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Entered on: April 9, 2005 12:00 AM by BigFatty
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This should be one of Euro-Fatty's last photo postings. I've been over here getting close to 1 1/2 years. It doesn't seem like it. The picture is from today. We went on a special train ride on the Children's Railroad. It is from the Communist Era where kids operated their own railway. Only the good little comrades where allowed to work at the railway. Its not a little train though, a normal sized one with a nice route through the wooded Buda Hills. The kids just collect the tickets and work the switches. No drving the train like I did before. They still salute their fellow comrades as the train passes through the stations. For about $3, the special included the hour long train ride, a stop off at a chair-lift attraction with chair-lift ticket, and a traditional Hungarian lunch with beverage. It was a nice, relaxing time. You can see from the photo part of my fresh-cut ABU ALI hair-do. You can read that story by clicking on the 'View comments' button.  

FATTY_PHOTO 56 - 6 Comments
From: BigFatty Entered on: April 9, 2005 6:49 PM
My time in Budapest is winding down. Now I am busy fitting in things I really want to do and squeezing in friends to say goodbye too. The other day, I did one of my favorite activities, I got a haircut. Haircuts are a big deal to me. They have to be good, and they have to be cheap. Not speaking the language adds another degree of difficulty. In Grenoble, I found this old French dude that has cut hair in the same shop for 40 years. He only charged 8 euros ? not too bad when all the other places where at 15-20 euros. In Budapest, I found a place, but I was a little uneasy to go. ABU ALI is a small, one man shop that has clientele being almost exclusively Middle Easterners. I know it is silly to worry about Islamic Wackos, but they are out there. I was a little nervous when ABU was zipping around with his scissors, but I was REAL tense when he whipped out his straight razor behind me. One thing was for sure. I was not paying him the way the other Arabs were! Instead of going up to a register and paying, there was no register. In fact, ABU busied himself with cleaning up and the customer took out his money and shoved it in ABU?s front jean pocket. They were tight jeans too! Two guys did this! Nope not me. I handed him the cash and didn?t wait around for him to fish around in his pockets for the change. Who knows what else went on in those pockets? On a better note, ABU has a pretty hot girlfriend whose job seems to be absolutely nothing but wear nice, cleavagey shirts. Every time I go by there she is doing nothing. Even today, I walked in the shop and there were two guys waiting ahead of me. She was sitting there. ABU had stepped out for a minute to buy some supplies. When he came back, I was thinking ? Why didn?t this girl go to the store and you stay to cut some hair? Some things make you wonder.
From: The Bone Entered on: April 9, 2005 7:54 PM
I remember Creeko once stuck his head out of a train like that once and nearly got it swiped off by another oncoming train. That would have fucked up your homecoming.  
It's too bad your aren't bringing home a bunch of those little Hungarian Hotties.
From: Ross Entered on: April 18, 2005 4:19 PM
So Fatty, what should we do with the Fatty Foto Section now? Should we move it off the main page but (obviously) keep the link in the left menu?
From: The Bone Entered on: April 18, 2005 4:57 PM
I say take it off. That way my horrific pics will take center stage.
From: BigFatty Entered on: April 19, 2005 7:36 AM
Ya, Take it off the main page to free up some real estate. Of course I could get into further adventures with my job search, but I don't think those photos would be as interesting. Plus, it would be weird to ask the interviewer to take a pic of me at the interview.  
'Before we start, do you mind taking a photo of me? Its for my friend's website. Great! Now, can we get one together? We should get the company sign in there somehow.''
From: Ross Entered on: April 19, 2005 8:02 AM
Well, you'll still be able to add photos just as before, they just won't be on the main page. But people will see them in the Latest Entries box on the left side. I'll take it off when I get the chance sometime today.

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