NEWS 600 - 49 Comments
Interesting question.
Aren't we also polluting space with our junk? It may just balance out. Or we can always just send more shit into orbit (as there seems to be an unlimited amount of crap here on Earth).
No, I don't think there is anything to worry about there, Robot. I'm pretty sure I've seen this type of thing discussed before. Though it's true that the mass of the earth would increase if we took on some materials from an asteroid, but this kind of thing happens naturally every day just as a result of the earth's massive gravity well. According to this page, we take on about 100,000 TONS of mass every day!
Also, as far as I know, the earth's orbit and rotation do change slightly over time, but I don't think even the biggest impacts from comets or meteors (even the extinction-causing ones) change things much. I found this page which pretty much says as much. I just think the earth is too massive compared to the types of other mass we'd be taking on to make much difference.
I agree with Ross. I guess in theory you could bring so much mass to earth to change its mass enough to mess with its rotation or orbit. But the amount you would need to bring is so astoundingly huge - I don't see how humans could do this.
In the same stream of thought.... if you built a large enough 'sail' you could in a sense, slow the earth's rotation and slow time. A day would not be 24 hours. That would fuck all sorts of shit up. But... would it? Is there enough friction in space to slow the rotation? It is a vacuum. What would happen if the earth had a huge paddle sticking out there?
But I am a little sad. I first thought you were talking about ass-roid mining. That is a slightly different subject.
I think we have to worry more about what we're going to do once the Moon is out of orbit before we have to worry about any effects from asteroid mining.
Fatty, changing the Earth's rotation time won't do a thing to change time. It might change our perception of time.
To stay with the far out thought process: Is it wrong to analyze in your mind the best possible way to dispose of a human body?
Good points, all.
Ross, somewhere in the back of my mind, I knew we took on material, but it didn't figure into my mental jump-rope on this issue. And I didn't realize it was THAT large a number. Interesting.
Zilla, if I'm correct (since I'm too lazy to go check right now, I'll just assume I am), since most of our space-junk is still in orbit (probably a decaying orbit), I think it still counts as part of our mass. I'd be surprised if the total amount of stuff we've sent beyond our well would weigh more than a few hundred tons, if that. I like your idea about shipping trash into space. We could just point it at the sun and wave our troubles goodbye! Plus, since the sun will eventually burn out, we're HELPING it by giving it more fuel! That's two birds with one stone!
I just watched a fictional drama on the BBC on what would happen when the Super Volcano under Yellowstone (or is it Jellystone - the one without Yogi) would erupt. I've read about this some in the past. It was interesting to see a show based on it. The Cliff Note version ****Spoiler Alert***** We would be F'd in the A! I have heard (plus the show was based on this assumption) that this volcano erupts on a cycle about every 600,000 years. Its been about 640,000 since the last eruption. Did I check these facts out? Nope - too lazy to Wiki them. Ok - I'll give it a try.
OK - Wiki confirmed: "Thus defined, the Yellowstone Supervolcano is the volcanic field which
produced the latest three supereruptions from the SRPY hotspot. The
three supereruptions occurred 2.1 million, 1.3 million and 640,000
years ago;"
So better plan your Family National Park Visit while you still can. Bring your picnic basket to fend off over-friendly bears wearing hats and ties.
Meanwhile... I am initiating Plan Bone. Stockpiling shotguns and hand grenades.
Hey Robo - worry about something a little more plausible!
The news has been squawking about this lately. Seems like if the supervolcano shot its wad we'd be considerably fucked. Three feet of ash over the half the U.S., volcanic winter for the Earth, and most likely a zombie epidemic. That and the Mayan Calendar heralding the end of Earth in 2012....I don't believe in that shit but lets just say I'm going to start drinking my good wine before 2012 just in case.
Which bottle are you opening first?
Bring on the zombies, I say!
BigFatty said:
Hey Robo - worry about something a little more plausible!
I'm already mentally prepared for World War Z (aka zombie apocalypse). According to the Survival Guide by Max Brooks, grenades are just about worthless. The only thing that works is destroying the brain. A grenade would knock them down, probably maim them a bit, but even if the head is completely severed, it's still a threat (can't move, but can still bite if you pick it up or walk near it). And the chances of delivering a fatal blow directly to the head with a grenade are pretty slim.
You'll definitely want a shotgun, but it's only for emergencies (other than the obvious zombie infestation). You'll blow through all your ammo pretty quickly, and every time you fire it, you're just announcing yourself to any zombie for 5 miles.
This is a Shaolin spade. It's a combination martial-arts weapon/gardening tool (seriously--used by Shaolin monks).

You'll want a non-ceremonial one with a real edge on it. But you have a nice piercing tool and a heavy de-braining tool at the other end. Plus it gives you reach. You do NOT--repeat NOT-- want anything with a serrated edge. You'll lose it in the first zombie you stab when you try to pull it out. Also much harder to sharpen.
Sorry, not trying to rekindle the zombie debate. Just been reading a lot (of useless books) lately.
