I just took a soap making class today and made a 3 lb batch. Soon I will be harvesting the fat of the land and selling rich bitches' fat asses back to them.
Dude - Roche and I can set you up here in GR. Between the two of us, we can give you enough fat off our guts to make you a millionaire. I'm not sure what you need to do about our smell.
By the way, speaking of Seemabone, I recently let ThirdWorldBeatDown.com expire, as it really has no real purpose anymore. However, if for nostalgia purposes, anyone wants to check it out, the content of the site is still online at:
Come-on, you gotta admit that soap making is almost as gay as (and I?m probably going to regret opening this can of worms) my red shoes.
Who needs to make soap when you can buy a bar of Dial for like 10 cents. Unless your going out to harpoon sperm whales in a Zodiac to harvest their fat, what?s so sweet about making soap?
I?ll tell you what... You know when a bar of soap gets to be to small and all you have left is a little sliver? I?ll save them for you and you can press em all together and make some soap a-la fragrance de Creeko?s ass-crack.