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Countdown For Fatty
Entered on: December 2, 2004 12:26 PM by BigFatty
Wow! The end is near - at least for my crappy classes. Two weeks from Saturday and I will be on a plane to Budapest. Goodbye France! Did you blink? A whole year has gone by already. I just have a few projects to finish, then only 3 finals. It will not be too rough. Then I get to write a 60 page thesis. I don't know how I will do that. Hell the 20 page turd I pulled out for Professor Gerry won't work here I am afraid. Maybe I can focus on the prehistory relationships between large fish and the seals they are about to eat.

NEWS 240 - 3 Comments
From: Ross Entered on: December 2, 2004 3:53 PM
So how much time in Budapest? Plans to come back to the states? You better be back for my wedding, Fatstain.
From: The Bone Entered on: December 2, 2004 4:39 PM
I might make a GR appearance for a few days in June.
From: BigFatty Entered on: December 15, 2004 4:49 AM
EXAMS ARE DONE! CLASSES ARE DONE! FATTY IS DONE!!!!! -except for a soon to be written crappy paper. I got really stressed on my last two exams - International Finance and International Law (being an international program I find adding 'International' to all the class names stupid). I have not had too much sleep and I am beat like an ugly dog. I think I squeaked by and passed my Law Exam -It was a 4 hour test and I finished in 2 hours. Not because I knew my shit, but more because I didn't have much to share AND I found writing for two hours long enough for my tastes. I did some calculations and estimated I would pass by one or two points (like getting a D-) - good enough for me!!  
I have a lead on an interesting Internship in Prague, but it is WAY too early to even talk about it - I am waiting to set up an interview. Its for logistics and supply chain, not supermodel sampler - sorry Bone.

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