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Aerosmith Stands Vigil at Vatican
Entered on: April 2, 2005 5:56 AM by BigFatty
'World famous rock band, Aerosmith is at Vatican City to hold vigil with the thousands of Catholics already there. They are praying with the masses and plan on performing to show their support. Lead singer Steven Tyler said, 'The Pope has heard it all before. That's why he is knock, knock, knocking on heaven's door.' Other artists seem to be joining in as well. A Pope-Aid concert is being planned to help raise money for the Catholic church.....'

NEWS 269 - 6 Comments
From: Jackzilla Entered on: April 2, 2005 7:55 AM
Dude, April Fool's was yesterday.
From: The Bone Entered on: April 3, 2005 1:05 AM
This is very similar to the motorcycle ride I gave Roche when we were stuck in traffic in Hawaii and he was going to be late for his plane ride home.
From: BigFatty Entered on: April 3, 2005 6:40 AM
I was not able to watch it - dial up. I'll wait until I get home to cable. But, I am wondering if it is something I've seen before. This guy Thomas had some movies of these crazy guys over in Europe. One guy was in Norway I think. He kept making these movies of him flying through the streets. He'd even let the cops know what day. The other movie I seen was these guys on bikes raising all hell through-out Europe. They were insane. One dude even crashed pretty bad - all on film. If you are interested, I will try and track them down for you.
From: Ross Entered on: April 3, 2005 12:14 PM
My palms are sweaty just watching that.
From: Creeko Entered on: April 4, 2005 7:58 AM
Dude, thats how Spanish people drive except thr only difference is that they do it on 50c.c. mopeds (the Spanish are such dweebs, cant even afford real motorcycles)
From: BigFatty Entered on: April 4, 2005 4:24 PM
OK, this was no April Fools. I found this on my Yahoo Headlines:  
Reuters: Top Stories  
* Pope's Body Taken to Lie in State in St. Peter's - 37 minutes ago  
* Mourning Pilgrims Pitch Tents in Rome Streets - one hour ago  
* Bush, Ukraine Chief Launch 'Strategic Partnership' - one hour ago  
Oh, thats Fricking Hilarious on so many levels. The Strategic Partnership in quotes??? Come on, someone must be fucking with us.

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