Bunky - if you slip into something a little more comfortable and come over, we can share a bottle. I have a pretty pimp Caymus Special Selection. I'd pop it open for a special occasion, like consumating our relationship during the dying embers of life on Earth.
RS - I agree that grenades are worthless against zombies but I'd still keep a couple around for asshole humans though. I'd strap on a 45 or two for backup and use something like this as my main battle royale weapon. I'd probably also carry this mace for onesies and twosies. I'd want a partner riding shotgun as well.
I like the assault weapon. If ammo were no issue, it's an excellent choice. And either way, you're right about the asshole humans. I really like the mace, again for single encounters. At 4lb., it's not TOO heavy to swing for a while, but could still deliver a fatal blow if moving fast enough.
We can't let the Caymus go to waste! Robot can handle the Zombies for a bit while we toast to the end of the world...
Poor Fatty. No good wine, no heat, no XBOX, and no protection from Zombies. What a horrible way to go out....
Thats preposterous! Fatty with no good wine? Bitch please. Thems are fighting words. I am hardly a wine snob, but I certainly am a fan of the juice. I've been living in Yurope for 4 years total now and have made it a point to find some good stuff. Hungary has a long tradition of wine making and a great wine culture. I am a fan and have some good stuff in my collection. My favorite stuff is from the Frenchies. Their wine is well made and affordable. At least in France it is. My favorite - Chateau Neuf De Pap. That is the bomb-diggity. A few glasses of that will soak your panties enough to sick them to the wall.
Maybe I should write wine reviews?
Shit - I think Hungary is full of Zombies. Thats what it feels like walking amidst the homeless here.
Oh... and I am not responding to your Facebook message.... well at least not on Facebook!
Caught Red Handed!
Ooh, look who is slummin' it on Facebook!!
Its not me!
Oh YESSSS!!! Don't fight it Fatty....
No this is da melinda... I is hungary
Will always give all of us in the US hard time for being on Facebook...
No... He is always on JA... he is a good man... very sexy
He is a sexy Mo Fo FO SHO...
Fo Sho! And he has a HUGE Crank!
I mean Ya YA.... Good man
Hey, what's a girl to do... Ross and Robot are whoring it up and taking all my asses! I am merely trying to defend what is mine!
It's more like I busted Will lurking...
Robot. You read World War Z?? I just heard about it and thought about picking it up.
The Bone said:
I have a pretty pimp Caymus Special Selection.
Please don't tell me you spent more than $50 on a bottle of wine. I don't care if Jesus himself made made it. No wine should ever cost more than that.
Some of the best wine I've ever had the pleasure of drinking has been in the 10-20€ range. And I'm talkin so good that it'll soak your panties to the point that you'll have to peel tham off like a moist cupcake wrapper, and belive me, Ive partaken in some pretty expesive wines and all I can say is that - sho am glad I didn't pay for them.
Here's my wine tip: Never save a bottle of wine for a moment that never comes. Wine's for drinkin bitches, not for savin.
I do agree wit you Creeko. While in France I drank some serious shit that was relatively inexpensive. I will say that it easier for some reason to find good wines like that in Europe than in the U.S. Not that they don't exist, there just isn't a good nationwide availability.
My tactic is to buy wines that are in the 97 and above range for under $100. I don't get paid in pesos so I can afford the extra $50. However, sometimes a premier cru comes along that is a fair bit pricier. I'll buy it because there's something majestic about a Chateau Margaux or a Petrus - which I drank and knocked my fucking socks off. Just think what that will do to panties. Bunky knows!
Preach it Brotherman! My favorite bottle of Chateau Nuef was 11 Euro. I still think about that bottle. It was disappointing to have to share it with too many others (4). Two people would have been OK, plus it leaves less soaked panties to clean up off the wall. Expensive does not equall good... it just makes you more of a douche bragging about it.
Fatty is looking at a strong possibility for his first trip to Germany in a few weeks. Bring on the Beer and Brats! I'm going to be eating! Then the next month... Bulgaria! Bring on the.... the....ummm..... Well my friend will show me what its all about. I am expecting to see more HOT Eastern European Women (HEEW).
Creeko's got some potential writing steamy novels! Those Heiss boys can get a girl all worked up!
I agree with Creeko on a couple of points: Not all expensive wine is good. Price does not make a wine. My husband and I have had wine from the Justin Vineyard in Paso Robles, CA that is $12 a bottle. It is a blend wine that they make every year called Orphan and each year we order a case. There are some inexpensive wines that are very good.
Some wines though, while maybe okay if opened immediately, are much better if you let them age in a proper environment and enjoy at a later date.
Costco oftens gets in limited amounts of good wines reasonably priced. I have found Opus One and Insignia there. There is usually a 2 bottle per member limit. Yes, Jack, I love Costco....
Recently I've been into champagne too. I'm still developing my palate but I had some Krug that I liked.
Costco has a 2005 Chateau Palmer Margaux available online and Kirkland Champagne!
