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Entered on: July 21, 2004 12:00 AM by Ross
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This very well may be the first production art from the upcoming Sin City movie. How cool is this???

PHOTO 127 - 90 Comments
From: Ross Entered on: July 21, 2004 4:56 PM
They don't know for sure if it's real but it looks like it very well could be:

From: Jackzilla Entered on: July 22, 2004 8:22 AM
Looks very cool.  
But I'm most excited to hear Swerb's review of CRAPWOMAN. How bad is it?!
From: Ross Entered on: July 22, 2004 9:48 AM
I watched an interview with Halle Berry on the Today Show this morning, and MAN she is an idiot! They were showing clips from the movie and I simply can't believe that anyone would award her an Oscar.
From: Jackzilla Entered on: July 22, 2004 9:50 AM
"Ooooh! Make me feeel gooooooood!" (Monster's Ball Oscar clip)
From: Ross Entered on: July 22, 2004 10:05 AM
She also has to play the race card every time I hear her talk. Talking about how hard it is as a black actress to do such-and-such. Give me a break.  
Also, Matt Lauer asked her about an article in the NY Times where the author was claiming that the fact that she keeps choosing roles that focus on her sexuality, it takes away from discussion on her acting (duh). She was clearly pissed by this and said the guy had a "small mind" and that she was very comfortable with her sexuality. Umm, yeah. That's kind of the point. A good point, actually - ever since Swordfish, she has taken movie roles where she was primarily a sex symbol. And she resents it when people make mention of it. Well I'm making the mention - she'd be great in porn but that's about it, as far as I'm concerned.
From: Jackzilla Entered on: July 22, 2004 10:05 AM
Well, now here's a shocker: CRAPWOMAN THE VIDEOGAME only garnered a 4/10 rating from IGN. It must be every bit as good as ALIAS THE VIDEOGAME.  
Awaiting the Swerb treatment on the movie...
From: Ross Entered on: July 22, 2004 10:47 AM
Remember, Swerb has to go to Detroit to see it, so he may be recovering from both the brutality of Detroit and of Catwoman.  
But hey, this isn't a Catwoman thread, this is a SIN CITY thread! Is Mickey Rourke sweet as Marv or what? My prediction is that this will revitalize his career like Pulp Fiction did for Travolta.
From: John Entered on: July 22, 2004 12:49 PM
Mickey Rourke does look sweet as Marv, no doubt. Say what you want about Rourke, he is a legitimate tough guy which is perfect for Marv. Even when he got his ass whupped in the ring he took it like a man. That's Marv's style for sure.
From: Swerb Entered on: July 22, 2004 2:46 PM
Mickey Rourke can be sweet as hell if he wants to. Anybody ever see Barfly? It's one of my favorite movies, and he's great in it.  
Coming soon: My Catwoman review. Have to get to my computer at home to easily transcribe it here. And yes, it's brutal - both the movie and my review.
From: Swerb Entered on: July 22, 2004 11:01 PM
All right, here's the Official Swerb Review of Catwoman. My expectations were pretty low, and they were met:  
?It all started on the day that I died. But it?s also the day I started to live.?  
Such is the first line uttered in ?Catwoman? ? it?s a creaky cliché that sets the tone for a laughably awful movie that veers into high camp and gut-busting humor, which, one assumes, is not its intention. It?s also the kind of insipid, flashy, vapid Hollywood crud that?s so forgettable, scenes practically evaporate off the screen in seconds.  
Keep in mind, it took a pretentious, uni-monkered director (infuriatingly named Pitof) and no less than five writers to concoct a ridiculous screenplay about a super-powered vigilante who wants revenge against a ? gasp! ? dastardly cosmetics company that?s about to unleash a harmful and addictive skin cream to the unsuspecting world. No doubt, the future of mankind hangs in the balance.  
Halle Berry plays Patience Phillips, a meek and klutzy ad designer for Hedare Beauty, which is owned by evil corporate jerks George Hedare (Lambert Wilson) and his wife, Laurel (Sharon Stone). When Patience stumbles upon the dirty little secret behind the company?s new moisturizer, she?s murdered, and the movie ends.  
Actually, it doesn?t. But if the bad guys were smart enough to look for a body instead of just assuming they killed the witness to their nasty little scheme, it might have come to a logical conclusion. But no ? they obviously didn?t see ?The Punisher? earlier this year, so they hadn?t learned how important it is to confirm such things.  
Instead, in one of the summer?s most ludicrously funny scenes, an unconvincingly computer-animated cat fishes Patience?s drowned corpse out of the river and breathes on her, giving her a new life. She wakes up, and realizes she has all the acrobatic qualities of your average tabby, an incessant craving for canned tuna and the oh-so-feline ability to pilot a motorcycle at top speeds down urban city streets.  
