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Jackassery SPAM??
Entered on: June 22, 2005 10:13 PM by BigFatty
Dudes - I just saw some SPAM sent to me through my Jackassery email address. It was for some Viagra of course. Maybe these SPAMers are getting quite sophisticated and now know how to hit their target markets. We will soon be Viagra-bound......

NEWS 293 - 4 Comments
From: Jackzilla Entered on: June 22, 2005 10:38 PM
I'm glad as hell you weren't packin' Viagra in San Francisco, Fatty.  
Oh yeah, I still gotta tell that tale...
From: Ross Entered on: June 23, 2005 7:11 AM
Tell it!
From: Swerb Entered on: June 23, 2005 9:06 AM
Yeah, Fatty alluded to the tale when I talked to him last night... said he got drunk, blacked out, and apparently did things that made his stomach churn... but I didn't get any details. Fill us in, dammit!!!
From: Jackzilla Entered on: June 23, 2005 9:11 AM
Let the tale be told!


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