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Entered on: December 4, 2004 12:00 AM by Jackzilla
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Jessica Simpson as Daisy Duke in the major motion picture "The Dukes of Hazzard" now in production.

PHOTO 154 - 10 Comments
From: Jackzilla Entered on: December 4, 2004 11:14 AM
Hmmm... upcoming cinematic masterpiece or steaming pile of shit? That's a close call, folks!
From: The Bone Entered on: December 4, 2004 11:23 AM
Ok, so she has some skill.
From: Ross Entered on: December 4, 2004 1:45 PM
Anyone see the holiday special? My friend Fregly Tivo'd it.
From: Ross Entered on: December 4, 2004 1:55 PM
Indeed, she does have some skill:

This is also interesting.
From: Jackzilla Entered on: December 4, 2004 2:26 PM
She definately is a talented one, isn't she? Her cups overfloweth with skills!
From: BigFatty Entered on: December 5, 2004 5:55 AM
My response - Whoa Shit! Then I realized I said it out loud. Damn my lack of inner monologue. I have always been a fan of this one. Its too close to call between her and Britney. So it goes to the Judges........ The verdict - They can't have me!!!!!
From: John Entered on: December 5, 2004 7:55 AM
Indeed the Boob is strong in this one. I've heard a few people lately saying they prefer her sister and think she's hotter. That's completly absurd in my book.  
Fatty, Britney has gone too white trash for my tastes. Pics I've seen of late have her plump with pimples. Two years ago she was hot but now I'm not so sure.
From: Ross Entered on: December 5, 2004 10:16 AM
I'm with you Roche... I think Jessica Simpson is super hot, although she varies from picture to picture, but when I saw her on That 70s Show I nearly crapped my pants, she was so hot. I give her the thumbs... and anything else she wants.
From: The Bone Entered on: December 5, 2004 10:40 AM
It's conclusive, Jessica Simpson is hotter than Brittany in my book for the same reasons Roche put forth. Whomever thinks Ashley is hotter is a crackhead.
From: Jackzilla Entered on: December 5, 2004 3:11 PM
Anyone who says they like Ashley over Jessica must be of the impression that Ashley's ugly and thus the talented one. BZZZP! Wrong! One's hot and one's NOT. And that's THAT.

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