That is too awesome. Much as I don't want to become the victim of one of these photoshop projects, remember I work on a computer all day, I have Photoshop skilz, and I hold a grudge long enough to put them to good use :)
Here's my crappy web-cam headshot to use as my Avatard... Resize at will...
Robot, do not encourage Jack. He's an ass. Swerb rarely gets on here, and in the last few weeks, he has been seen kissing a pink monkey and grabbing the boob of a stranger. Poor Swerb.
It appears I am enjoying Swerb, if that counts for anything
Robot, you can smile in your Avatar! Hey Jack, do you have an avatar Ross can use for Monkey?
Actually, I rather like the 'shop zilla. It's better than the comparison I usually get; "Wow, Eminem has really let himself go..." Though, in fairness, I've been doing that to my hair since before I knew who Eminem was, even though that was about 5 years after I should have known who he was...
Sadly, Bunky, I thought I was smiling. My wife and I discuss this all the time. When I feel like I'm smiling, it tends to not look like it on the outside. I'm usually in a pretty good mood (shut-it Swerb...), even though I don't have the face to prove it. People always look at my wedding photos and say stuff like "Boy, you look scared shitless" or "Did you just finish throwing up?". Honestly, my wedding day was one of the best days I've ever had. I mean, it was actually FUN. I couldn't have been happier. Though I will admit, some of my photos may look like I just got picked up for solicitation.
Remember when I said I had 'mad photoshop skilz'? This doesn't count:
So, Bunky says she smiles too much, and I don't smile enough. So, I wanted to see if we could get a 'straight' face if we merged our pictures. Now, between my 1.3MP and Bunky's Live Vision camera, I didn't have a lot to start with, but I don't know that picture quality was the problem here :) Once I had our faces merged, it seemed only natural to put it on top of the 'Rookie Mountains' to give it some context. In my own defense, I did get a mostly straight face...
That Dr. Octopus photoshop is fucking hilarious! Way to go Zilla, you do have some mad photoshop skills as evidenced by your absurdly quick response to the Bones post.
Saturday night whilst home alone sufing through the German channels looking for some crapy free-to-air German soft core porn, I came across this guy who, to me, looks a little like ZIlla. Needles to say, the urge to capitalize on free range me time was lost.
Zilla, why didn't you tell us you were a cheesy German television host? Now we have to put up with Carson Daily and Ryan Seacrest in the US for the next 30 years?
I certainly don't like the thought of Creeko thinking of me while he's "on the clock."
Twas the thought of you that had me clocking out.
For Bunk and Bells, all I have to say is that you should never rely on just one supplier. I like to keep abreast of all my options. Besides, the fact that it is German should bear no weight in this argument, its esencially the same goods you get on the Play Boy channel, chicks taking their clothes off to music while involved in some irrelavant thematic activity. No Deutsch bien Spreken in this case, nur ein Affe wird spankin'