and was 179 today!  Now he wants to see what it's like to hit 170 (!!).

From: Ross Entered on: March 4, 2010 2:50 PM

Whaaaaaaat?  Jebus, I better watch my ass - Scrawnybells is hot on my heels!

From: BigFatty Entered on: March 5, 2010 11:04 AM

Scrawnybells in the 170s!  Crazy!!  Happy B-day to him as well.  Fatz is 193 and is continuing to keep on track for the most part.  Had pasta for the first time in 4-5 months.  It was good, but I don't miss it.  Hope to be in the 180s soon.


Will be spending 2 weeks in Spain with the Brohair, so I am sure the eating will increase... especially considering a few visits to the Sock are planned.

From: John Entered on: March 5, 2010 2:08 PM

LOL, Scrawnybells! It's crazy that at 39 years old I'm finally back to the weight I was when I met Melissa 16 years ago. Speaking of which we were looking at old photos last night and I saw one of myself in 2002 looking like I was 8 months pregnant. I never want to go back to that.

From: Heather Entered on: March 7, 2010 10:09 AM
BigFatty said:

Had pasta for the first time in 4-5 months.  It was good, but I don't miss it.  Hope to be in the 180s soon.


We went out for burgers last night for the first time in a few months.  Like your experience with pasta, it was good, but we both left feeling disgustingly over-full.  Worth it?  Not sure.

After reading about all of your awesome successes, I thought I'd share a little of my own.  I'm not going to post my weight, but will share my accomplishments.  After having Lauren and knowing that we are done having chits, I wanted to get back into pre-baby shape.  I bought the Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred and committed to working through the DVD.  It is nice because the workout is less than 30 minutes (which is necessary with the kids), but it kicks your butt (ask Ross)!!  Anyhoo, my final workout and measurement is a couple days away, but as of my last weigh in (after 3 weeks on the program), I had lost only 4lb, but lost 3 inches from my waist and 1.5 inches from my hips!  Once I'm done with the workout program, I'm going to start running in hopes of losing the final 10 pounds to my ultimate goal weight.

Congrats on all the sweet accomplishments!!!

From: Bunky Entered on: March 7, 2010 2:59 PM

Congrats to all of you!

Fatty, I was thinking of you whilst in Memphis. There was a restaurant across the street from my hotel that has a 4 & 6 lb burgers. It's 12,387 calories of pure Fatty Love for the 4lb. version if you don't add the bacon or blue cheese!

These burgers have been featured on the show Man vs. Food.

I love that Ross' Girth Chart is back!

From: Jackzilla Entered on: March 18, 2010 9:41 AM


My goal of 190 reached!  And beat!  189 lbs today! My previous low was 191 that I first hit on Feb 21... so it's been a slow process.

Meanwhile SkinnyBells -- or as I now call him Bruce Vain (for obvious reasons if you've spent any time around him lately) -- is 178 lbs.

We're both continuing on!

From: John Entered on: March 22, 2010 9:18 AM

For Zilla and I it's been a complete lifestyle change. I don't think either of us is going to return to our old sloppy eating habits. So we're both continuing on with more resolve than ever. I'm finally putting my obsessive compulsive nature to good use as pointed out by Zilla.

It is at this point a slow process and I've dared to add a little more carb to my diet in the form of oatmeal. Bold I know, but I think I can use some extra carbs at this point to help my performance in the gym. My goal is to get to 170 lbs at some point this summer but I'm taking it slow because I really am down to the last little bit to lose.

Ha,Ha, Bruce Vain. Well, maybe a little.Laughing

From: Heather Entered on: March 26, 2010 12:38 PM

Jack recently mentioned eating chocolate and bacon, so when I saw this recipe, I instantly thought of him and Swerb and had to share.  If you ask nicely, maybe I'll make a batch for Memorial weekend. Wink

From: Jackzilla Entered on: March 27, 2010 2:09 PM
Heather said:

Jack recently mentioned eating chocolate and bacon, so when I saw this recipe, I instantly thought of him and Swerb and had to share.  If you ask nicely, maybe I'll make a batch for Memorial weekend. Wink

I am SO IN!  Make it so, H-Bomb!

