PHOTO 252 - 20 Comments
You can't see the visual defect unless you click on the full-size picture, but once you do, it should be fairly apparent how f'd up the picture is. Bastards...
Well, I already got the mofo returned and the new one hooked up. Only
downside is that I lose my saved games, Splinter Cell being the only
one I was part-way through so I have to play about an hour to catch up
to where I was. No big deal, I guess.
How is Splinter Cell, Bert? And are you going to be online Saturday night? I may be up for some playing finally!
Saturday I'll be out of town. Where you been? Anyway, I'll be in GR on the 25 and 26th, leaving the 27th sometime. Is there any reason for me to bring my xbox?
As for Splinter Cell, if you played and liked the first three, you'll probably like this one. I'd say (so far) it's my least favorite of the bunch, though. But if you were already iffy on the franchise, I'd say skip it.
Bert - You gonna be on Live tonight? I got a new buddy and we both want some Gears of War action! It's been too long!
I can get on tonight, sure. What time?
After American Idol of course! (That would be 10PM. And no I'm not kidding)
Bert - Were you a bit ill-tempered last night? You left early!
I didn't feel too well and the ass-ramming I was receiving didn't help any...
Bert - You ever play GEARS anymore?! I've found myself playing it most nights these days. It's the first game to successfully make me forget about Halo.
Currently I have 4 360's set up in the ZAGNUT (my two and Rad and Natron's). Not only does that allow for a sweet system-link party (the max of two teams of four) but I'm actually able to get all four systems on Live at once with no lag! We should set a time where you are on and I'll get Johnnybells out here to play too. There's nothing like the joy of being buzz-sawed by Bells and hearing him bark "ZOOOOOW!" (rhymes with cow!).
Let me know!
Yeah, I've been remiss lately in my gaming. But I would definitely like to play against you guys sometime soon. I'm usually around most nights so just shoot me an email or something and let me know when you might want to play.
By the way - offtopic - has everyone noticed the new button at the top of the Random Photo box on the main page? I put in an AJAX control (fancy way of saying a way to redraw part of the page but not all of it) so that you can skip through random photos quickly. Just a quick little thing I wanted to try out. Let me know if you find it useful or stupid or whatever.
I would but I'm a little tied up doing some bad ass mothefucking shit.
Ok Bert - Saturday night it's ON! JohnnyBells will be out, plus probably Radmobile and Natron and we'll play some GEARS! Look for us online around 6-7PM til LATE!
There's a new Live Patch for GEARS as of this week. It supposedly fixes some bugs, but the coolest part is a new play mode that's like a king of the hill with a moving plot. And there's respawns! Makes it feel like a whole different game! So... when Bells gets his machine back and Bert gets his ass back, we can play!
Agreed, this new mode is full sweet! The best part is there's no sitting there dead waiting for 2 guys to snipe each other and or waiting out the clock. This is because you're respawning anyway, so you don't have to watch for long, and because you're forced to go to the "plot/hill/magic circle." I had been getting a little burnt out on the Gears but my interest has been fully rejuvenated after only a couple hours of playtesting this new style.
It's official, Guitar Hero on 360 is the style! Natron picked it up after work last night and we spent the rest of the evening taking turns rocking out at the treehouse. There was a strange feeling of simultaneous sweetness and dorkiness, but the sweetness always wins out. Anyway, I think Zills was a bit jealous of the times as he had to resort to Gears probably.
Radmobile said:
It's official, Guitar Hero on 360 is the style! Natron picked it up after work last night and we spent the rest of the evening taking turns rocking out at the treehouse. There was a strange feeling of simultaneous sweetness and dorkiness, but the sweetness always wins out. Anyway, I think Zills was a bit jealous of the times as he had to resort to Gears probably.
Let's make this clear: One never has to "resort" to Gears. Gears is full sweet!
I am looking foward to getting Guitar Hero 2 myself though. They should combine the two. Instead of buzzing a downed enemy with a chainsaw you could go Van Halen on their ass with an axe! *Whaaaa-wa-waaaaaaaa!!!* That would be sweet like ninja! Then I would do a little dance on their body. I wonder how Bert would enjoy that style?
I may be "resorting" to playing Halo 2 on Tuesday: Two new maps go online! (One is a version of Halo 1's "Hang Em High" map!)