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Entered on: June 15, 2007 12:00 AM by Ross
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Well, here's the new Batman suit... FOR ME TO POOP ON! Seriously, why do these movies have to go all "extreme" with superhero outfits? Doesn't this suit seem like something made for Batman Forever?

PHOTO 269 - 19 Comments
From: Radmobile Entered on: June 15, 2007 9:06 AM
Half Bat, half machine, cleaning up the streets of Detrioit.  He's......Robo-Bat! "I'll buy that for a dollar!"
From: Jackzilla Entered on: June 15, 2007 10:08 AM

Finally Batman can turn his head!  That always annoyed me about the movie suits -- how can Batman be an uber-sweet kick-ass ninja fighter... but can't twist his head?  I can still envision Michael Keaton having to lean back to look up.

And Rad - Have you gone full daff? 

From: Jackzilla Entered on: June 15, 2007 10:14 AM
Swerb - Have you seen FF2 that opens today?  What's the verdict?  Is it as crap-tastic as the first?  I bet Bad Andy will love it (he claims that Batman Begins stunk, but loved the first FF... WTF!?!).
From: Radmobile Entered on: June 15, 2007 10:45 AM
I have gone a little daff.  The suit does look a bit  "roboty" though.  They had it right in the first movie,  with the possible exception of the head turning thing Zills mentioned.
From: Ross Entered on: June 15, 2007 11:00 AM
Jackzilla said:

Finally Batman can turn his head! That always annoyed me about the movie suits -- how can Batman be an uber-sweet kick-ass ninja fighter... but can't twist his head?

Well don't worry... Christopher Nolan has already shown us that his uber-sweet kick-assery is all smoke and mirrors anyway.  The last Batman flick, while being the best Batman flick, also had what could possibly be the worst action scenes ever filmed.  So head-turning is meaningless, as far as I'm concerned.  

As for FF, I've heard it is better than the first, but not by much.   Superhero Hype has a good comic booky review.  They mostly shit on Galactus being a cloud.  Sounds stanktastic to me. 

From: Ross Entered on: June 15, 2007 3:37 PM

Also, there's some other reviewer with a pretty funny ending to his review of FF2:

Actually, "FF: Rise, etc." is bushleague superhero filmmaking. To call it shallow and superficial is to bestow generous praise. It offers a handful of yukkity-yuk knee-slappin' one-liners, boilerplate action, the return of hambone villain Victor Von Doom (Julian McMahon), a depiction of U.S. military leaders as a bunch of steakheaded morons, an avalanche of CGI and Alba and Gruffudd's wooden emoting, which rivals the Silver Surfer's dour, dutiful expressionlessness.

I love the "hambone" villain bit.  I don't know what it means, but it makes me laugh.

From: Jackzilla Entered on: June 15, 2007 4:52 PM
Damn!  It does sound better than the first one!

From: Swerb Entered on: June 15, 2007 8:12 PM

I just meant he was hammy. Sorry, but Dr. Doom doesn't translate to the movies very well... he's just too comic booky for his own good. Plus, there are several scenes where he looks EXACTLY like The Emperor, right down to the lightning shooting out of his hands.

I feel the same about Silver Surfer. Total fuckin' cheese. And Galactus? I knew what to expect, so I wasn't shocked by how fucking lame it was.

From: Jackzilla Entered on: June 16, 2007 12:58 AM

Saw it tonight.  Total turd fest.

Did you write the review, Swerb?  I haven't read the paper tonight but I'll check it tomorrow.

Sidenote:  Jessica Alba is hot.  Yet, she's freaky-odd looking in this movie:  Blond hair, blue eyes, orange skin and way too much damn makeup.  She looks ridiculous.  It's a shame, because I know under all that fake shit is a pretty girl. 

From: Ross Entered on: June 16, 2007 8:37 AM
Jackzilla said:

Sidenote: Jessica Alba is hot. Yet, she's freaky-odd looking in this movie: Blond hair, blue eyes, orange skin and way too much damn makeup. She looks ridiculous. It's a shame, because I know under all that fake shit is a pretty girl.

Here we go again!  Zilla, you sure know how to stir up a hornet's nest, don't you? :)
From: Ross Entered on: June 18, 2007 4:50 PM

High res shot of the suit.  Cool shot, still dont know if I like the suit:


batman suit


From: The Bone Entered on: June 19, 2007 12:24 AM

Best Batman suit yet. Better than this:

From: Ross Entered on: June 19, 2007 7:37 AM

Maybe so, but that suit is pretty close to this one, and I think this looks better than either one, personally:


The image “<a target=

From: Ross Entered on: June 21, 2007 11:41 AM

Looks like they're coming out with a new Spider-Man cartoon in 2008:


I dunno, why can't we just have the MTV show back?  I loved that damn thing. 

From: Jackzilla Entered on: June 21, 2007 2:12 PM

Agreed.  The MTV Spidey was sweet.

HEY!  My text box is shaded brown!  Is this another site improvement, Bert?  Or is it just a sign I need to clean my monitor? 

From: Ross Entered on: June 21, 2007 8:16 PM
It's an "improvement" until you go about 30 rows down and it ends.  A minor process fornication on my end that needs a thin film of defornicatory solvent applied...
From: Ross Entered on: July 13, 2007 7:37 AM

I forgot to mention that I've been seeing quite a bit of Bat-activity downtown near where I work.  The other day I was having lunch with a friend and took this picture with my phone:

gotham city bomb squad truck

The writing on the truck is too blurry to read (stupid Motorola phones) but it's a Gotham City Police insignia. The front says "Bomb Squad" on it.  This is the same building they were shooting in a while back, it seems to be their local HQ.  The front of the building also has a small sign that says "Gotham Police Department".

They're also blocking off streets in the area this week, apparently filming a car chase.

From: Jackzilla Entered on: July 13, 2007 8:35 AM
That's pretty sweet, Bert!

From: NickNick Entered on: July 13, 2007 12:05 PM
They should let me be in that movie.  I'd make a pretty sweet Batman.  A little overweight, and shorter.  But I would still be sweet.  Oohh, wait, maybe I could be Robin, I can still pass off as being young. And most people would believe that I'm gay as well.

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