Entered on: May 15, 2004 12:00 AM by Ross
Here's a pic that my friend Fregly took of Nikki and Paris Hilton, and Lindsay Lohan while at the Playboy mansion at a party. Yes, Linsday was definitely too young to be smoking and drinking, but there she was, doing both. Also, it's funny to note that we didn't know who she was until much after this picture was snapped.
PHOTO 115 - 3 Comments
A guy at work was trying to make up excuses why he was going to see "Mean Girls" with his wife - I told him he didn't need any excuse - Lindsay is 18 in just a couple of months. This was met with much criticism, but I know all the guys at work were thinking the same thing, just afraid to admit it.
Nice pic, Bert. Guys are almost always afraid to admit when they are attracted to a sub 18 hottie. Say a girl is 17 and hot, does it make you a pedifile to be attracted to her? Hell no, and here's why, if they're hot this means they are developed like Lindsay which is not of the 12 year old girl style. Is it wrong for a 30 year old to hit a 16 year old, yes, but it's not wrong to look and enjoy or at least that's my opinion. I'm just not afraid to admit it.
Bone, did you check out the nubile hottie on the right? Lindsay looks quite fetching in this photo.