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Sweet American Idol Audition
Entered on: February 9, 2004 6:02 PM by Ross
You guys are probably sane enough to steer clear of American Idol, but the one redeeming factor of the show is that early on, they have some real delusional mofos try out and hilarity inevitably ensues. This guy is probably the funniest I've ever seen, and people have set up a website commemorating his appearance. You can view his audition video here: [3.6MB].

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From: The Bone Entered on: February 10, 2004 11:57 PM
You know what, I never saw the first season but I was standing duty the other day and one of the enlisted guys was watching it and I was cracking up. I watched the next couple of episode of auditions and saw this guy as well as a few other humdingers. I think they are now at a level or reasonably talented people so I have no more use for the show. By the way, is the guy's name really William Hung?
From: Ross Entered on: February 11, 2004 8:16 AM
Yeah, that's really his name. And I totally agree with your assessment: like last year, after they weeded out the dipshits, I no longer tuned in. Same as now.
From: Jackzilla Entered on: February 11, 2004 11:22 AM
The early American Idol tryouts are SWEET! Unfortunately I missed most of them this year. I heard that they're going to do a new JOE SCHMOE and it'll be a fake AI type show. They're gonna make the Joe feel like he's super talented (when he's not). Should be fun. I wonder if they'll televise his suicide when they reveal the hoax and crush all of his dreams?

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