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What's the Thanksgiving Plan?
Entered on: November 15, 2004 11:25 AM by Ross
Okay, so I have to figure out how long I'm in GR for Thanksgiving, and part of that is contingent on whether and when we are gaming some night. At the very least I'd like to get a couple xboxes modded, but I figure that a nice Halo 2 grudge match will also be in order. Who's up for it and what are people's schedules like?

NEWS 234 - 2 Comments
From: Jackzilla Entered on: November 15, 2004 2:55 PM
Either Wed night (day before Thanks) or Sat night (after Thanks) would be good gaming nights. Possibly both. Wed I work til 6:30 (for a 7-7:30 gaming tee off), I work til 5 on Sat, so gaming could be 6pm to whatever then. You need to get on the phone some evening and get Johnnybells to commit. He was over Sat night but had to stop playing because he was feeling sick (!!!).  
I'd like to have the xboxes earlier so I could mod 'em at my leisure. Then have them done on Sat for you to take home.  
So... what is it? Wed night? Sat night? Both? You and JohnnyBells knock it around and let me know!
From: Ross Entered on: November 15, 2004 3:25 PM
I can at the very least drop them off to you on Wed, that's no problem. Possibly even get in a little gaming that night too. But yeah, I'll confer with Bells before giving you the final time.  
Maybe I can program a phone-enabled version of Jackassery so he could read it from work and he would actually be a party to these conversations from time to time....

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