PHOTO 143 - 6 Comments
Only this time I had the presence of mind to NOT to go around yelling HIT ME James Brown style encouraging folks to punch me in the gut. Although now-a-days I have far more gut to absorb the blow:-)
Creeko is wooooooo fucked up!
Looks like my counter top at my old pad on Diamond.
Dude, for some reason you reasemble Ethan Hawke in Training Day with the mustache and goatee. All you need to do is cut the girlish hairdo down to size and rid yourself of the belly. You'd be a star.
That is quite a girly man hairdo. If Creeko were to bust out with some fight moves in a movie I might say somthing like, "not with that hairdo".
The hairdo has been curtailed. I now sport a more masculine coiffure of the crew variety. Alas, the belly persists.