NEWS 485 - 15 Comments
Pretty cool. I saw a local News 8 story on it but didn't realize it was a Xbox 360 screen they were showing.
But the Xbox 360 is mostly just turning into a porn machine...
Conservative Site Charges 'Explicitly Graphic Sexual Intercourse' in Mass Effect
The Cybercast News Service,
a conservative site, claims in a report published this morning that
best-selling Xbox 360 title Mass Effect contains "explicitly graphic
sexual intercourse."
The charge seems to be based on a
well-known episode in the game in which there is a romantic liaison
between the player's character and an NPC. However, in our view, it's
quite a stretch to describe what appears onscreen as explicitly graphic
sexual intercourse, which generally denotes hard core pornography.
Mass Effect is far from that.
However, a lawyer quoted in the article specifically refers to the game as porn. From the CNS piece:
game is "clearly marketed to minors," Cathy Ruse, a lawyer and senior
fellow for legal studies at the Family Research Council, told Cybercast
News Service.
"There are cultural implications for feeding porn to kids in this way," ...Ruse said.
Full Story:
This explains why Rad is always on Mass Effect and never having Betty Whitebread times with us..... I am sorry if all the invites broke your concentration Rad.....
So Rad is having times even when he's not having times?!
You get a sideview of an ass for about 2 seconds. It's hardly worth working things out over. I've seen racier stuff on edited late night USA movies. This is the clip in question for those who are curious. Not safe for work probably, but definitely not what I'd consider graphic.
I read this story on gamepolitics as well... for those ridiculous right-wing assholes to call this scene porn, they had better be calling every movie with a love scene in it porn as well.
What I really hate about how politicians (Hillary Clinton included) and lobbyists treat gamers is that they know that since it's a newer and less established industry than music or movies, they can go after them harder and try to pass illegal laws to "protect kids" and basically villify video games. They don't do this with the movie industry (anymore) because it's mature enough to have a gaggle of lawyers at the ready to shut them up. Annoying.
You seem a little angry over a brief sideview of an ass... I am going to have to check out late night USA movies.... Any recommendations?
I think USA is where they aired Showgirls with painted on bras and panties in every scene. It's comical that they would even bother to try and make this film acceptable for TV.
I thought that editing was classic. I laughed my ass off when I saw that.
Hey, maybe I could take the baby for another ride down the stairs and really F' my back up so they have to put me in the hospital. I wouldn't be able to enjoy all the racy porn games of course, but I could at least pretned to have a 360.
I answer to the "porn" craze that's sweeping the nation. Do these people realize that their grandparents had porn?? As soon as there was photography, there was porn. Christ people, get your head out of your asses and try to educate your kids about sex instead of pretending it's not there!!
OK, I just watched the link. What the F' are these people's problems? There are TV commercials worse than that.
Even more outrageous commentary about the Mass Effect "porn" scene. This time from those high-caliber journalists at Fox News. Have I mentioned how much I hate network news? Especially Fox News?
This is horrible. They're kind of avoiding the pertinent issues. The game has an appropriate rating. Yes kids who are too young will often get their hands on it but that doesn't mean the game is geared towards them. Stores should be a little more strict on who they sell games to, I can agree to that. I won't agree that they should keep everything of a questionable nature out of videogames. This would make no more sense than not ever having partial nudity in a movie again.
This makes me feel a bit better though.,25642,23084609-5014108,00.html
Yeah I read his apology but didn't know they took his original review down. Too bad, I kind of liked having it around for ridicule purposes.
Fox news SUCKS!
Looks like not only did that conservative blogger guy recant on his unfair characterization of Mass Effect, but the Fox News interviewee has now as well. Good to see the gaming community coming together and taking these assholes to task. Of course, Fox News's shitty journalism is the thing that gets overlooked, here. The question is, why were they interviewing someone who is clearly so poorly informed on the issues she's talking about?