From: BigFatty Entered on: March 28, 2010 1:23 AM

Those do look good!  I like the guy's writing style; I was laughing.  I found a Hungarian treat which I tried the other week:

Its not quite what I'd call chocolate covered bacon.. more like chocolate covered pork cracklings (fat).  Its not too bad, but if it was made with great cuts of bacon dipped in chocolate... then we'd be talkin.

From: BigFatty Entered on: April 12, 2010 3:10 PM

Er ner!  I fell into a tub of Fatness in Spain.  I am back up to 198!  I am a full 25 pounds of Chunky Loveness more than Scrawny Bells.

Can we get a Bone update??  Um... Commander Bone... don't you have something to share?

From: Ross Entered on: April 12, 2010 3:37 PM

Well, it appears that he hasn't logged in since November, so I think your request is probably falling on deaf ears, Fatstain.  He hath forsaken us!

From: Jackzilla Entered on: April 12, 2010 4:53 PM

There's rumors afoot of majoring happenings in Boneville... I guess I'll break the news since he's too busy to get on here:

Bone called Bells this morning to report that he's married (FOR 2 WEEKS NOW!) and that a BABY BONE is on the way!

That's all the news I have to report... Stay Tuned, True Believers!

In other news, I'm still hovering around 190 lbs, having dipped to 189 only once.  I'm crossing my fingers to be under tomorrow though.  Bells?  174 pounds at last check.  If you hold a flashlight up behind him you can see his organs.  Pretty cool.

From: The Bone Entered on: April 27, 2010 3:01 PM

Sorry for my absence, I've been busy. That's right I got married and baby Bone is on the way. We just found out it'll be a boy which is a relief for me to know the Bone legacy will continue. I'm growing an Empire here folks.

From: Creeko Entered on: April 27, 2010 5:47 PM

Way to go bone!! So whats it gonna be, a Sept. birth? That's fucking sweet that your gonna be a dad. I hope all goes well.

From: Ross Entered on: April 28, 2010 9:50 AM

Congrats, Bone! 

From: BigFatty Entered on: April 28, 2010 4:12 PM

Sweet my man!  But I guess the next time you say 'Whos your daddy?" it takes a completely different meaning.  Oh well, you got your use out of it.

Sorry Bunkz - You better sew it up.  The Bone is taken and farming another field.  You will always have Photo 302.


From: Bunky Entered on: April 30, 2010 9:04 PM
Fatz, didn't you read? He's having a boy. There is a next generation Bone on the way. Someone has to break him in when he's older! Bone, now that you are married, learn from Creeko and remember to log out before closing the JA page!
From: BigFatty Entered on: May 3, 2010 1:36 PM

Bunkz on the prowl for Bone 2.0!  Well played.

From: The Bone Entered on: November 10, 2011 1:00 PM

I like this article that I poached from the web:


...and is there a difference?

A resounding “Yes!”  Exercising is something one does just to move.  Almost everyone who works out exercises, but not everyone who works out trains.  The globo gyms and hamster factories across America love it when people sign up in their gyms so they can exercise.  Exercising is cheap, unguided mediocrity.  Exercising makes people feel good for the short term.  After six to eight weeks of exercising, it becomes boring, routine, and lacks the luster of the New Year’s Eve resolution and excitement.  Exercising sometimes leads to sweat, but rarely leads to improved health and fitness.  Why?  Because exercising lacks the intensity necessary to elicit the neuroendocrine response that alters the metabolism and affects the muscles.

So what is training?  Training necessarily requires a program of constantly varied, functional movements, performed with high intensity.  Training involves weights.  Not weight machines, but free weights, i.e. powerlifting and Olympic lifting.  Training means that you make a commitment to a true goal of improved human performance.  Training requires pushing through barriers – going beyond your limits and pushing the boundaries of your comfort zone.  Training demands sacrifices so that you can train multiple times each week and continue to train regardless of excuses involving work, family, the environment, and other life obstacles that pull you away from training.  Training means tracking your progress by logging your workouts and food intake.  Training means going hard, fast, and heavy when you can and not giving up until you reach your goals no matter how long that takes.

