HA! I can't imagine the things your were trying to think up to interpet that photo, Bert. I tried looking at it with your perspective at the time. Good lord, it had to drive you crazy. I hate it when your brain gets stuck.
You certainly can't come up with anything that remotely makes sense of the photo, if you don't make the 'ass in the air connection'.
That might make a good psychological test...'What do you think of when you look at this picture?'
Robot - Diddling corpses from the back.
The Creeko - Don Quixote won't be happy with me.
Jack - Its Wednesday and the comic orders are in.
John and Bone - I wonder how big the donkey's dick is?
Ross - I think the load is too heavy for the cart, what else am I supposed to think?
Bunky - F the Bone and his Escalade comments!
Nick Nick - Even the donkey has a more exciting life than mine.