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He's Back...... sort of....
Entered on: January 31, 2008 1:37 PM by BigFatty

I knew it!!  You can't keep a good man down.  Jack, where was the heads-up??  I had to find out about this on the NPR website...  WTF!  This is your responsibility!!  Now this is my new Wallpaper at work:

NEWS 502 - 17 Comments
From: NickNick Entered on: January 31, 2008 1:42 PM

Wait a minute?  Cap doesn't use a gun!  Is that the Punisher under that suit?

From: BigFatty Entered on: January 31, 2008 1:45 PM

Dude!  This is the new Capt!  He is no Steve Rogers.  He is no goodie two-shoes.  Capt will now bust a cap in your ass!

Why am I telling you comic book nerds about this????  You should be telling me!

From: Radmobile Entered on: January 31, 2008 1:49 PM

It's a convoluted story, and I don't read Cap generally, but it's not Steve Rogers in that suit.  It's Cappy's long presumed dead WW2 sidekick Bucky.  More recently going by the name Winter Soldier.

From: NickNick Entered on: January 31, 2008 2:03 PM

You see.  This is why I write my own comic books.  I'm sick of everyone getting resurrected.  At least, when my story has weird shit in it it's my own fault and I can understand it.

From: Ross Entered on: January 31, 2008 2:06 PM

Steve Rogers isn't resurrected, though, right?  It's Bucky, who they're just claiming never died. 

From: Radmobile Entered on: January 31, 2008 2:10 PM

Right, as far as I know the "real" cap is still dead.

From: Bunky Entered on: January 31, 2008 4:06 PM

Zilla, what about Bunkley? I hear they are a real bad ass....

From: The Bone Entered on: February 1, 2008 9:11 AM

Is that red faced skeletor dude still around too? He was sweet.

From: John Entered on: February 1, 2008 9:12 PM

The red faced skeletor dude is simply the Red Skull. He dies and comes back all the time so it's hard to say if he is still around.

From: Bunky Entered on: February 1, 2008 9:14 PM

Bells, when are you getting LIVE?

From: John Entered on: February 1, 2008 9:28 PM

I'm not sure, I use an aircard to access the internet and I may need a wireless router to do live.

From: NickNick Entered on: February 4, 2008 8:28 AM

It's enough that Bell's honors us with his presence here from time to time.  I feel gratified and satisfied everytime I read one of his posts.    Hell,  I even think that Bells could be my Brokeback Buddy.

Fuck Captain America.  He is pure turd.

From: Bunky Entered on: February 4, 2008 10:36 AM

While I do enjoy Bell's blog, he brings the Bells Brand to Live, which makes it even more enjoyable... He definetly keeps me laughing.

From: NickNick Entered on: February 7, 2008 12:10 PM

Bunky, if you're still interested in getting a quality comic, as opposed to one with an overgrown boyscout, let me know and I can send you a copy of Harijan #1 and #2.  I can even personalize them for you of you want.

Maybe a pic of Fatty with his cheeseburger and assorted condiments.

From: NickNick Entered on: February 7, 2008 3:54 PM

Dick Cheney!!  That's my response to Zilla's inquiry about who wrote Romney's speach.  Since this site didn't believe I was logged on for that topic but recognizes me here, here is where the comment goes.

Dag Blast it!  Fuck Logging In!!

From: Jackzilla Entered on: February 7, 2008 4:02 PM

Cheer up, NickNick.  Here's a dancing kitty...


From: Bunky Entered on: February 7, 2008 5:13 PM

You know, an over grown boyscout can be sweet.... No, when I get back in town this weekend, I will order one of your comics.

I am thinking Fatty with the Cheeseburger and condiments may replace the Cabana Boy...


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