The next time you work out, ask yourself if you’re training or just exercising.  If the answer is that you’re just exercising, then perhaps it’s time to up your game, recommit to yourself and your training program, and get to work.  What have you got to lose?  If you’re happy with the status quo, then keep on exercising.  If you want to improve your overall health and fitness, then focus your mind and train like you mean it. 

From: Ross Entered on: November 10, 2011 8:49 PM

Great point Bone, I've thought much the same recently without putting it so elegantly - I definitely feel like the planning and setting and reaching goals is the key.  Otherwise you're just kind of flailing around aimlessly. 

I was also just re-reading some of this thread and especially looking at the crossfit talk.  I assume you're still doing some of that kind of thing since your link is on a crossfit site.  I think I'd like to start trying some of that as well, though I know some of it (like shit with ropes) is harder to do in a regular gym.  Do you have thoughts on that?  I was looking through your favorite crossfit workouts and I think I may make a feeble attempt at one of them soon.  Any suggestions appreciated.

From: The Bone Entered on: November 11, 2011 10:24 AM

I didn't start dropping weight until I set a goal (drop 30 lbs in 90 days), developed a plan (4 Hr Body diet paired with crossfit), and tracked and graphed my weight every day on a spreadsheet. The spreadsheet with a glideslope to 205 lbs was probably the single most imortant thing that kept me motivated. I'd follow the dietary guidlines perfectly and watch my wieght track along glidepath. On days where I would stry, I see a spike above glidepath and redouble my efforts the next day. 

As far a crossfit goes, it's not for everyone but I really like it because I like the idea of general physical fitness. I can't run a 5K as fast as a serious runner, and I'm not as strong as a serious ppwerlifter, but I can dabble in each area with a very respectable showing.

I highly recommend joing a crossfit gym or box as they like to call them. First, there are specific skills involved in crossfit that really required proper coaching like the olympic lifts. I've been doing it for 9 months and my form still isn't pefect on several of the lifts. Second, and for me this is the most important. Scores are posted on a whiteboard daily so you can compare against others. I would find a couple guys that were close in fitness to me and try to beat them every time I did a WOD. That really motivated me to push hard. I've been on the road for the last 2 months and I've been crossfiting at a regular gym and it sucks. I know I'm not pushing myself as hard as I would if I had someone to compete against. It's also very difficult to accomplish certain workouts becuas ethey require you to monoplize several pieces of equipment and space.

Plus the other thing about a crossfit box is the commeraderie. Everyone seams to be very close. I've gone to a couple crossfit boxes outside of my own and the vibe was present as well. The other good thing is, you won't be able to all or any of the WODs as prescribed when you are starting out. The coaches at crossfit facility know how to scale them for your fitness level and work around injuries.

Finally, it's very time efficient. The warmup, skills instruction, and WOD take 1 hr. For the first 3 months I went 3 times a week and lost 30 lbs. I upped it to 4 times a week for a few months, then right before I left I upped it again to 5 times a week which was overkill for most people.

When I built my 90 day plan, I made a commitment to myself to following the diet and crossfit for 90 days no matter what and after 90 days I could quit if I wanted to. AFter 90 days, I felt awesome and set new goals that were more performance oriented. Hope that helps.

From: Ross Entered on: November 11, 2011 12:34 PM

Yeah, I don't have a problem dropping weight when I want to, I have more trouble crafting interesting-enough workouts to make good strength and muscle gains. Which is why crossfit interests me.  Though I don't see myself joining a crossfit-specific gym anytime soon - it's a wonder I'm in the gym at all and it's due entirely to the fact that it's in such close proximity to my office.  So I have to work within those parameters or the whole thing falls apart.  Still, it seems like there's various workouts I can do there and even if I'm not doing according-to-Hoyle crossfit, I can come up with some workouts with a similar flavor which I would think would be better than nothing.

