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Entered on: January 26, 2004 12:00 AM by BigFatty
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What a weekend. Didn't get much sleep. It started out on Friday at Nates place. He has much Mexican roommates and we started the preparty. Next thing that happens is they bust out their special bottle of tequila - Don Julio. I guess its supposed to be some good shite, I liked it. We had some major shots (Half the bottle) and it was off to the races. On the walk to the club, I was surprised on how sober I was. So I got another beer. The club was packed! My whole school was there. More of my Mexican friends came in and soon after that the tequila kicked in. Wow! I got a new nickname - Papichulo. It can mean a few things, but basically it means sexy old man :) Papichulo was in the house!!!! Salsa dancing - showing those Mexican girls a few steps. A fight broke out next to me and I jumped in front of my buddy?s beer to prevent spillage. Little frenchmen HA! I helped usher the assholes out. I don't have a clear memory of going home - I was in a big old car crammed with people going back to Nates house. It reminded me of Chicago when we all crammed into the car at the museum. I even had a girl on my lap in the front seat. More tequila and fun at Nate's - I had to stay the night there - solo. Saturday I got a text message from a girl expecting me at her house for a party. This was strange because I just got the phone the day before and only one person had the number. I didn?t even know my number. Turns out I gave the number to her somehow at the club as Papichulo. Saturday was a recovery one. Didn?t do too much. Shopped, hung out at the Norwegians until the party. The party was nice. It was a French one, which it is an honor to be invited to a French persons home. In this case, one of my French classmates, Tatiana, was making a real effort to get the French and international students together. Another late night ? 4am. Up at 8 am to go snowshoeing in the Alps. This was cool. I was Alpine Fatty once again. The pic is of me at the middle point of the trip. I accidentally set it for B/W, but it turned out cool enough. Sweet mountains, trees and shit, a beautiful hike. We packed in a lunch too. The Norwegians are hard core! I was puffing up those hills pretty well with my little backpack. Elisiv had this big-ass pack for all the girl?s stuff. I though they had a light lunch and some clothes in there. Nope, when we broke for lunch, she whipped a bunch of beer, a bottle of tequila, all sorts of food goodies, shared it with a bunch of us. All that shit had to be 40 pounds plus. She carried that shit up a mountain, in snowshoes, and was whooping up all over everyone ? passing them on the trail. Good lord! I told Nate that we were turds compared to them. He had no backpack and gave one of the other girls his lunch to carry. I a last attempt to regain any manly dignity, I expressed my displeasure that they didn?t have me carry the pack up (It would have given me a heart attack!). Elisiv was all ? Why? We are strong women. That was the understatement of the year. I was exhausted after the mountain hike. Oh, but I had to cap it off with a long hike back up my mountain to the dorm. As I was painfully stumbling up, I hear the Bus coming up behind me. This Bus only runs during the week. I was so shocked and confused; I forgot to flag it down. It turns out, this bus runs on Sunday nights from the train station (right were I was dropped off). I walked all that way when I could have been RIDING!!!!!!

FATTY_PHOTO 5 - 10 Comments
From: The Bone Entered on: January 26, 2004 9:17 AM
Man, that's a sweet story. You got the good life going Papichulo! I dig the BW photo, except it makes you look like a hard mofo when I know this is not the case. I wonder if my camera has a BW option? With all the active lifestyle going on are you losing any fatness? Or is the drinking evening things out?
From: Creeko Entered on: January 26, 2004 9:40 AM
Hey Fatty Grande, Being of Mexican origin myself, Papichulo literally translated means "Pimp Daddy" which I think is far sweeter than sexy old man.  
Have you considered for your French operative Monsieur Lard Ass? I think it has I nice ring to it.  
With all that drinking and partying, your bound to make up for lost time. Just think... all those years wasted studying and working. What were you thinking?  
Don't forget to find some time to stumble on down to Spain to see your Brohair and your new niece
From: Creeko Entered on: January 26, 2004 10:09 AM
Papi, I showed this picture to a girl at work and she said you looked "guapo". It must be that the Heiss brother's good looks are put to better use with the European Women.
From: Ross Entered on: January 26, 2004 3:17 PM
Fatty, this story does not sound like one of yours at all. I only choose to believe it because you have undergone a life-changing move. For the better, I might add. I never would have thought you'd be out drinking like that - something Johnny Chili Dog had long wanted from you in your 20s. And tequila? Daaaaamn....  
The photo is sweet, by the way. Though it would look more hard-core if there were no cars around to betray the fact that you were at an easily-attainable spot.  
Vive Le Papichulo!
From: Swerb Entered on: January 26, 2004 4:53 PM
Shite, that's a gorgeous view (behind you, that is, Your Fataciousness). I don't know how anybody could hike up a mountain and top it off with alcohol. Plus, there ain't a damn thing wrong with "strong women"...  
Also, Ross, I appreciate your ham-handed mixture of the French and Spanish language.
From: John Entered on: January 27, 2004 8:21 AM
It's good to see you made it up that steep embankment to get a great view of that parking lot. ;)  
Sounds like you're having a great time and cutting loose. To bad you couldn't cut loose like that with your old buddies back in your early twenties. I guess the Bone and I just weren't sweet enough to release your inner party demon.
From: Swerb Entered on: January 31, 2004 3:52 PM
Screaming with laughter........
From: The Bone Entered on: January 31, 2004 5:12 PM
From: BigFatty Entered on: February 2, 2004 6:44 AM
No comment :)
From: Jackzilla Entered on: February 2, 2004 9:57 AM
That's some funny shit, Ross!

Perhaps we should try using some palindromes too! Here, I'll start!


that's a nice one! here's another!


Hey this is fun!

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