NEWS 94 - 14 Comments
The supplement is also notorious for creating an unpleasant odour in the vicinity of the taker.
Clearly, I have been taking my creatine lately...
Interesting, I have not noticed any brain power increase since I've been on creatine. I have notice some serious strength gains along with my muscle size increasing, creatine is sweet!
Well, how would you notice a brain power increase? Are you constantly testing yourself? Just like creatine helps build muscle, I doubt anyone who wasn't working out would notice much change just sitting around. Similarly, any effect on your brain would probably only be noticeable if you were pushing your mental powers to their limits, so you had a better idea of what your limits are, as you currently do with your muscle strength.
You don't like creatine? Creatine tastes GOOD!
Which is funny because I like beef, and beef has creatine. Weird?
This crazy cretin craves creatine!
Bert- I was not suggesting otherwise. I'm fully cognizant that since I have not been pushing myself mentally that any infintesimal increases would go unnoticed. The comment was facetious in nature, which I realize is difficult to detect in my writing.
Who talks like this?
"Bert- I was not suggesting otherwise. I'm fully cognizant that since I have not been pushing myself mentally that any infintesimal increases would go unnoticed. The comment was facetious in nature, which I realize is difficult to detect in my writing."
You just noticed Roche's "unique voice", Bone?
Bone - You may be the smartest ASS on the planet.
Sorry Roche. It just cracks me up when you bust out with your "unique" intellectual sounding voice.
However, I am fully cognizant to a high degree of certainty that you were merely providing a ribald and jocular witticism designed to amuse and gratify the Jackassery audience. Please grant me reprieve for this infintesimal instance of indiscretion on my part. I am composing this apology in a verbose and ostentatious manner in order to facilitate your unexpurgated comprehension, keeping consistant in manner with your singular approach to literary phraseology.
Damn, I sound really intelligent in RocheSpeak
Ribald, I love it! Hahaha! Though I'm not sure that Roche's witticism was in fact ribald, it's hilarious nonetheless.
Your use of "ribald" is capricious and arbitrary!
This is your brain:
"I don't notice shit about shit."
This is your brain on RocheSpeak:
"I'm fully cognizant that since I have not been pushing myself mentally that any infintesimal increases would go unnoticed. "
I must need more creatine. I don't understand what Bone just said. He did write jocular. Thats like jockstrap, right? Thats funny.
I have been pushing the limits of my brainpower and thanks to creatine, I have completed my first jumble. I'm going to get it laminated.
Bone - Perhaps I was a bit harsh in my previous comment as you may be on to something. I think we should all implement RocheSpeak so we can sound like pretentious pseudo-intellects and rule the world.