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Is it possible to parody creationism?
Entered on: January 30, 2008 1:18 PM by Ross

These guys did it... but it's really hard to tell when it's so incredibly close to what actual creationists say.

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From: John Entered on: January 30, 2008 6:00 PM

The scary thing is I've heard religious zealots state things in a very similar fashion. Just today there was a debate via our company email on this very subject. Dan from Muskegon was on the side of science and sticks to things that can be proven, while another posted a page of scripture to prove his point. I stayed out of it for fear of becoming too annoyed.

From: Ross Entered on: January 30, 2008 7:16 PM

You guys discuss this kind of shit over company email?  Good lord, wha kind of joint are you jokers running? :)


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