NEWS 479 - 34 Comments
Update: after talking with Zilla and attempting to play a Halo 3 online game with him twice, I am now getting the ring of death. Looks like I'll be sending this back to MS, but will not have a machine to play with during the holidays!
On hold with brain dead MS customer support... so far so good...
Okay, so they're sending me the box to ship it back to them for a repair. Looks like a 2-3 week turnaround time.
And no, still no desire for a PS3 - well, not to pay for one, anyway.
Maybe Zilla could loan you one of his many 360's for the holidays...
I'm back, baby! My "new" xbox arrived last night... though due to my shenanigans at the ZAGNUT, I was unable to sign onto Xbox Live last night as their servers were apparently too busy to allow me to recover my gamertag. But I tried it this morning and I'm in! I think I need a couple of rounds of Halo to get me back in the swing of things...
I've gotta find some time for some live shenanigans. I've been too busy putting in a second bathroom at the RadPad. I think I'm nearing completion on that project though so hopefully I'll be on before too long.
As it is I have only one bathroom and 3 people renting rooms from me. The one bathroom we do have is connected to my bedroom via a door that seems to amplify the sounds coming from the bathroom. Needless to say I'm anxious to have the 2nd bathroom done.
Where did you move to, Rad? The Fatty Treehouse wasn't cutting it for you no mo?
Nah, I bought a house near the corner of Knapp & Plainfield. Not too far from Dr. Swerbius' neighborhood I think. I've been there since mid-June I think. I"m liking being a homo.....ner. (That was Jack's joke for about 2 months after I moved in.)
I'm back, baby! After suffering with the flu over the weekend and even missing days at work, I'm back to being a productive member of society and among the living. I still suffer a little -- the sound of a wild boar sometimes makes its way from my nostrils -- but the worst is behind me.
I need to do some gaming! I haven't been on since the Bone was here! Bone - did you get your machine yet?!
Well I plan to get on tonight for some gaming, somebody ping me and I'll jump in for whatever.
Welcome back, Zilla, to the land of the retarded.
Yeah, Rad has moved and gotten himslef a girl... and since then he's been busy laying pipe. Rad's own words, mind you.
NickNick said:
Yeah, Rad has moved and gotten himslef a girl... and since then he's been busy laying pipe. Rad's own words, mind you.
This is of course in reference to the plumbing for the new bathroom mind you. Let's not get confused and take this out of context.
Isn't that all we do here on Jackassery. I thought the entire purpose of these musings was to see exactly how far out of context we could take it? Am I wrong, oh pipelayer?
Welcome back Zilla and Ramshackleton (to Live). I haven't been on much this last week. Let's kill some bitches!!!
I will be on tonight. I fly to St. Louis tomorrow and I could use some distractions before I go.
St. Louis suuuuuuuuucks... I had a consulting gig there for a few months almost five years ago that I hated, it was very boring, as was the entire town as far as I could tell. On the plus side, all I did was work on a website that I created called during the day at work, and go to the gym once I left work each night. Actually it was a pretty productive time of my life, come to think of it...
Anyway, yeah, I'm game for some ass whuppery tonight.
I just going for an interview at the corporate office. I will only be there one night, so hopefully it won't be too bad.
If you get to choose where you want to eat, try King Louie's it was one of the best places I ate when I was on a two month assignment there last year.
My interview was moved to Monday. Where do I find King Louie's?
Hey Bunky.... they got this nifty new fad out there that you should try. Its called 'The Internet'. I think Al Gore invented it when he was not saving glaciers. Its really good for porn and stuff. Someone told me you can look stuff up on there. You should give it a try. Try it soon, who knows how long it will last! I think all you do is call up Al Gore on the phone and ask about Louie's. Then ask for porn pics of his wife.
Dude, you're way off there. Forget about the wife -- Tipper? Ms. Anti-Darling-Nikki? Bzzzzzzt! It's the Gore daughters you want! Thanks for playing!
Hey Fatty..... they have this nifty new fad out there you should try. It's called XBOX Live. Why don't you Google it, buy the necessities, and then I can tell you to F off in your ear!
F the Fatty and Al Gore! Since you finally got an internet connection speed that I had in high school when I was surfing the net on Prodigy, I hope you can find some better porn than Tipper. I am questioning your man credentials... Olson twins, and Tipper?
I'm not the only one that feels the sexual tension between Fatty and Bunky am I? It's starting to feel strange posting under this heading. I think we should leave these two alone for a while and let 'em work it out.
Those crazy kids & their hormones. A word to the wise for Bunky, once Fatty sets his mind to business it's best just to let him finish.
Hey - I just called Al Gore. Google??? Hell, I Goregle now! He says the PS3 is better!
When Fatty is done kissing Al Gore's ass, he can kiss mine......
Be careful Fatty. Goregle sounds a little too close to gargle, and we don't want to imply that do we.
Wow. It's a Fatty/Bunky/Rad Frooking(Fruking)/Goregle orgy fest!
I'm out! See the rest of you in another topic!
Rad, I did pick up on the goregle and didn't want to go there! Bye Zilla.....
I don't know..... Goregle sounds like something I'd like to do with Bunky. Its getting me all hernie. Man, that Bunky, I'd like to Goregle her. That's right, I'd Goregle her all night long! Search all up and down her mainframe! Boolean??? Hell no - Its Boo-YAH-in with my search technique. Unfortunately, I am very much like Google. I get my results in like 0.124 seconds.
Sorry Bunk.... but I enjoyed myself!
Phew! It's smells like the ocean in here! I'm with Zilla. I'm out.
Wait for me Rad..... I am right behind you...
Hey..... where did everyone go? Hello......... Man, I feel like I've just been Goregled.
Topic closed!