NEWS 633 - 23 Comments
Alrighty then.
Does that mean the tour does not include ZAGNUT?
If there were a ZAGNUT sanctioned envent, I would be honored with an invite, but family obligations may have me handing my pants over to my wife.
That doesn't sound real encouraging, Creeko. What kind of leash does she have you on, anyways? We have the Monkey Leash for Anna:

Do they have something similar for husbands in Spain?
Fatz is finally moved in, but with PLENTY of work still to do. The end is near! Today I put together the all important, new and improved - FATSTATION 3.0. Gone is upper-lower monitor set-up. We now have a proper entertainment center. Plus - Fatz is rolling with 15 Mb internet connection.
Right now I am battling with my sink. It is giving me the finger. I wanted to re-use the old faucet. Nope! It conks out on me just as I get everything all back together. I got a new one, plus some tools to make it easy to install. Nope - there is that finger again - the first hole is too small. Now it is just a battle of wills. I am going to beat this stainless-steel bitch.
I also realize I am a full-fledged Ikea whore. My house is straight out of Fight Club now.
Anyways - bunch of shit still going on, so once that is all said and done, I will be back on JA some more.
Yes, I will get some pics... but it still is not ready yet. Or, you can sign up for the live video tour!
Do you have the ying-yang coffee table? That was my favorite.
Clarification Please! Since Creeko can't reach the computer keyboard with the Monkey on his back, can someone explain Creeko's GR press release.
Per my understanding, he is letting you know that he will be coming over to the US from Spain, but not visiting any of you. But if you should be stopped next to someone at a light who looks like Creeko, you should honk and wave because it will probably be him.
Bunky said:
Per my understanding, he is letting you know that he will be coming over to the US from Spain, but not visiting any of you. But if you should be stopped next to someone at a light who looks like Creeko, you should honk and wave because it will probably be him.
HAHAHAHA! Especially if you see a monkey leash on his back.
That's how I understood it, Bunky. It was either very rude or very sad, probably both...
Bunky said:
Clarification Please! Since Creeko can't reach the computer keyboard with the Monkey on his back, can someone explain Creeko's GR press release.
Per my understanding, he is letting you know that he will be coming over to the US from Spain, but not visiting any of you. But if you should be stopped next to someone at a light who looks like Creeko, you should honk and wave because it will probably be him.
Just when you start wondering how Bunky got past the "GIRLS STAY OUT" sign she delivers this jewel.
Bunkey hit the nail on the head. If I didn't say anything what would you have thought if the above mentioned scenario had actually occurred? That would have been even more rude.
Creeko - We're not gonna hear that you hung yourself by a garden hose in the backyard are we?
BTW, I'll be in Chicago tomorrow and I don't think I will be seeing Bert either. Just want to make sure I alienate everyone equally. We'll be on the 11:00 river boat architectural tour if you have a river view from where you work.
Zilla, as hard as it may be for you to believe, my wife actually mentioned to me that it would be fun to rock out on Rock Band at your house, she's a RB fan, but realistically, with in-laws, family and chitlins, the feat of organizing such an event goes beyond my powers.
Are you in GR now? A fourteen day visit and you can't work in a few hours for your buddies?
Throw out the post-transplant card! I mean it's only reasonable that you would want to see Bells and Melissa since she did get a new liver ONLY 3 months ago! Not to mention Ross' little guy Logan!
Fatty even worked in a little video chat time for me while he was here!
Do you need me to call and talk to your wife? My spanish is pretty weak, but I am sure she will figure out what I am trying to say. I will start with something like this:
Mayo Creeko por favor tenga a sus testículos para atrás un par de horas?
Actually I see those tours every day - I have a nice view of the river from my desk. I'm on the twelfth floor of a building you'll see when you cross Madison Street. Though I probably won't be there anyway since I'll be with Heather at a doctor appointment in the morning. But good to know you're snubbing us all equally.
Ross, since you know the tour area, you could probably "see" Creeko on Google Earth while he is in the States touring (not to be cornfused with visiting).
Just look for the red shoes and monkey harness...
Hmmm - Maybe Creeko could get a new iPhone so the GPS could show us where he is touring and NOT seeing people. We can track his position and see how close he is to NOT seeing you.
Dude! That sounds like a sweet iPhone app!
Creeko - Was the funeral for your balls open or closed casket?
It appears that they were cremated...
Actually, there's an app called MotionX GPS (we've discussed it before). Yesterday, they updated it to add automatic facebook (et. al.) posting so you can automatically track locations :)
Speaking of mobile networking, I'm typing this on my laptop using an AT&T laptop connect card, FOR FREE. Well, not really, but I'm not paying EXTRA. I'm using the SIM card from my iPhone. I borrowed the card from a coworker, so if it works well on my train ride home tonight, I'm going to look into buying one (or this one).
The only downside is that I can't use my phone while the SIM is in the datacard. BUT: I can send and receive text messages, so it's almost as good.
The other question is, since I have a first gen iPhone, can I use 3G? I have a 3G sim, but not a 3g data plan. In my office (where I am now) we only get Edge, so I'll have to test it tonight.
This is Creeko's wife, Bea, i see what your opinion is about me and is not fair, maybe he could tell you the real reason why he can not find the time to see you.
Right now is 10:30 pm and he can barely keep his eyes open, and our youngest son is going to be waking us up soon after we go to bed, i am the one who suggested to Creeko we go play Rock Band with you guys.