Prior to her transformation, Patience meets hunky police detective Tom Lone (Benjamin Bratt), who is not only her love interest, but also apparently the only working detective in the whole unnamed metropolis they live in. He shows up at the scene of Catwoman?s burglary of a jewelry store, turns up at her disruption of an indescribable Cirque-du-Soleil-ish performance and is investigating the murder of a Hedare employee. The man never sleeps.  
He also isn?t very smart. He doesn?t seem to notice that Patience gobbles sushi, can deftly climb on the spokes of a malfunctioning ferris wheel and likes to stare at the fish tank. It takes using a computer to match the lip-prints on his cheek from a Catwoman kiss to those on one of Patience?s drinking glasses to confirm his suspicions. Her secret identity is painfully obvious to the audience, but it probably takes Lone a week?s worth of calculations to confirm that two plus two is, indeed, four.  
Everybody involved with ?Catwoman? should be embarrassed. It boggles the mind that Berry took home an Oscar less than two years ago, and she vamps with enough conviction to assure herself a big paycheck. Wilson plays George Hedare as a guy who practices gnashing his teeth in front of the mirror, and Stone, while reading her leaden lines, simply looks constipated (although, the plot reveals, she may have a good reason for that). In fact, I felt embarrassed for them, and was tempted look away from the screen on several occasions ? but, hey, I had a job to do.  
?Catwoman? also boasts some of the worst CGI in recent memory, one ludicrous set piece after another (including a high-tech cosmetics factory that looks like it should be churning out secret government weaponry instead of lip gloss) and even a crazy old cat lady played by Frances Conroy (?Six Feet Under?). And need I mention the Worst Superhero Costume in Cinema History?  
It doesn?t help that Pitof?s direction is slick and artless. The action sequences are dull and by-the-book, and he navigates the film into music-video territory with a truly awful Patience-vs.-Lone one-on-one basketball sequence, and Catwoman?s whip-cracking dance inside a gaudy disco.  
Actually, her whip may have been better utilized to flog the screenwriters. Although fans of Catwoman from the ?Batman? comic books will hate the liberties they took with the character, the movie isn?t detestable when viewed as camp. But that doesn?t stop it from being an empty experience devoid of any semblance of intelligence.  
Which brings us back to Catwoman?s first line of dialogue. It implies that it often takes traumatic events to incite radical change in some people. By that token, go see ?Catwoman,? and you may never venture to the movie theater for a summer blockbuster ever again.  

From: The Bone Entered on: July 23, 2004 12:34 AM
Sounds great, can't wait to see it.
From: Jackzilla Entered on: July 23, 2004 9:03 AM
Sounds like you almost crapped your pants, Swerb!
From: Ross Entered on: July 23, 2004 10:59 AM
I'll have the Superhero Entree, hold the Rice Pitof. What a stupid ass name - I didn't realize it was one of those kinds of directors, kind of like the Ecks vs. Sever debacle.
From: John Entered on: July 23, 2004 12:26 PM
I'll be sure to check it out, Swerb.
From: Ross Entered on: July 23, 2004 5:42 PM
Here's an offensive blurb from a critic in the Detroit Free Press, who presumably was at the same show as Swerb:  
"Catwoman" isn't really bad enough to be one of those awful movies we can't resist, nor is it incompetent enough to be the female "Daredevil."  
Wow, that's a bold statement, even for a semi-crappy movie like Daredevil. Swerb, do you concur?
From: The Bone Entered on: July 23, 2004 10:01 PM
Daredevil was super shitty. The fact that you are only giving it the "semi-crappy" illustrates how your subconscious is fooling you because of some pre-conceived love for the character developed in your formative years.  
For some damn reason, Muffin wants to see Catwomen. I'd rather I were blind.
From: Swerb Entered on: July 24, 2004 12:06 AM
I agree, Bone - Daredevil was just plain crappy, no semi- about it.  
Hmm... comparing Daredevil to Catwoman is tricky territory. The one thing I can say for Catwoman is that it doesn't take itself too seriously, while Daredevil was too overwrought, gloomy and serious. Daredevil had only a couple of laughable bad scenes (my favorite being the ninja Flashdance Elektra training sequence set to that horrible Evanescence song), while Catwoman was full of such sequences. In that aspect, CW was more entertaining, while DD was just bland. Still, would you rather have a bad movie that's Afflecked, or a bad movie that's Berryed? My answer: Call it diarrhea, call it a solid log - doesn't matter, cuz it's still stinks and it's still shit. However, if forced at gunpoint to say which one was worse, I'd probably go with Catwoman.  
Bone, I would recommend shoving red-hot pokers in your eyes should Muffin drag you to see it. It would make the experience less painful.
