Entered on: February 18, 2003 12:00 AM by Ross
Three of the Jackasses on a trip to Costa Rica in July 2001
PHOTO 3 - 1 Comments
I would just like to say that both Tony and Willy cautioned me that I looked like a dork with that cap on under the helmet, which caused it to ride high on my head and make me look mildly retarded.
But the helmets were still wet from the previous rafting trip, and smelly, so I opted for protection. The picture doesn't lie, though: I chose poorly.
Quick sidenote: The guy behind me in the picture is some random dude who saved Will's life. Will fell out of the boat (the only one of us to do so) and didn't realize he was rushing toward a giant boulder that was going to smash his head in. That guy used some superhuman strength and hauled Williams right out of the water before he even knew he was in trouble.