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Entered on: March 22, 2004 12:00 AM by Creeko
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It was the next logical step.

PHOTO 106 - 25 Comments
From: Jackzilla Entered on: March 22, 2004 4:58 PM
That's some fucked up repugnant shit!

For a group of guys who love Moulin Rouge, you sure do like to throw out the homo-cusations! What have we learned? That Creeko's collection of homo-erotic photos is nearly limitless and both Bone and Ross word-associate "Prince" with "SEX." I think that says more about you guys than it does about me. :)

Oh yeah, and I prefer JIF (and choosy mothers) over Skippy.

From: Ross Entered on: March 22, 2004 7:39 PM
While it is true that Creeko is a bit suspect for posting too many penis pictures, do I find this one funny? Damn SKIPPY!
From: The Bone Entered on: March 22, 2004 9:55 PM
Oh hell no! Creeko, is prince lubing up his funkstick with skippy? This pic is messed up - but funny.
From: John Entered on: March 22, 2004 10:12 PM
Holy shit, that's hilarious. The Bone and I were just on the phone when he told me to check this out. I agree that is some fucked up repugnant shit. Both Prince and Zilla seem to be enjoying it though. Maybe it's the Skippy that has them smiling or could it be the deep dicking, you guy's decide.
From: The Bone Entered on: March 23, 2004 1:40 AM
I wonder if this is how they came up with Reese's Peanut Butter Cups?
From: John Entered on: March 23, 2004 10:13 AM
Seems plausible to me, Bone. Perhaps Jackzilla would like to change his moniker to, Skippy.
From: Creeko Entered on: January 13, 2008 4:20 PM
This still makes me giggle. The random photo tool is the gift that keeps giving
From: Ross Entered on: January 13, 2008 4:47 PM
Indeed, this pic may be one of the funniest ever posted here.  Well done, Creeko.
From: BigFatty Entered on: January 13, 2008 5:23 PM
Yes, while the photoshopping skills are mere elementary, the addition of the Skippy jar and the choice of heads is pure genius.  Even the placement and angle of the jar shows promise in future pics.....
From: NickNick Entered on: January 14, 2008 8:09 AM
When Jack was showing my wife around this site, I kept asking him to go back to this picture.  Somehow, he seemed less than enthusiastic about it.
From: Bunky Entered on: March 27, 2009 7:48 PM

I am beginning to think there me be some truth to this photo (Jack, I hope your Mom is not reading JA today, or you will have some 'planing to do)!

Since Jack has gotten his hands on some new Prince tracks and three nights of him on Leno, Zilla has gone M.I.A. Time to put the Skippy down Jack!

From: Jackzilla Entered on: March 28, 2009 6:25 AM

"Oh yeeeeah, put your ...."  Um.  Nevermind.

Actually, I've spent most nights this week researching cars online.  Yes, I'm ready to replace the Saturn.  What will I end up getting?  Stay tuned!

On the subject... Prince's latest "Lotus Flow3r" is a 3cd set available Sunday at Target for just $11.98!  Your resident Prince expert gives it thumbs!

From: Ross Entered on: March 28, 2009 9:21 AM

I'm going to be getting a second car as well once we move out to the burbs - I'll need a beater of sorts to get to/from the commute station.  I'm thinking a few-years-old Honda Civic.  Hondas have always served me well in the past so I'm hoping to keep up the streak.

From: Bunky Entered on: March 28, 2009 11:44 AM

I love Honda's! I am kicking myself for making the leap from Honda to a Volvo... I got a CRX when I graduated from high school and kept it for 6 years. When I sold it, it had 144,000 miles on it and still ran great. I drove that car everywhere and did many road trips...

The only thing that I ever replaced was the clutch, brakes, and timing belt as recommended.

Jack, get your crank out of the Skippy jar and get back to reality!!!

From: BigFatty Entered on: March 28, 2009 12:59 PM

Used Hondas are the way to go Fo' SHO'!  My little Civic did me well for a taste.  I think I broke even on it when I re-sold it.  Creeko had the same Civic but with 100k more in miles.  His was a great car too.  Look for one that just had some of the major maintenance done - like clutch, brakes, tires.  Then you should have a good year or two not needing to worry about anything.

I loved my Honda!  Creeko and I would pick our Hondas (matching colors and all) on Grand Turismo and race on the Xbox, then hop in our real Hondas and drive home from Jacks.  That was surreal.

From: The Bone Entered on: March 28, 2009 1:13 PM

Yep, can't go wrong with a Civic. I had one in Hawaii during college years. Fatty remembers. Paid $1400 and never had a problem. Roche's dad had a beater Honda that he drove forever without changing the oil and it still ran fine.


From: Swerb Entered on: March 28, 2009 3:23 PM

Another Honda lover chiming in... Stacy has been driving a '98 Civic for I think eight years now, and have only done routine maintenance on it (new belts, tune up, brakes, muffler), and it has 130,000+ miles on it. This seems like a common story.

Put it in this context: My '98 Ford Escort, when I got rid of it 2 1/2 years ago, I had stuck $2-3k into it in non-routine stuff (a valve thing, tie rods and ball joints twice, alternator...), and it had 115,000 miles on it. Granted, the Escort was cheaper in the first place, but with the Civic, we don't have the frakking hassle of bringing it in all the time, or it breaking down in the left-hand turn lane in a Detroit suburb, forcing me to call a tow truck and take a cab to the movie I had to see for work and then calling Stacy to drive 2 hours to pick me up and all the subsequent horror of the Detroit dealership not diagnosing the problem correctly and the car died on me again and...

But I digress. Buy a Honda. Civics are terrific. I've heard good things about the Accord too, if you want something bigger.

Not to mention that I love the former Bertmobile, ye olde Acura, which is essentially a souped-up Civic.

From: Creeko Entered on: March 29, 2009 9:31 AM

Bought my Civic for $500 from a dealership with a but-load of miles on it, drove it for a couple of years, then sold it for $1,500 with more than 200,000 miles and minima upkeep. 

From: Creeko Entered on: March 29, 2009 11:04 AM


The best TV show ever (Top Gear - if you haven't seen it yet you don't know how sweet it is) has been been infringing on the IP of the sweetest site ever created (a little ego boost for the Bertstation)

From: NickNick Entered on: March 30, 2009 8:22 AM

As long as we're on the topic of changing topics, has anyone ever read Dragon's Egg??

From: Ross Entered on: March 30, 2009 9:13 AM

Man, it makes me just want to say that Hondas suck, because there's too much agreement on this topic!  But alas, couting the Acura, I'm on my third Honda now and I have no real desire to consider anything else. 

From: BigFatty Entered on: March 30, 2009 12:02 PM

I know... I think this is the first subject that Jackassiarians all agree on.  Next time we come to blows over the controversial push-up topic, we can all circle-jerk around our love for Hondas.

From: Jackzilla Entered on: March 30, 2009 12:29 PM

Never had a Honda.  Got a Toyota!

My mom once drove a Monza Spyder:


From: Ross Entered on: March 30, 2009 1:32 PM

Your mom looks like a blurry dude, possibly with a mustache, in that picture. 

From: Jackzilla Entered on: March 30, 2009 3:22 PM

Hey man, it was the '70's.


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