From: John Entered on: July 24, 2004 1:40 AM
Swerb, toiling over which is worse, DD or CW is crazy talk. Granted DD wasn't a great movie but on par with CW? DD is already a sweeter character than CW, even a basterdized version of him. I actually thought his radar sense was portrayed pretty well and Bullseye was tolerable. Can the same be said for any aspect of CW? Everything I've seen and heard about CW looks and sounds like pure shit and I for one don't think DD falls into that catagory. Our love for the DD character probably makes Bert and I a bit bias as the Bone stated but I just didn't fully hate this movie whereas I'm sure to hate CW.  
Have you read the Frank Miller version of Daredevil, Swerb? If not you should and then you might understand Bert and I's reluctance to completly shit on one of our beloved comic book hero's even if it isn't the best rendition of him.
From: Ross Entered on: July 24, 2004 9:58 AM
Roche, you summed it up perfectly, I have nothing more to add. Anyone who's seen Catwoman could claim it's a masterpiece but knowing what I know from the trailers, there's no fucking way it could be better than Daredevil which was admittedly not a great movie but at least is based on some excellent comic book stories.  
I know you guys will shit on this but I have to do it anyway: Daredevil got a 44% on Rotten Tomatoes and currently Catwoman is at 11%. I rest my case.  
On another topic, I saw the Bourne Supremacy last night. I would like to say that it's as good as the first one, and it nearly is. But it loses a full half star in my book because of the HEINOUS camera work. There was one fight scene that was clearly supposed to be the analogue to the apartment fight in the first one. While the original was sweet but still had its own share of herky-jerky camera moves, this one was clearly filmed with a cameraman having an epileptic seizure. You simply could not tell what was going on. There was a part that HAD to sweet, with a series of cool blocks, but fuck, I just couldn't tell! The only person who has a right to be madder than me (the viewer) is a guy named "Jeff Imada" who is billed as the Fight Stunt Coordinator - because nothing he did on this movie was necessary, thanks to the camera. Any time Damon and the other guy spent rehearsing fight moves was a total waste.  
Anyway, it was pretty good other than that. Story-wise, I think it's about the same as the first, maybe only slightly inferior but nothing much to quibble about. Some critics thought it lost some steam since the basic premise of him not knowing who he is is gone, but I had no qualms. It's kind of like the origin story has already been told and now we can see this guy get down to business without the baggage. All the supporting actors were good and seemed pretty realistic to me. Damon is pretty sweet but he has a HUGE head, I cannot understand why Heather thinks he's hot.  
So overall, thumbs up. Definitely better than I Robot. Just take some fucking dramamine before watching the action scenes.
From: The Bone Entered on: July 24, 2004 12:25 PM
The shoddy filmwork in Bourne was described to me by Roche the other day and now by Bert. The interesting thing is I heard a movie critic review it yersterday on NPR and he said the filmwork was one of the sweetest things about the movie. Goes to show that opinions are like assholes and anyone who thinks Daredevil the movie was anything but crappy is an asshole.
From: Swerb Entered on: July 24, 2004 12:47 PM
Hee hee hee... amen, Bone. Daredevil (the movie) sucks. I am aware of how good Frank Miller's DD comics are, and I don't question anybody's argument about that - but that's all the more reason to dislike the movie, which does ZERO justice to the original story.  
As for Bourne Supremacy, the first thing I said to Stacy during the film is, "This is giving me a headache." Then Roche leaned over and said something about it. THEN, after the movie, Jack piped in about it! I think this is the closest we've ever come to a consensus on this site, ever.  
Speaking of Bourne, here's a link to the Official Swerb Review:

From: Ross Entered on: July 24, 2004 2:09 PM
Okay, fine. Say DD sucks if you want, I won't argue. But there are LEVELS of sucking, my friends, and I am positive that Catwoman outsucks Dardevil any day.  
Swerb, your Bourne review was sweet, and completely accurate according to the Rossmeter.
From: Ross Entered on: July 24, 2004 10:27 PM
By the way Bone, that opinion that the camerawork is the sweetest thing about the movie is in the very small minority, not a very good proof of your point. I have read a dozen reviews of Bourne, and every single one mentioned how shitty the camera work is. It's as close to a fact as you can get in a movie review. Whoever said that has their head so far up their ass that I can't even believe they're able to articulate such a ludicrous opinion.
From: John Entered on: July 24, 2004 11:05 PM
When watching the Bourne Supremacy I too noticed Damon's bulbous head and wondered how women find it soooo attractive. The shape is reminiscent of the old Frankenstein movie monster's head. Maybe it's his perceived intelligence that women find attractive and not his ginormous head.
