NEWS 311 - 12 Comments
But are you living the vida loca?
Not like you are my man! I may be the best-looking fat man in show business, but you are the one driving around like MC Hammer, living in San Dog, and beating off bitches with your big bologna. I think they call it 'Living the Life of Tony'.
Ricky Martin? Leave it to Fats to start both an informative and timely thread. But of course, Fatty is right pertaining to Martin's lack of dance skills. I call him an arm dancer. He throws his arms out and then the camera zooms in and out. This creates the optical illusion of the viewer being entertained.
Next up: We dissect the performance art of Kriss Kross -- Will they really make you jump?
It is clear to me now that I have never given Ricky Martin's dancing the attention that it deserves. I will rectify the situation forthwith.
He's playing at the House of Blues a this month. It's a ten minute walk from my pad. I should check it out and provide a report.
If Ricky Martin is playing House of Blues, then his career has sunk considerably....
He should be doing Nationwide commercials soon... (move over MC Hammer!)
Waitaminute... Pearl Jam played house of blues in October!!!
"Nationwide... is on your side..."
Hey Bert: Super-duper-ultra-insider information here - I think Pearl Jam might be playing in GR again. A tentative date is scheduled for May 19 at Van Andel Arena. Sweet!
How good is this intel? Can you procure tickets? Details, details! :)
It's from the arena manager, I believe. We're currently compiling info. for a magazine supplement to be published in May, so the guy gave us a bunch of stuff far in advance. Don't know anything more about it right now, but I'd imagine it's part of a bigger tour whose details that you, being a fan club dork, will know about as soon as it's announced...