Thanks for bringing this up. I must admit, this was far back in my mind, which it really shouldn't. I looked at these a few years ago when I was studying Financial Planning. The programs seem to be much better these days.
Bottom line Jack, the Michigan plan is a no-brainer for you. It is low-cost, excellent tax benefits, it is easy, and flexible. You are not going to find a better way. My only criticism (which is not too major) is that there is only one company to choose from TIAA-CREF. I would like to see a choice of major fund companies to choose from (I am partial to Vanguard), plus I have a personal bias towards investing with insurance companies. TIAA-CREF is a good company with its own investment division, so I really can't fault it.
When I get Vivien all registered, I am going to sign her up! I also think I will look into finding a way to encourage gifting from family and friends. On b-days don't buy a toy, throw $20 into her college fund! Of course, this will work until she is a bit older. How happy would her birthday be if all she opened was envelopes of deposit slips?