From: The Bone Entered on: November 11, 2011 3:34 PM

I agree. Right now it's not possible for me to go to a crossfit gym so I do what I can based on crossfit priciples. For example:

Moday - Randy Couture Grappling circuit.

Tues - Strength 8 sets of 3 deadlifts. Start at a lower weight and work up to a max. Max weight gets logged for personal record (PR). Then mini met-con - 1000 meter row for time.

Wed - 50 sit ups/25 man makers, 40 situps/20 man makers, 30/15,  20/10,  10/5 for time. Prescribed weight for man makers is 35 lbs. 

Thurs - off

Fri - run 5k for time either outdoors or treadmill with 1% incline

Sat - Cindy 5 pullups, 10 pushups, 15 squats. As many rounds as possible in 20 mins

Sun -Lynne: bench your bodyweight followed by pullups. 5 rds. Goal is cumultive score at end of 5 rds.

There are a tone of WODs on the internet. This is just an example of a typical week for me. Every week is different. I usually have one deadicated strength day - either bench, squat or deadlift followed by a mini met-con that takes < than 10 mins but is high in intensity. A good one is 75 kettlebell swings for time with a 53 lbs KB. You can substitute dumbell if you dont have a KB.

If you hit it with appropriate intesity you really can get away with 2 WODs per week at a minimum. My wife got in great shape with 2/week sessions. The key is to log your score and try to improve upon it the next time you do it (which shouldn't be any sooner than a month)


From: Ross Entered on: November 15, 2011 9:05 AM

So Bone, I started reading the 4 Hour Body, and while I think some of Ferriss's ideas are wacky and overkill (no fruit, no white carbs), I respect his style of relentless experimentation and metrics.  I'm definitely going to incorporate some of his ideas into my regimen (including some of his ideas on binge/cheat days) - though I'm not really up for supplementation. 

In any case, I'm going to a Bod Pod on Friday to get my body fat measured.  I'm guessing I'm somewhere in the low 20s right now, and I want to get down eventually to around 12%.  I'll be reporting on progress for the public humiliation factor.

From: The Bone Entered on: November 15, 2011 11:51 AM

When I tell people about the no fruit thing it raises eyebrows. I don't think it's meant as a lifestyle diet, more of a "lose weight as fast as you can" diet. I stuck with it exactly and dropped 35 lbs in 90 days. Could I have done the same eating fruit and white carbs? Maybe, maybe not but I was pretty happy with the diet overall and it was easy to do for 90 days. Now I've introduced fruit and such into my diet and I've been holding steady at 204 -208.

I was thinking about your goal of getting stronger when I read a pretty good blog post about durability. If I were in your shoes, I'd skip the crossfit style workouts for now and do the "big 3" lifts. Bench, squat, deadlift. I believe with every fiber of my being, that the squat and deadlift are the pillars of strength and these 3 exercises will provide you with the asnwer to your goal in the least amount of time. I've used an 8 week program called the 3 x 3 before with great success. Figure out what your max is on each lift with very strict/good form and calculate the wieghts accordingly or use the 3 x 3 excel spreadsheet on this page. It's simple, its easy, and there is a definitive start and end to the program.

If you want and enhanced cardio componant to your workout, I'd mix in a few Randy Couture grappling circuits whenever you feel like it. One new workout I just did last night and I really like is set the treadmill on a 5 degree incline and run a 1/4 mile or .25 as fast as you can then pause for 1 min and do it again for 8 rounds. It should take you 17-20 mins total but you'll feel like a warrior after. I started at 6 mph and worked my way up to 8 mph. As a metric, for the future, I'm think going to use calories expended, ie I burned about 430 last night. My goal is to enter in the same parameters and see if I can beat that over the coarse of 8 rds. 

Anyways, good luck and dont be afried to hurt yourself squating and deadlifting. Watch some vids on proper form and get to it.