From: The Bone Entered on: July 24, 2004 11:50 PM
Ok Bert, I can see I'll have to hold your hand on this one. The fact that the overwhelming majority, you, Roche, and Zilla included, think the filmwork was shoddy actually strengthens my argument - which is: no matter how universally something is accepted, there will be those, however few in number, that reject it or vice versa. So the thing is the vast majority think DD was a crapfest. Due to some boyhood prejudice, you are unable to see the reality it's stank. So the parallel here is that some NPR asshole liked the shoddy filmwork for reason unknown, you liked DD because you are an arshurl. Make sense?
From: Jackzilla Entered on: July 25, 2004 10:58 AM
Expanding on Ross' equation:  
[Batman & Robin, Catwoman] < Hulk < Daredevil < [Spidey, Spidey 2, X-Men, X2]
From: Ross Entered on: July 25, 2004 11:56 AM
Overall that's about right in my estimation. Though I'm actually not sure about the Hulk/Daredevil comparison. I don't know which one I liked more. Hulk would win pretty handily if it weren't for that mess of an ending.  
The cast of Hulk on the whole gave more credible performances, excepting Nick "The Ham" Nolte. Story-wise, it's hard for me to judge, since as the Bone likes to point out, I'm biased in favor of the DD source material. While DD has an inherently more dramatic storyline, its realization fell far short so I'd give the edge to the Hulk, which was executed better for the majority of the film. The Hulk also had slightly less cheese.  
So I guess trying to be as objective as I can be, I give the nod to the Hulk over Daredevil, even though because of my bias I'd rather re-watch Daredevil.
From: The Bone Entered on: July 25, 2004 12:05 PM
I understand you are claiming that Catwoman sucks more than DD. Can you tell me what part of Catwoman you really hated? Where there any scenes you found acceptable?  
Anyway, I was really referencing the second part of your longwinded diatribe. The thre quarters of it that discusses Bourne Supremecy.
From: Ross Entered on: July 25, 2004 1:00 PM
To quote myself: "...knowing what I know from the trailers, there's no fucking way it could be better than Daredevil which was admittedly not a great movie..."  
What I hated about what I've seen and read of Catwoman, off the top of my head, in no particular order:  
- The mere presence Halle Berry  
- The Catwoman mask/costume  
- The needless alteration of her origin story  
- The craptastic CGI work  
- The rancid fighting techniques  
- The drinking cream in the bar as if it were her new alcoholic beverage of choice  
While Daredevil employed some similarly crappy elements (questionable costume, questionable actors), it's a matter of degree, and Daredevil wasn't as offensive to me.
From: Jackzilla Entered on: July 25, 2004 3:31 PM
The Movie Formula, Updated:  
[Batman & Robin, Catwoman] < [Hulk(Jack), Daredevil(Ross)] < [Daredevil(Jack), Hulk(Ross)] < [Spidey, Spidey 2, X-Men, X2, Moulin Rouge(Swerb)] < [Any-Vampire-Movie(Bone)]
From: Swerb Entered on: July 25, 2004 7:05 PM
Jack, you forgot one important part of your formula:  
[Batman & Robin, Catwoman, Big Fish (Jack)] < [Hulk(Jack), Daredevil(Ross)] < [Daredevil(Jack), Hulk(Ross)] < [Spidey, Spidey 2, X-Men, X2, Moulin Rouge(Swerb)] < [Any-Vampire-Movie(Bone)]
From: Jackzilla Entered on: July 25, 2004 11:16 PM
Duly noted, Swerb.  
Anyone else use the source of a quoted blurb for a movie as an indicator of quality? For Catwoman the quote in the newspaper ad is from Wired Magazine. So there you have it.
From: The Bone Entered on: July 25, 2004 11:35 PM
Somehow Muffin got me to see Catwoman today. Holy Shit what a bad movie. I actually had to close my eyes and plug my fingers in my ears during two scenes it was so bad. I actually makes Dolph Lungren's Punisher look like the sweetest super hero movie ever. Yes, Ross you don't even have to watch it to know it is worse than DD. Take my word for it. If you ever see it you will instantaneously lose 10 IQ points. I feel lucky to have escaped it with my sanity.
From: Jackzilla Entered on: July 26, 2004 12:29 AM
It's so bad it bares repeating apparently.  
Warner Bros. got 15 bucks from The Bone and Muffin -- Only $99,999,985 more to go to break even!  
So what did Muffin think of it?
From: Ross Entered on: July 26, 2004 7:37 AM
How on Earth did you let her talk you into it, man? Did you at least make HER pay for it?
From: The Bone Entered on: July 26, 2004 10:15 AM
At least we saw the matinee, so it was only $12. Muffin thought it was henious. She felt embarassed for Halle Berry.
From: John Entered on: July 26, 2004 1:05 PM
Bert, is Halle Berry your new Juliette Lewis?
From: Swerb Entered on: July 26, 2004 1:33 PM
I think Juliette Lewis' "Where are you from?" from Cape Fear is Bert's favorite line ever - a level of awfulness Halle Berry has yet to match. Or am I wrong, Bert?
