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Ten Politically Incorrect Truths about Human Nature
Entered on: July 10, 2007 2:28 PM by Ross
This is one of the most fascinating and entertaining articles I've read in a long time.

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From: Jackzilla Entered on: July 10, 2007 3:27 PM
That is some interesting stuff, though I question some of it (like the whole blue eyes/pupils thing).  The polygamy thing is particularly interesting.  I always thought there'd be less suicide bombers if we opened up some Hooters restaurants out there.
From: Ross Entered on: July 10, 2007 5:14 PM
Actually I guessed where they were going with the blue eyes thing right away.  The whole thing about your eyes dilating when you're interested in someone is well documented.  So really, it should hold for anyone with a light-colored eye, like a light green, as well. 
From: Jackzilla Entered on: July 10, 2007 5:23 PM
Dude - Noticing a woman's pupils dilating is right up there with hearing their pulse race if you ask me.  That's some Superman shit.  Guess I'm too busy looking at the boobs.
From: NickNick Entered on: July 11, 2007 8:38 AM

Very interesting article.  Too bad some jackass is going to read this and use it to justify his behavior.  True, there are many behaviors that are genetically programmed into our brains.  That doesn't mean we have to act on them.  I mean, I had a guy steal some stuff from my house once.  If I were to listen to my instincts, I would have tracked him down and ripped his throat out, then stood over his body and screamed, while pounding my chest. 

Still, very good read.  I liked it.  Thanks.

From: Ross Entered on: July 11, 2007 8:52 AM
Jackzilla said:
Dude - Noticing a woman's pupils dilating is right up there with hearing their pulse race if you ask me. That's some Superman shit. Guess I'm too busy looking at the boobs.

I admit it's hard to do, especially if you're also similarly ga-ga and not able to think too clearly.  But it's pretty solid science.

But didn't you like the assertion that prettier couples tend to have girls?  Isn't that corroborating personal experience? :) 

The place I found the article was on, which undoubtedly posted it mainly for the bit about most suicide bombers being Muslim and the reasons for it.  I think that's  also a pretty compelling reason to really put the screws to religion. 

From: BigFatty Entered on: July 11, 2007 1:58 PM
Thanks for this post Ross.  I am on the 'I liked it too boat'.  Dawkins had some similar stuff in his Ancestors Tale -  which, I have still not finished, and may never will.  While it was very interesting at the beginning, you where dead on about me losing steam 3/4 of the way through.  Now he is talking about creatures I never heard of, and really are not very interesting.  After the chapter on flatworms, well the book jumped the shark for me.
From: Ross Entered on: July 11, 2007 2:04 PM
Yeah, that's pretty much to be expected... don't feel bad - I slogged through those chapters too and there wasn't much payoff.  He even says he doesn't necessarily intend readers to read it linearly, front-to-back.  No big deal as long as you enjoyed the parts you did read.
From: BigFatty Entered on: July 11, 2007 3:07 PM
Yeah (happy Jack?)  It would take quite a writer to make the story of millions of years of simple organisms somewhat interesting......  Thankfully we have people in this world who catch a boner for that kind of stuff..

I've been meaning to post this sometime, but am too lazy research the correct post.  But this goes back to Jack's problem with my use of YA....  I found this on urban dictionary and thought it was hilarious....

A word most koreans use to get your attention or to get mad at you. The more Ya's you get in one sentence intensifies how angry they are at you

Ya YA, Get back to work
ya, you over there
Ya, YA ,YA you late for work
From: NickNick Entered on: July 11, 2007 3:31 PM
I wonder if that has any correlation with the YaYa sisterhood?
From: Jackzilla Entered on: July 11, 2007 4:02 PM
See Fatty?  Not only did you sound Swedish, but you were probably upsetting our Korean readers. 
From: BigFatty Entered on: July 13, 2007 2:23 PM

YA YA YA YA You no funny Jack!  My apologies to the Koreans, though.  You have a point.

In thinking more about the article....  It is the male that determines the gender of a baby.  Ross - I guess you are not pretty enough to make a girl.  But, rich enough to make a boy.  By this logic, if I have no chance of having a boy. 

To quote the Great ALI 'I'm Pretty, I'm Pretty!'

Plus, with all the Hungarian CA$H rolling in, there is no way any boys are coming this way.

Maybe this explains why there is an abundance of Eastern European Hotties.  But how do you explain the HUGE CRANKS?  Are poor males pre-wired to have HUGE CRANKS so they have some chance of attracting and mating with the Hotties?  Luring them away from the rich men with little dicks? 

From: NickNick Entered on: July 13, 2007 2:45 PM
Well.  Considering I'm a man of little resources but am endowed and blessed with a John Holmes type apendage, then I have to say that your theory about us is correct, Fatty.  Spot on.

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