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Its Raining Men!
Entered on: February 8, 2009 3:02 AM by BigFatty
Yesterday, we went to the market in the morning. We walked down our street, crossed at the intersection, then walked a block to the bus stop. Once there, we saw a bunch of cop cars screaming down our street. We didn't think too much of it until my wife's mother called.  
A man from our building block had attempted suicide by jumping from the 8th story. He landed and crushed the roof of a parked BMW. Somehow, he survived and even got off the car on his own before the cops got there. We figured we were only 2 minutes off of having this guy going splat, 2 feet from us on our walk to the bus stop. Kinda spooky.

NEWS 614 - 2 Comments
From: The Bone Entered on: February 16, 2009 1:30 AM

Inconsiderate asshole could have tried to land on the street and not fuck up a ninja's BMW.

From: BigFatty Entered on: February 16, 2009 12:04 PM

At least the fucker is alive and has to pay for it now.  And he thought his life was bad before!  Now he is in the same situation, but has to recover from a painful injury, deal with all the 'why'd try and kill yourself' questions, and pay for the damage on the BMW.  If you can't even kill yourself, you are worthless!


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