From: Ross Entered on: July 26, 2004 2:32 PM
I dunno - "Make me feel gooooooood!" is definitely giving her a run for her money. At this point, I would have to say that Halle Berry is my current arch-villain, while Juliette Lewis was the most recognizable and potent foe - my Joker or Green Goblin, if you will. Halle is more like the Riddler or The Lizard. Just a sign of the changing times... but I will always be there, vigilant, ready to be offended by shitty actresses.  
By the way, now that I think about it, Halle Berry is every bit as stupid as Juliette Lewis in real life, if not dumber (I grant JL some measure of leeway by virtue of age for Cape Fear), because I saw HB on a Barbara Walters special after she hit-and-runned those people in her car a few years back. Halle was playing the victim and acting like she was all depressed, and she said it got so bad that the turned on the car in her garage and "tried to fixiate myself." Howard Stern had the clip and played it over and over and there was no doubt that it was not an unintential slip of the tongue, but she was actually saying what she meant to say. Dumb. Ass. Ho.
From: Ross Entered on: July 26, 2004 3:04 PM
The Flick Filosopher is my favorite new movie reviewer. I had been eagerly awaiting her Catwoman review, and it delivers:

From: Jackzilla Entered on: July 27, 2004 5:20 PM
I haven't found ONE PERSON who has seen CATWOMAN yet! And I'm in a FREAKIN' COMIC BOOK STORE all day! No one is seeing this thing apparently, except reviewers and The Bone. Just thought I'd share.
From: Ross Entered on: July 27, 2004 10:29 PM
Instead of Catwoman, I watched Spider-Man 2 for the fourth time in the theater, this time on IMAX. Man, I never appreciated IMAX so much as with this movie. The action was incredible and watching Spidey swing thru the city on a six-story screen is simply awe-inspiring. The clock tower/train sequence is cemented in my mind as the single finest action scene in film history. Highly recommended!
From: Jackzilla Entered on: July 27, 2004 11:12 PM
Ross - Can you imagine what BATMAN: MADNESS would be like on IMAX?
From: John Entered on: July 28, 2004 1:02 AM
Wait Bert, you said fuck Spider-Man 2, it's all about Sin City. Fuck Sin City, Spidey 2 is already out and is sweet. I'll wait and see about Sin City, I'm not a Rodriguez fan.
From: Ross Entered on: July 28, 2004 10:02 AM
I can ALMOST understand your skepticism Roche, but FUCK EVERYTHING except Sin City. Spider-Man is now serving to tide me over. How in the hell can you even be skeptical anyway? You must not even really like Sin City because you can manage to delude yourself that Star Wars will be sweet, and always hope for the best on just about any other comic book movie. But when all accounts (documented in meticulous detail by yours truly) report that Sin City is shaping up to be sweet as fuck, all of a sudden you summon some doubt. Well, I shit on it. Shit on it, I say!
From: John Entered on: July 28, 2004 3:28 PM
In the past you've chastised me for being overly optimistic about upcoming movies. Now I show a little pessimism and I get shit on as well, make up your damn mind. All I'm saying is what you've said in the past, you can't love something you haven't even seen yet. Sound familiar, arsehurl?  
I love the Sin City comic books however I'm not a big Rodriguez fan. He's made some suspect movies like the Spy Kids saga which sucked ass. So I'm going to wait and see, if it's sweet I'll admit it. I'm not going to get my panties in a bunch before it even reaches theaters.  
One more thing, fuck the upcoming Star Wars! I don't have high hopes for it being overly sweet and I don't know why you suggested I did.
From: Ross Entered on: July 28, 2004 3:28 PM
Look, man. All I'm saying is that you seem to get excited about just about every other comic-book-inspired movie in some measure except this one. It's fucking nutty because Sin City is sweeter than every motherfucking one of them, including Batman and Spider-Man. Yes, you heard me. That fact alone should knot your panties at least a little. Throw in the fact that they have Quentin Tarantino's involvement, it's CO-DIRECTED by Frank himself, it's got a slew of A-list talent, and INSANELY GREAT word-of-mouth, it seems like you've gone way too far in the direction of skepticism. A bit of healthy anticipation is in order. Notice that Swerb recognizes this as well.  
And Rodriguez is not nearly as bad as you suggest. I haven't seen Spy Kids but it wouldn't surprise me if they're shitty - THEY'RE FOR KIDS! Kids watch fucking Power Rangers and Dragonball Z. You also seem to have forgotten that Desperado and El Mariachi are sweet. I have no doubt that he can pull this off given that he's essentially translating the comics directly to film. Same stories, same dialogue, same camera shots.  
Save your skepticism for Daredevil 2, Elektra, Star Wars, and hell - even Batman. By all accounts Sin City is looking better than all of them and all you need to do is read the links I've posted to see that.
