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Apple TV
Entered on: February 22, 2008 9:33 AM by Creeko
Any one know anything about the Apple TV Multimedia HDD?  
Is it any better than a regular ext. Multimedia HDD.  
I like the fact that it supports 720p and has HDMI and optical 5.1 audio. But I don't know if it's any good for regular DL content (movies/music) or dose it only want to work with Itunes?

NEWS 511 - 2 Comments
From: Ross Entered on: February 22, 2008 10:28 AM

It's an iTunes only product, which is why I'm not too excited by it.  It's cool that it does HD now, but if it's all quicktime based, it's still lagging behind the cutting edge.  And yeah, I don't think you'll easily be able to play content not downloaded through iTunes (ie Bittorrented stuff).

From: Ross Entered on: February 22, 2008 12:32 PM

If you want some technology that's way cooler than Apple TV, check this out - taking the Nintendo Wii much further than it was ever intended!


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