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Entered on: January 25, 2005 1:13 PM by Jackzilla
I was just notified of this new project by my friend "Princess" (Rob). True charity or just a method of getting boobies e-mailed to him? You be the judge!

NEWS 254 - 5 Comments
From: Ross Entered on: January 25, 2005 1:25 PM
If these were REAL girls instead of models and porn stars, it would be a lot more interesting. He could just link to porn sites to accomplish what that page is doing.
From: BigFatty Entered on: January 26, 2005 4:11 PM
Ok, the site is now improved some. I think I speak for everyone when I say we like REAL women, not airbrushed chicks we see everyday in the media.  
How is Princess making CA$H on this deal? Or is he in it for the boobies?
From: Jackzilla Entered on: February 4, 2005 7:58 AM
Has anyone checked this site out recently? This pure concept has been corrupted by some nastiness: Me thinks TITSFORTROOPS needs some Tittie Quality Control.
From: The Bone Entered on: February 4, 2005 9:34 AM
I wonder how long it will be until teh manboobs are submitted?
From: BigFatty Entered on: February 4, 2005 2:14 PM
Granted there are some nasties, but don't let them overshadow the gems! The site has its problems. First off, I am not the best speller on JA, but this is not a commercial site. They have a stupid spelling mistake on their boobie page. Not a thing to instill confidence and get women to take off their tops. Then there is the obvious duplication of pics to try and make it look like there are more boobies than there are. Don't try to deceive us! Just show us what you got!

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