From: Swerb Entered on: July 28, 2004 3:54 PM
Heh heh heh... Bert and Roche, going at it in true Jackassery style. If I may defend Roche's point of view, however, lowering one's expectations quite often results in a better moviegoing experience. Heck, I had low expectations about I, Robot, and ended up enjoying it somewhat. I also rarely subscribe to the idea of getting ultra-hyped about a movie I haven't seen yet - BUT, Sin City is giving me more reason to be excited than any movie in recent memory.  
As for Spy Kids, I've seen the first one, and it's kinda dumb, but much more inventive and clever than your typical kids' movie (albeit not as good as Shrek or the Pixar cartoons). If you ask me, Rodriguez set something of a benchmark for kids' movies with it, because it's being copied a lot, the latest being Thunderbirds, which was of the crappy style.  
Also, Bert, from what I understand, seeing Spidey 2 on IMAX is superior than on regular screens, on all fronts. John Loeks' daughter (who does marketing for IMAX) told me it was compressed to fit regular 35mm screens, and being blown up to IMAX size actually improves the picture quality - the opposite of other "regular" movies blown-up for IMAX screens. And get this: Last week, I was the only one to show up for a press screening of Spidey 2 on IMAX, so I got my own private showing! I love my job...
From: John Entered on: July 28, 2004 3:57 PM
It's my prerogative where I want to place my skepticism, Bert. I don't give a rats ass what Swerb recognizes, what's that have do do with the price of tea in China?  
What I'm saying is Spy Kids 2 and 3 sucked and from what I've heard so did OUATIM. Rodriguez lost some credibility in my book much like Lucas in the recent Star Wars. Frank himself had involvement in Robocop and it sucked shit so that doesn't help as far as I'm concerned. Tarantino sounds good to me but might not sway Zilla since he hated Kill Bill.  
I have plenty of skepticism for the likes of DD 2, Electra, Star Wars, and hell even Batman. Sin City may be looking better but I'll wait and see.
From: Ross Entered on: July 28, 2004 4:03 PM
Yes, Spidey 2 was definitely my favorite IMAX experience. Obviously Sin City takes nothing away from it, it is great and always will be.  
That said, Swerb, you said it right - Sin City has given cause to get as excited as is allowable. Roche, you have thrown much more excitement Batman's way and I'm saying it's warranted more for Sin City. I've given you all the reasons. Normally you are not this thick-headed when it comes to shit like this so I can only assume you are suffering from some kind of physical ailment. Your words about Frank ludicrous and you know why, and they border on blasphemy - I'm THIS close to excommunicating you from the church of comic book fans. You have flipped right on out of your rocker onto the floor and broken your hip.
From: John Entered on: July 28, 2004 4:18 PM
Sorry Bert, my hip feels fine. Excommunicate if you want, it won't change the fact that I'm a comic book fan. Like I said before, if it turns out to be sweet I'll be dancing in the street. I'm just not ready to dance yet.
From: Ross Entered on: July 28, 2004 4:25 PM
You don't GET to dance, my friend! It's like the end of the world, here. If you don't repent and ask Christ for forgiveness (accept Sin City as a movie that will be sweet), you don't get go to heaven (dance in the street) when the time comes. You're a fairweather fan, someone with no vision. This newfound skepticism of yours is ill-tuned to the task. You will see, and you will beg for forgiveness. Perhaps you will receive it, perhaps not. One thing is clear - you have lost your way and are in need of guidance.  
Speaking of Christians, I just read this quote and it's funny as hell:  
"A Christian who does not try to push their views on me or on public policy is, to me, sort of like a person who is wearing a funny hat. You know the hat is stupid, and it sort of bugs you, but you try to ignore it even though it is huge and floppy and bright pink with big metallic-green feathers. If you can deal with the funny hat, many Christians are pretty OK; but sooner or later, they always have to say, "So Scott, how come YOU aren't wearing a funny hat?" and I have to say, "Please fuck off." from Why Christians Suck "
From: Jackzilla Entered on: July 28, 2004 4:30 PM
Wow. You mothers sure know how to fill a thread!  
You know what's sweet? I'm going to see SPIDEY 2 on IMAX tonight! And this is only my second viewing so it'll be fresh and sweet! Plus, Angie will be waiting with prime seats and SUBWAY for me!  
Well, I had my first customer come in and tell me he saw CATWOMAN today. He liked it, but he's semi-retarded (nice guy, but still semi-retarded).
From: John Entered on: July 28, 2004 4:35 PM
Are you the Christ I have to repent to and ask forgiveness from? Fuck that, I'll dance where and when I want and there's not a damn thing you can do about it. You forget, I'm an atheist so I don't believe in you.