From: BigFatty Entered on: November 16, 2011 7:03 AM
I started reading the 4 Hour Bone Bod last night as well. It is very similar to the Bill Phillips' Body for Life and the no-white carbs is similar to the Primal Diet - both which some JA-holes have had success with. I am currently being moderately Primal, but seen the weight creep back on. So I will give the Bone Bod a try. I did like the cheat day from the Phillips' plan. There were many a week I ate myself sick. It did not take long before I stopped cheating so much on those Gluttony Days. There was a few things that Ferriss pointed out I should change - the fruit thing, plus the dairy. The other things are the legumes and nuts. I'll try adding in Lentils and will cut way back on the nuts. The standardized daily diet will make it easy - especailly if you have a cheat day to look forward too. Bone - I love the 3 x 3 program. Ross, certainly do that! It first you feel really cheesy as you are only using girly weights, but as soon as you turn to the heavy, you'll be shocked at how strong you've become with the puny weights. I hit my all time max with that program, starting from pure stagnation. The only thing I am going to change is replacing the bench with military presses. I have problems benching now and I like the whole body impact of standing presses. So - I guess I will throw my hat into the ring as well for motivation and risk of humiliation as well. Shall we throw on the befores and afters? Can you make it through the Holidays? Will we have a huge blow-up over Dead-lift techniques? Remember the push-up debacle?
From: Ross Entered on: November 16, 2011 11:15 AM

Hahaha, well let me clarify: currently my bigger goal is fat loss.  I want to get my bodyfat down to around 12%, or whatever it takes to start seeing my abs.  I want to put on muscle too, but I know how difficult it is to make dramatic changes to both at the same time.  So while I'm lifting 3 times a week right now, I'm also doing cardio 3 days a week (much of which is HIT) and focusing on a pretty light diet (around 16-1800 cal/day) for fat loss.  So far it's been working reasonably well, but I fear plateauing soon so I may give the slow-carb diet a try for a couple of months just for the hell of it. 

Anyway, once my fat levels are at or close to where I want them to be, then I plan on putting more muscle on (and eating more).  So while I'm intrigued by the 3x3 program, I wonder if it's too focused on strength rather than size, as I guess I don't care quite as much about strength as I do about looking more muscular.  Thoughts?

From: The Bone Entered on: November 16, 2011 11:36 AM

Bert - I'd still advocate the 3 x 3 program for almost any circumstance. Mainly because those 3 lifts will burn the a lot of calories reative to other lifts, boost testosterone, make you more muscular, stronger, and if you pay attention to nutrition I believe it will make you leaner as well.

You are actually doing a lot so I think it wil fit right in your lifting 3 times a week. Any other weight training is less efficient in my opinion (aside from a dedicated olympic lifting program).

Fatty - The primal/paleo guys and I diverge on some issues. Paleo promotes eating nuts like they are going out of style. They are extremely calorie dense and I tend to get out of hand with portion control. Insulin response or not, if you eat too many calories you are going to get fat. I also eat fruit every day as part of a lifestyle. Paleo promotes them in very small quanitites and slow carb prohibits them. Probably effective for rapid weight loss but now that I'm 205lbs, I'm more interested in slow weight loss and perfomance gain. Also, paleo prohibits legumes but lentils and black beans do me right. 

It's funny you swapped the bench with the standing press on the 3 x 3. So did I! I do enough pushups in my crossfit routines that I bench once every 3 weeks or so with no degradation in strength. And as far as pushups go - crossfit standard is chest to ground at the bottom of the movement, and elbows fully locked out at the top. 

From: Ross Entered on: November 18, 2011 8:48 PM

Went to the bod pod today.  Here are the stats:

Weight: 157.3

Lean: 125.2

Fat: 32.1

Bodyfat: 20.4%

RMR = 1524 kcal/day (before multiplier)

So that's about what I thought.  That barely puts me into the "Moderately lean" category of 13-20%.  The long-term goal is 12% but I plan to go back to the bod pod every 3-4 months or so to check my progress (and may get a cheap scale that does bodyfat just to see how accurate it is).  I don't expect to get there too quickly, but I am going to start the slow carb on Monday, give it a trial run of a month to see how it goes.  No fruit is going to be tough for me but no bread/rice is not a big deal. 