Champaign is not too high on my list.... but I do really like the Hungarian B&B or Torley brands. I only like sweet ones and that is frowned upon in snobby circles. F'em. I also like Snickers Bars.
I am not a huge fan of champagne. I prefer it sweet as well if I have to drink it...
I hear you on that price isn't an indicator of quality. I had an Opus One that cost about $150 and it was meh. I think I drank it a tad too early though. That's another thing - with grand wines you have to drink them during their prime window. A $2000 grand Margaux isn't worth that if you drink it too early.
I used to not care about champagne but recently I've been drinking some good shit and developing a taste for it. Same with port. I used to hate it until I started drinking the good shit, now I'm a huge fan.
I've always loved some bourbon but have been drinking some really good shit. Price may not always mean better for everything but the best champagne, port, whisky, and wine for that matter, that I've had were above the median price range.
$2k for a bottle of flavored liquid?!? Jesus Christ! The most I've ever payed for wine was $30 and that was a good German Reisling.
As long as we're talking about good drinks. I need to find myself a good bottle of Mead. Natron bought a glass of that at Rad's bachelor party and that little glass of fermented honey was exceptional.
NickNick said:
$2k for a bottle of flavored liquid?!? Jesus Christ! The most I've ever payed for wine was $30 and that was a good German Reisling.
Some things are just beyond your ken Nick Nick.
The Bone said:
NickNick said:
$2k for a bottle of flavored liquid?!? Jesus Christ! The most I've ever payed for wine was $30 and that was a good German Reisling.
Some things are just beyond your ken Nick Nick.
More than some.
But seriously. 2 fucking thousand dollars!?!?
It's only money Nick Nick. We all know that "money is boring and stuff is cool" - Will Heiss
Bunky said:
Costco has a 2005 Chateau Palmer Margaux available online and Kirkland Champagne!
Thats not a straight up Chateau Margaux though it's probably decent. There's a Cos D'Estournal they have that I've tried and is really really good and is cheaper.
BigFatty said:
That is the bomb-diggity.
1994 called. They want their catch-phrase back.
So what are you drinking with your 3 Brothers Pizza tonight Jack???
Water. It's good and free, you money-hemorrhaging lushes.
Besides, I gotta save my money for some fog juice.
You go to Guitar Center to buy Fog Juice? Good Lord...
I agree with you Bone on the Opus... However, I do have a one 1996 bottle left which was second on WS' list that year... And yes Jack, I got it at Costco the year it was released!
The Bone said:
It's only money Nick Nick. We all know that "money is boring and stuff is cool" - Will Heiss
While I readily admit that both you and Will are completely correct, one needs to have money to spend on stuff first, in order to practice that philosophy.
That LEGO Hoth set. Now THAT, I would drop $2k on. I can see that providing months and months of entertainment.
NickNick said:
That LEGO Hoth set. Now THAT, I would drop $2k on. I can see that providing months and months of entertainment.
If anyone cares to know, that's the difference between men and boys.
I have proudly declared myself a Toys'R'Us kid for many years.
The Bone said:
If anyone cares to know, that's the difference between men and boys.
I keep forgetting that it's the important things like pushups and the amount of money that one drops on wine that defines a man.
NN - The Fatty philosophy on money will set you free. Bone quoted me correctly. Yesterday Bunky was just starting to get the Fatty Wisdom. Think of money as Fun Tickets. The tickets themselves are not very fun. Sure you can collect and horde them. But on their own, not much fun or useful. But put to proper use their potential to improve life is endless. Holding the Fun Tickets is not where life is, it is redeeming them.
Spend them wisely my friend. Lap dances are recommended.
I never doubt the wisdom on Fatty. That would be a dire mistake.
Ohh, and I have no problem with lap dances. I even spend Bell's money on lap dances. No badges to report though.
Then that was poor spending, indeed!

Fatty, maybe if she dressed like this whilst dancing on Nickers, it could improve his spending habits of Bell's wife's money!
I think he just earned his badge...... Jizzed in his pants! Bunkz will send you some tissues, Nick Nack Paddiwack.
Fatty just became a fan of Kid Rock. Whoops, wrong site. But I kid just get all his albums - Thats right motherfuckers, I am kickin it hardcore, slummin, wigger style! My trailer park kingdom awaits.
Paddiwack - save up some of those fun tickets for this. You'll have to get up real early in the morning to beat Ross to the store. But, wouldn't you want to be the first to own the Star Wars Force Trainer?
They have tons of these already in the hospitals for respiratory patients.
BigFatty said:
Fatty just became a fan of Kid Rock. Whoops, wrong site. But I kid just get all his albums - Thats right motherfuckers, I am kickin it hardcore, slummin, wigger style! My trailer park kingdom awaits.
Paddiwack - save up some of those fun tickets for this. You'll have to get up real early in the morning to beat Ross to the store. But, wouldn't you want to be the first to own the Star Wars Force Trainer?
They have tons of these already in the hospitals for respiratory patients.
English, motherfucker! Do you speak it?