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Hey, you senators: Thanks for nothing
Entered on: December 15, 2008 12:41 AM by Jackzilla

NEWS 596 - 11 Comments
From: RobotSpider Entered on: December 15, 2008 8:33 AM

I fully acknowledge the fact that letting the [companies formerly known as] Big Three go belly up would have a devastating effect on an already limping economy.  But the decline of the US auto industry was facilitated in large part by the auto-makers' own stuanch adherence to Market-Based Capitalism.  The Market will determine which companies survive and which fail.  So when they started sending their sub-contracting work south and overseas, because they can do it cheaper, better, faster, they put a lot of people out of work.  Guess what?  Those weren't just American workers, they were American customers.  Since they were out of a job, they couldn't afford the luxury of paying more for less car and a shorter warranty.  Well, that's ok, since you now have 'cheap' labor, the quality will improve, so we'll be willing to pay more for more... only, it didn't, and we weren't. 

We have kept this thing on life-support far too long.  It will be really hard for a while, but we know manufacturing.  If it's not cars, we'll manufacture something else (hydrogen fuel-cells, batteries, turbines), and we'll do it better than anyone else.  If you want to lessen the impact AND help people at the same time, take the 14 billion and divide it evenly among all employees at GM and Chrysler to support them while we ramp up for something else.  Otherwise, the money will be shoveled into an oxygen-fueed blast furnace, and the ashes will be divided among the few individuals with three-letter-acronyms for job titles.


From: EDGE Entered on: December 15, 2008 10:11 AM

They fucked themselves

I really don't think we should bail them out at all. No one made them sign the bullshit contracts with unions. They fucked themselves and for these people to make what they do to work in a factory and always want more is ridiculous. Most of them have never gotten more than a high school education and were over payed the day they started.

I know it will suck hard for MI for a while if any of them go under but at what point do you draw the line. 


From: Bunky Entered on: December 15, 2008 10:51 AM

Just think if you converted that grid from Michigan to California dollars! There are alot of people with degrees not making that money.

From: Ross Entered on: December 15, 2008 11:45 AM

Not that I'm defending the auto industry, but the $70+ per hour thing is a bit misleading...

From: EDGE Entered on: December 15, 2008 12:34 PM

That is the total compensation which does include pensions,benefits, and I'm sure some other costs as well so I should have stated that but you are correct, it's not literally $70 per hour in just a straight wage but a combined total.This link has more info here  




From: BigFatty Entered on: December 15, 2008 1:07 PM

I agree on not giving the Big Three a handout.  F-em.  That article is WAY too much doom and gloom.  It is not like those three will stop and lock up their doors in three months.  Nope - they will be forced to restructure, sell off crap, shut down divisions, and maybe....  two will stay in business. 

There is no tears here for crappy companies being propped up by government.  They had 40 years to improve things when Japan started selling the Honda here.  They did not do too much.

Another thing I would like to explore....  I have just seen hints of it, and I am sure a lot of it is hidden.  There used to be a whole lot of light rail services all over the country.  It seems that auto and oil companies bought up these competitors, then shut them down.  Some say that our government played a very dirty hand in this.  I want to do more exploring on this.  Just seen a story or two on it so far.  Hmmmmm.

From: EDGE Entered on: December 15, 2008 1:52 PM

Thought this was funny



Auto Bailout

From: The Bone Entered on: December 15, 2008 4:11 PM

At first glance I thought it said, "We be takin yo money anyway" in ebonics. That would have been funnier but I am amused nonetheless. All we need now is for Tyler Durden to blow up the credit card companies and we'll free.

From: RobotSpider Entered on: December 19, 2008 9:29 AM
BigFatty said:

Another thing I would like to explore....  I have just seen hints of it, and I am sure a lot of it is hidden.  There used to be a whole lot of light rail services all over the country.  It seems that auto and oil companies bought up these competitors, then shut them down.  Some say that our government played a very dirty hand in this.  I want to do more exploring on this.  Just seen a story or two on it so far.  Hmmmmm.

Yeah, that's the thing about market-based capitalism.  Everyone talks about how the market will determine success or failure.  They never talk about how easy it is for those at the top to manipulate the market.  "Well, the light rail services were not profitable [after we hacked up the schedules, destinations, policies, fees, etc.], so we shut them down.  It's what the customer wanted, the Market wins!"

From: The Bone Entered on: December 19, 2008 1:17 PM

RS - you ever see the documentary The Corporation? It's pretty interesting.

From: RobotSpider Entered on: December 22, 2008 7:05 AM

I'll put it on the list, Bone, thanks! 

Although, "THE CORPORATION is Canada's most successful documentary... EVER!" is not exactly a glowing endorsement :)  Canada?  Documentary? Together at last?!  Why have I not heard about this before?


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