I'll probably need to add a photo for full documentation but I'm not looking forward to it.

From: BigFatty Entered on: November 19, 2011 8:04 AM
Well, we are on our way it seems. I actually started the diet this week, waking up early so I can have breakfast now. Eggs and lentils... and you know what? I like lentils! Even starting to work in some spinach, though I need to get a salad spinner for washing the leaves. Bought a scale too. I am tipping it at around 198 pounds! From my guestimates, I am 30% Fat. My Ipad camera does not have a timer, so I took a real crappy before pic. We shall see how things go. The first cheat day is behind me. It was not too crazy, just lots of drinking. The 4 hour Bone Bod Book has some protocols for gaining lots of muscle fast. I am fairly skeptical of a lot of the book. It is always worth a shot!
From: The Bone Entered on: November 19, 2011 5:38 PM

The Bod Pod sounds sweet. It appears they have one at Hickam Airforce Base so I may have to check into it. 

The funny thing about the no fruit thing is I didn't really care for the first few weeks but then I started craving them and looking forward to eating them more than junk food on cheat day. 

By the way, my deadlift 9 months ago was 330lbs and with no specific routine other than crossfit I pulled 405lbs yesterday - at a lighter bodyweight no less.

What really amazes me is how Bells has managed to fend off the fat for so long. I thought for sure he would have gone the way of the pizza eventually but it seems he's holding out.

4Hr Body like kettlebells. I'm a big fan as well for overall strength and conditioning. 

From: Ross Entered on: November 20, 2011 7:48 AM

Okay, here's my 20% bodyfat pic.  Looking forward to this being more like 16%.

Ross Nov 2011

From: Ross Entered on: November 20, 2011 8:01 AM

Yeah Bone, I started trying out the kettlebells at my gym the other day - trying to do swings.  Only problem is their heaviest that I've found is only 35 lbs so I'm not sure how much good that's going to do anybody. 

Start slow carbs tomorrow.  Have about 20 cans of every bean known to man to start me off.  But today is cheat day, suckas!

From: Creeko Entered on: November 20, 2011 10:14 AM

Is that a Tintin inspired look, Ross?


From: Ross Entered on: November 20, 2011 11:40 AM

Just had woken up so hair was a bit unruly, thanks...

From: The Bone Entered on: November 21, 2011 6:18 PM

Actually Bert, suspect hairdo aside, you look look like you have a good starting point to get in sweet shape. You have a good foundation without unruly fat blobing all over. You are better off than Bells and I were when we had enough of the fatness.

By the way, how to you post a pic in a thread? Do you have to host it somewhere first?

Oh yeah, on my strength days I usually do a mini-metcon. Something that is intense but only lasts 3-7 mins. One that I like is 75 kettlebell swings for time. It's supposed to be a 53lbs KB but I think you'll find that 35lbs is plenty for this particular workout. Full range of motion swinging all the way over your head. See if you can do all 75 reps unbroken. 

From: Ross Entered on: November 22, 2011 3:17 AM

No, I don't have an image upload on the site, unfortunately Bone. Sorry.

From: The Bone Entered on: November 22, 2011 1:44 PM

I ran into this article that I really agree with regarding pullups - and squats.

It deals a little with what Bells an I were discussing the other day regarding Crossfit style "kipping pullups". Bells poopoo'd them totally but I argued that they have their place in the fitness arena but that they should be incorporated into an overall Crossfit WOD rather than a workout in and of themselves. Crossfiters have strength days where they do strit pullups and/or weighted pullups in strict form. Why? Because pullups are badass like the article above says. Just like squats, which I've fallen back in love with since my back appears to be treating me well.

From: Ross Entered on: November 23, 2011 2:33 PM

Dude, that is a sweet article - I'm definitely going to start incorporating negatives and the 10 sets of 50% Max soon. 

