PHOTO 211 - 39 Comments
Sweet: "Our heaven is WAY better. We've got a Stripper Factory AND a Beer Volcano."
Sign me up!
BTW, where the fuck is everybody? Zilla? Fatty? Creeko?
Creeko is living in a hut in the middle of nowhere with no internet connectivity, apparently.
Fatty works for The Man and is terrified of them finding out about him visiting a site called "Jackassery".
And Zilla, I dunno, he must have the nightofforsumthin...
By the way, Swerb, did you watch the Family Guy movie? It wasn't as funny as a really funny episode but it had some good moments. One of my favorites (of course) was the demonstration of Jesus' "miracles". I howled from that one.
HOLYMOTHERFUCKINGSHIT! That is so incredibly sweet! I MUST have one!
If the similar Far Side collection is any indication (it weighs a ton!), the C&H tomes will be badass. I bought the Far Side on Amazon for less than $60 a couple months ago (a fucking steal and a half), and I literally just finished reading it. I can only hope Bloom County gets similar treatment...
Speaking of buying stuff.... I was up late one night and flipped on a home shopping channel. The sales guy was so sweet that I bought a US quarters set for $99. Granted, I did the math and realized that the cash value of the set was $20.... But man could this guy sell!
Actual quote from show - What we have here is genuine platinum (layered) quarters. Now if you had a platinum mastercard and asked them if it contained pure platinum, they would be 'No, of course not, its too valuable, too rare.' These quarters here are genuine platinum (layered). You can't find these anywhere....
I have started to collect the quarters before, but this guy was so comically sweet, I had to have them! We will see what they are all about when I get them.
I may be living in a hut, but every once and a while, Ican check in on my Father-in-laws 3G wireless internet on the weekends!
By the way, if you haven't seen the latest episode of Harvey Birdman: Attorney at Law, do so... it's about how Captain Caveman is pissed because his son's teacher thinks evolution is bunk. I laughed my ass off...
Set your TiVos: Jon Stewart said next week on The Daily Show will be a weeklong investigation titled "Evolution, Schmevolution." Should be funny...
In fact, tomorrow's episode's guest is Chris Mooney, whose blog I read. He's very good. I'm very much looking forward to it.
Sweet! I'm on it!
I dunno, those are pretty inflammatory. Still, I had mud splattered all over my side car window Saturday for some reason, and when I washed it off, there were scuffs in the glass... makes me wonder if somebody threw a rock at my car or something. Good thing the car is kinda old and I don't care too much...
This is a good article by one of my favorite bloggers: sion_fantasies.php
He talks about how on TV it is perfectly acceptable for atheists to be converted to goddies but if it were something like a Jew being converted to a Xian, then people would be pissed. I couldn't agree more.
They actually seem to be going down this route on one of my favorite shows - Lost - and for this reason among others, the show is falling out of favor with me. I really hate it when shows assume that it's okay to treat nonbelievers as inferior, but not any particular class of believer - they give deference to people who believe in an all power sky god - a notion so patently ridiculous that it defies description - and treat the critical thinkers as though something's wrong with them. Argh!
He also mentions that M. Night's "Signs" sucks - with which I also agree, but we've been down that path before. :)
I haven't watched that movie in forever - I'm going to have to go find it. I know so much more about that trial since I've last seen it - it's shocking to me that HL Mencken (the wittiest man to ever live) was a character in the movie!
What pisses me off is that a movie made in 1960 about a trial in 1925 is still fucking relevant in 2006. We are moving backwards... it's like we're one step away from slavery, and two steps from flat-Earth beliefs.
Indeed. However, the Dover case gave the creationists a shellacking that will set back the ID movement for a while. Of course, they can't be completely squashed - they'll be back for sure.
Ebert makes a good point that a movie like that probably would be ill-received here in the US. It certainly could get made - but there would be outrage.
I heard the other day that over 40% of US citizens believe in possession by the Devil. What kind of a country do we live in?
