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Happy Washington's Birthday, Motherfuckers!
Entered on: February 22, 2008 9:19 AM by NickNick
Wanted to jump on this one before someone else beat me to it.

NEWS 510 - 11 Comments
From: BigFatty Entered on: February 22, 2008 2:10 PM

Well played NickNick!  Well played.

From: Radmobile Entered on: February 22, 2008 2:12 PM

My only critique is the lack of oversized font.  You make up for that however, with the use of an obscure holiday for a sneak attack.  Well played indeed.

From: NickNick Entered on: February 22, 2008 2:26 PM

I can almost hear the golf clap.

From: The Bone Entered on: February 24, 2008 11:26 PM

Is it me or are there a lot of pictures of babies all over this mother f'r everytime I check it out? Proud parents and all, I copy, but can we get some vampires or ninjas or some really cool crazy shit on flickr?

From: Jackzilla Entered on: February 25, 2008 8:53 AM

I got just the thing!  Check out the JA flickr bar now!  Careful though... it's so sweet you might poop your pants!

From: The Bone Entered on: February 25, 2008 9:00 AM

That's pretty sweet. I want to fight it in the Octagon.

From: BigFatty Entered on: February 25, 2008 2:37 PM

Man, how did miss this???  Every morning I Goregle 'Monkey Zombie Pirate Werewolf Vampire Robot Ninja!' just to find things like this.

From: Bunky Entered on: February 25, 2008 3:39 PM

That's the problem Fatty, you are Goregle-ing!

From: BigFatty Entered on: February 25, 2008 3:45 PM

True.... He keeps sending me pictures of Tipper.

From: Radmobile Entered on: February 25, 2008 3:47 PM

I just get fun facts about the environment whenever I try.

From: Bunky Entered on: February 25, 2008 3:53 PM

Goregle is a high risk site on my computer and blocked...


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