From: Jackzilla Entered on: July 28, 2004 4:38 PM
"An athiest who does not try to push their views on me or on public policy is, to me, sort of like a person who is wearing a funny hat. You know the hat is stupid, and it sort of bugs you, but you try to ignore it even though it is huge and floppy and bright pink with big metallic-green feathers. If you can deal with the funny hat, many athiests are pretty OK; but sooner or later, they always have to say, "So Scott, how come YOU aren't wearing a funny hat?" and I have to say, "Please fuck off."  
Sorry, I couldn't resist, you Godless heathens. :)
From: John Entered on: July 28, 2004 4:43 PM
Hey, I'm not pushing anything your way and I appreciate that you don't push anything my way. Your funny hat doesn't bother me, Zilla.
From: Ross Entered on: July 28, 2004 4:49 PM
Jack - not quite a valid turnaround, for one key reason. This country, by virtue of the First Amendment to the Constitution has exempted religion from coming into play in matters of public policy. So arguments from an atheistic perspective on public policy matters are the only legal ones.  
As for the rest of the quote, you definitely get more than your dosage of heresy on Jackassery, but we're in a very small minority here compared to the rest of the US. Kind of like a bit of penicillin to combat the infection.
From: Jackzilla Entered on: July 28, 2004 5:09 PM
From: Creeko Entered on: July 29, 2004 2:44 AM
You guys need to check this web site for a reality check  
From: Ross Entered on: August 7, 2004 11:33 PM
Not intending to reopen a can of worms about Daredevil (the movie), I just came across this review of the reprints of Frank Miller's initial run on Daredevil (collected in three volumes). It's a very good article - for those who haven't read these stories, it'll give you a good idea of why -as Bone might say - I am a Daredevil nuthugger.

From: Ross Entered on: August 10, 2004 8:37 AM
Here is a pretty sweet critique of the original Sin City by a comic book fan who hadn't read it but was excited to see the movie. It's actually quite sweet.
From: John Entered on: August 11, 2004 11:52 PM
That was a pretty sweet DD review, Bert. It's good to know we're not the only DD nuthuggers.
From: Swerb Entered on: August 26, 2004 2:45 PM
Well, those of you who want more craptacular Daredevil should be happy to know this... although I can't see myself bothering with it:  
"Last but not least, at last announced is the much rumored Daredevil: Director's Cut, which Fox Home Entertainment will release on November 30th. Boasting over 20 minutes of additional footage, the flick will be presented in 2.40:1 anamorphic widescreen and Dolby Digital and DTS 5.1, and extras include a new audio commentary by director Mark Steven Johnson and Avi Arad and "The Making of the Director's Cut" featurette. Retail will set you back a mere $19.95, and note that the current theatrical version will remain on the market."
From: Ross Entered on: August 26, 2004 3:03 PM
Yeah, I have been mulling this over for a while. I'm just interested to see if it possibly makes the movie any better. But I certainly don't want to pay for it. I'm thinking I will probably obtain a copy via non-retail avenues.  
Also, what's up with a 2.40:1 aspect ratio? Most wide-widescreen movies are 2.35:1, and the other popular ratio is 1.85:1 (very close to your 16:9 TV's ratio). I have never heard of 2.40. Undoubtedly more fornication from the Daredevil filmmaking camp.
From: Ross Entered on: September 10, 2004 11:45 PM
Holy shit! First pics from the Sin City movie! Does this shit look sweet or what? It's exactly like the fucking comics!

For those who haven't read it, That Yellow Bastard, as weird as he looks here, is identical to his comic book version. Amazing. And look at Marv/Rourke. I can barely stand it.

Supposedly the trailer is gonna be out soon too! It's a great time to be alive...

From: The Bone Entered on: September 11, 2004 12:20 AM
That Yellow Bastard looks like the fucker from Star Trek Deep Shiite Nine. What's he doing here?  
Mickey Rourke was kinda sweet back in the day, before Hollywood pissed him off and he became a boxer. He was good lately in Man On Fire and that Mexican flick.
From: Ross Entered on: September 11, 2004 1:16 AM
Yeah, he definitely does look like that guy, I thought of that too. Oh well... it's going to be interesting.
From: Ross Entered on: September 13, 2004 3:50 PM
Damn damn damn! We *almost* had footage from Sin City. It's been posted, but then cruelly yanked away from us. In any case, this site shows some pics from it. I'm guessing that the link will resurface soon, anyway.
From: The Bone Entered on: September 13, 2004 5:19 PM
Hey dudes, Batman has been busy lately across the pond. Seems his stealth skills are slipping:  
What's next; an attack on Big Ben and Parliament Funkadelic?
From: Ross Entered on: September 13, 2004 6:04 PM
That's hilarious!
From: Jackzilla Entered on: September 13, 2004 6:55 PM
At least he doesn't look gay.  
"Make my funk the P-Funk, I wants to get funked up!"
