NEWS 379 - 9 Comments
20 for me.
Cool site, but I question its accuracy. It says there's nobody in the US with the first name Angenette. I guess my wife must be a damn foreigner then!
It's possible that names with small numbers are thrown out - it would make their database a lot more manageable. Somehow I doubt they're going against the entire official US Census database, so my guess is they took a slice of the most common names, given the nature of this site.
295 John Roche's running around, pretty crazy.
I got 11, but Christopher is the 13th most popular name so I guess that makes me feel a little less ordinary.
There are 4,094 Heather Johnsons walking the US. I guess marrying
someone with the 2nd most popular last name has something to do with
My parents weren't too creative when naming me either. There are 3,139 Heather Joneses...unoriginal bastards!
Well, I have proof that this is inaccurate - it says there are ZERO John Serbas in the country, when I know of at least two (including myself, thank you)!
Talk about original names - there are 15,065 people in the U.S. named David Miller - and I think that is low.
Some stats:
- There are 3,553,128 people in the U.S. with the first name David.
- Statistically the 7th most popular first name.
- There are 1,271,867 people in the U.S. with the last name Miller.
- Statistically the 7th most popular last name.
- 99.75 percent of people with the first name David are male. (I have never heard of a girl named David?!?!?)
Swerb, you're right! This site is bullshit! When I typed in a friend of
mine named Robin Satonica it came up with ZERO as well. I also typed in
Shemp Roche and it came back with ZERO. Come on, there has to some
Shemps in the U.S., it said there were ZERO. What the hell!
It says there are 8 people in the US named Chuck Norris! There is only one Chuck Norris and he drives an ice cream truck covered in human skulls, beyotch!!