I think the statistics show it, and Bill Maher stated it after Bush got re-elected: We're not the world's leading progressive nation. We live in a conservative country. There are considerably more atheists/secularists/"freethinkers"/whatever in Europe, percentage-wise. The intelligent design debate doesn't exist anywhere but here.
But: believe it or not, non-believers (and non-church-affiliated people) are the second largest group after Christians in this country - totalling more than Jews or Muslims. And we're also the fastest-growing. So that's some small glimmer of hope.
This is great. From the TalkOrigins mailbag:
Were you in the garden of eden when God created the universe? If you weren't then how dare you act as if you know everything. Only God was there, and he wrote in the BIBLE exactly how he created the world. You have no right to challenge God and to mock his belivers. But mock us while you can! Like the rich man in the bible you will soon be saying, 'Father Abraham, have mercy on me, and send a Creationist that he may dip the tip of his finger in water and cool my tongue; for I am tormented in this flame.' You evolutionists will be begging Creationists for relief from the flames of hell. But Abraham will tell you evolutionists, 'now the Creationists are comforted and you are tormented. And besides all this, between us and you there is a great gulf fixed, so that those who want to pass from here to you cannot, nor can those from there pass to us.' One of the joys of heaven will be watching the unsaved burn in hell!!!! I can't wait to stand with God, Abraham, and Jesus on one side of the gulf, watching the skin of all the unsaved evolutionists burn for all eternity. Charles Darwin can't save you! Only the love of Jesus can save you. Repent now, admit evolution is a lie, while you still have a chance! And if you don't, someday the creationists will be rejoicing by watching you burn forever in hell, praise Jesus!!!!
Lots of goodies on that site... tml
Well, there is your Pleasant Christian Thought for the day....
'One of the joys of heaven will be watching the unsaved burn in hell!!!! I can't wait to stand with God, Abraham, and Jesus on one side of the gulf, watching the skin of all the unsaved evolutionists burn for all eternity....... someday the creationists will be rejoicing by watching you burn forever in hell, praise Jesus!!!!'
I did not realize that one of the great joys of Christiandom is rejoicing around watching others skin burn. Sounds like good times. That alone is tempting enough to sway me. Plus, I just realized that I don't do much rejoicing. In fact, I only hear of Christians rejoicing - but only in a Christian context.
I rejoiced today when I tried a new hamburger joint and the burger was great. Tonight we will rejoice as we watch Robot Chicken and Harvey Birdman episodes. Hmmm, that might stick.
I could read the TalkOrigins site all frickin' day. Thanks for the link, Bert.
I'm pretty sure the majority of Christians are more reasonable, and not gleefully salivating at the thought of other people suffering (i.e., a scientist getting beaten). But I think Bert and I had this discussion once, that it's easier to relate to the crazies, because at least they believe what the believe 100%, and not making concessions or selectively ignoring certain aspects of their faith. I mean, is the Bible God's absolute word, or not? The answer? Sometimes. That passage about homosexuals being bad? Yeah, that's right. The one about killing anyone who talks back to his father? Well, that's unreasonable. It's so fucking random. There's no logic behind it.
And Fatty, I assume you tried the Broadway burger. Fuckin' great, ain't it?
Yeah, I'd like to keep up with the guy's blog. Should be amusing.
I just read an essay in Free Inquiry magazine about how Islamic martyrs believe they're going to be greeted by 70 virgins when they go to heaven, but some interpretations of the Koran believe it to be "raisins" instead of "virgins." Dumb, dumb, dumb. I mean, believing that the righteous will get to deflower virgins in the afterlife is stupid, but the virgins vs. raisins debate elevates it to absurdity and beyond. So Muslims are retarded, Christians believe Jesus is magic, Hindus worship cows... it's all equally fucked up in my eyes. And that article you link to, Bert, just shows how one of the main objectives of religion in general is to spread misinformation through ignorant dogmatic mouthpieces who have no concept of reality.
Can you imagine the look on a suicide bombers face when he's in heaven and he's in line for his reward? "What the fuck do you mean raisins? I didn't sign up for this shit for some fucking raisins. Man I could have just went down to the fucking 7 Eleven and got some fucking raisins for 50 cents. Fuck that!"