NEWS 133 - 4 Comments
I doubt it. That's some serious farting. I might of back in the day when I held the flatus at bay for Melissa. When I would depart the next day my flatulence would inundate the cabin of my vehicle much to my dismay. It would be on a grand enough scale to leave my car smelling of shit for days. I would have to ride with the window down in the dead of winter. Post Melissa visits may well have produced enough of a back log to whip off 140 farts in a day.
You have got to be kidding me. Your car smelled like shit for days??? That's either a superhuman farting ability or your car cushions have some extra absorbancy.
Somehow I doubt you could contend with the sheer volume of the doctor's top farters. Odds are against you.
What I did find amusing though is that baked beans really are the most gas-producing food.
I'm starting to wonder about this group, considering the broad range of topics they submit links to. Where are they getting these links from? Are they actively seeking these topics? Why are they reading these sites. Three examples to illustrate: Tony's church survey, Serb's poontang thesaurus, and Ross' fart article (which I did find interesting).
I'm not knocking anyone. I just took a step back and thought about all the links posted. Its hilarious. I hope none of us are on the mailing lists of poontang thesaurus (Serb?) or actively scouring the internet for any article relating to farts (Ross?). I guess if you are, its OK. I do enjoy the variety of topics.
BTW Pickle stinker was a favorite of mine.
| provides me with hours of offbeat surfing interest. I get many of my screwy links and articles from there.