From: John Entered on: September 13, 2004 10:08 PM
Those pics from Sin City look sweet as hell! That does look like That Yellow Bastard as well as the dude from Deep Stank Nine.
From: Ross Entered on: September 14, 2004 11:00 AM
The footage is back! I'm downloading it now so I haven't yet watched it. Get it here:  
It's 55 megs but I'm sure it's worth it if you're a fanboy nerd like me.
From: Jackzilla Entered on: September 14, 2004 4:58 PM
So how do you play an MP4 file? I've never even heard of that format!
From: Ross Entered on: September 14, 2004 7:22 PM
It's mpeg-4, which technically divx and xvid are. But this is slightly different. The key is to go to and download the codec there. Then you can play it in your player of choice. Sorry, forgot to mention that.
From: Jackzilla Entered on: September 15, 2004 9:15 AM
Oh goody... yet another media format for my collection!  
I think I'll just try watching it from XBMC. Have you watched it yet, Ross? What's the verdict?
From: Ross Entered on: September 15, 2004 9:21 AM
It looks very cool (to me). The opening of it is the entire scene with Fartnett. How do I Know this? Because every word spoken is every word that character has ever said. It's a 3 page comic. But it's still sweet! Then they start showing you scenes intercut with the comic panels that inspired them, and it's pretty amazing. Some of it seems unifinished because there's nothing but black backgrounds but it's still quite exciting to a fan like me. The main scene with Marv and his parole officer is a bit on the hammy side, though, and Marv has a HUGE chin. But overall it's pretty damn true to the look and feel of the story.  
I give it the thumbs!  
As for XBMC, if you have a recent version I would think it could play it. Those guys seem to be on top of their codecs over there.
From: Swerb Entered on: September 15, 2004 2:07 PM
Please tell me Hartnett is OK in the clip, because I recently came to the conclusion (after Stacy watched two of his movies in one week) that he has zero acting ability. In fact, I have such a dislike for him, it borders on irrational... which made me worry about Sin City.
From: Ross Entered on: September 15, 2004 2:51 PM
Even if he was godawful (he isn't), it's too short to have much of an impact on the entire film. He's not as suave as the guy he's playing, but I can forgive it. So yes, he's okay in the clip.
From: Jackzilla Entered on: September 15, 2004 3:54 PM
[Since Johnny-Bells is rather scarce these days, allow me to post on his behalf:]  
Swerb - You must hate Josh Hartnett because you find yourself attracted to him in a homoerotic style. Admit it, Swerb! Hartnett is dreamy! Get out the peanut butter!
From: Jackzilla Entered on: September 16, 2004 9:32 AM
Well, I finally watched the SIN CITY clip this morning (plays just great with XBMC). I must say, it looks VERY sweet. Like the comic, it's all black and white, lots of shadows and splashes of color (red dress, yellow bastard...). Its certainly succeeding on a visual level -- very cutting edge stuff. Hopefully the stories play out sweet on the screen.  
From: Jackzilla Entered on: December 21, 2004 11:14 AM
Bert! Take a look at this HOT NEW SIN CITY trailer! And try not to touch yourself!
This thing is looking super sweet!
From: Ross Entered on: December 21, 2004 11:44 AM
Where is the clip? Am I retarded? I can't find it on that page.
From: Jackzilla Entered on: December 21, 2004 1:55 PM
Well that's wack. The link for the trailer on that page is gone. And I did the TRAILERS A-Z link and it's not listed there either. Oh well, at least I got to see it (did I mention it was sweet?)!  
Here's the original link I used to get there not that it'll do you any good:

From: Ross Entered on: December 21, 2004 3:35 PM
Yeah, superherohype was the first place I tried after I couldn't find it - no luck. OH well, I'm sure it will be online elsewhere shortly. You bastard.  
Correction: it's back! Fucking sweeeeeet! Dammit, April cannot come fast enough!
From: Jackzilla Entered on: December 21, 2004 4:14 PM
Ain't it sweet?! I love the blend of live action with the "comic booky" graphics. Very unique and stylish. When I first heard about this project I figured it would be a small cultish movie, but now I think it could be commercially big: Lots of big name talent, cutting edge look. BRING IT ON!
From: Ross Entered on: December 21, 2004 6:10 PM
I absolutely love it when the door reveals Elijah Wood as Kevin - the glasses are so fucking sweet, it gives me chills, knowing what a scary fucker he is.
From: Swerb Entered on: December 21, 2004 11:24 PM
Fuck yeah!!!!!!!! I can't wait! Damn, I think I just wet myself...
From: Ross Entered on: December 29, 2004 5:19 PM
Here is a better quality version of the Sin City trailer.

From: Ross Entered on: January 3, 2005 5:38 PM
New posters (I've seen a couple in movie theaters, actually) are out:


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