I did pullups today and I was disturbed at how quickly my endurance drops off.  My max is about 12 strict, but even after 2 min rest, the most I can do in the next set is about 5 or 6. 

From: Ross Entered on: November 23, 2011 6:31 PM

Also: I'm out on the 4 hour body diet.  It's too unreasonable to not eat fruit - it's a staple of my lunches.  Too many damn beans.  I never thought I'd have such a hard time with any diet as I don't generally have a hard time sticking to them - but this one is killing me for sheer lack of ability to plan and adapt.  I'm out!  I'll go back to my relatively straightforward fruit-eating, a-little-bread-eating diet, while being able to monitor my caloric and macronutrient intake closely. 

From: The Bone Entered on: November 24, 2011 7:37 AM
Ross said:

Also: I'm out on the 4 hour body diet.  It's too unreasonable to not eat fruit - it's a staple of my lunches.  Too many damn beans.  I never thought I'd have such a hard time with any diet as I don't generally have a hard time sticking to them - but this one is killing me for sheer lack of ability to plan and adapt.  I'm out!  I'll go back to my relatively straightforward fruit-eating, a-little-bread-eating diet, while being able to monitor my caloric and macronutrient intake closely. 

That was fast! I'm suprised you find it difficult to comply with. On the contrary, I found it to be by far the easiest diet to comply with. 

A sample of an average day for me:

Breakfast - 2 strips of bacon and 2 eggs

Lunch - Leftovers from the prior evening's dinner. Grilled steak slices and lentil beans with a side of broccoli.

Dinner - Griled chicken breast with mashed Okinawan sweet potato and a salad.

Desert - slightly thawed frozen blueberries with sprikled cinnamon

Cheat day:

Breakfast - 2 strips of bacon and 2 eggs with papaya, and banana

Lunch - Cheeseburger, fries, peanut butter milkshake

Snack - apple and orange

Dinner - Steak, lentils, salad, wine


From: Ross Entered on: November 24, 2011 5:29 PM

Hey, aren't blueberries fruit?

Anyway, I may try it again if I feel like my current diet truly does stop doing me any good.  But I think I was just looking to shake things up prematurely, and I wasn't ready to change that dramatically, I guess.

On a completely different subject, I just read a pretty sweet article on violence by Sam Harris, the author of The End of Faith and Letter to a Christian Nation.  Good stuff.

From: The Bone Entered on: November 24, 2011 7:14 PM

Thanks for the link. I thought that article was excellent. I actually just dowloaded this book on the same topic earlier today:

Facing Violence: Preparing for the Unexpected

Re. blueberries. I trick myself into excluding them from the category of fruit. They have a pretty low glycemic index and load and they are just to damn good for you. I guess I could have lost weight faster if I hadn't eaten them but probably not by much.

From: The Bone Entered on: November 25, 2011 9:56 AM

"What if your attacker has a knife to your child’s throat and tells you that everything is going to be okay as long as you cooperate by lying face down on the floor? Don’t do it. It would be better to flee the house—because as soon as you leave, he will know that the clock is ticking: Within moments, you will be at a neighbor’s home summoning help. If this intruder is going to murder your child before fleeing himself, he was going to murder your child anyway—either before or after he killed you. And he was going to take his time doing it. Granted, it is almost impossible to imagine leaving one’s child in such a circumstance—but if you can’t leave, you must grab a weapon and press your own attack. Complying in the hope that a sociopath will keep his promise to you is always the wrong move."

This bit was interesting. Don't know that I could flee while someone had a knife to my son's throat. 

From: Ross Entered on: November 26, 2011 5:14 PM

Funny, I saw Sam Harris recommend that same book just a couple of weeks ago.  I added it to my Amazon wishlist. 

You know, it would be interesting to see a movie where someone actually behaved the way they're describing, and it actually worked out for the better.  I suspect the general populace would call bullshit on it without knowing any better.  Could be a good teaching moment.


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