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Entered on: July 6, 2004 12:00 AM by BigFatty
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Greetings from Budapest. Just a slight adventure to get here. It took a tram, a train, a bus, a plane, two buses, another plane, and finally a taxi to get here. It all revolved around a 9 euro flight from Lyon to London. My total cost was about 160 bucks. So far Budapest is pretty cool. The pic is of me overlooking the Danube river and the Parlament Building with the Chain Bridge in the front. A lot of the buildings in my neighborhood are still ridded with bulletholes from the 1956 revolution. Women report ? Plenty of hotties! On hot summer days it is particulary nice. Have not been out on the night scene yet. Been catching up on some much needed sleep in a comfortable bed. My friends mom has been stuffing me with some good old Hungarian homecooking! I did catch the European World Cup Finals in a big park full of people, watching a big screen. That was fun. Other than that, this is what we would call ? THE GOOD LIFE!

FATTY_PHOTO 28 - 8 Comments
From: Ross Entered on: July 6, 2004 9:18 AM
It's been said before, but I feel that assassination is the only way for me to cope with the good life you're living, Fatty. These are the stories you'll be telling your grandfatties someday so live it up.
From: Jackzilla Entered on: July 6, 2004 9:46 AM
DUDE! Those losers on THE AMAZING RACE are pansies compared to you! I could never do it -- I admit it -- So more power to you!  
But how will we ever re-introduce you to normal life after this? It's like a house cat that gets loose outside. She gets to wonder around the neighborhood, eating other people's trash, eating grass to throwup after a wild night of partying, strange tomcats give her a rogering, she chases birds, gets stuck in trees, runs from skunks. But then, once returning to the safe life of the house, she will always be sitting in the window... looking outside.... yearning to return...
From: The Bone Entered on: July 6, 2004 12:05 PM
Jack - you are a poet.  
Fatty 0 - Did she make you Hungarian Goulosh? And how come you don't post hottie pics anymore?
From: John Entered on: July 6, 2004 12:08 PM
Good point, Zilla. Fatty will undoubtedly have a hard time adjusting to a more "normal" life when he gets back. I'm afraid we may have lost the Fatty of old.
From: BigFatty Entered on: July 10, 2004 5:20 PM
True that. I am getting a different way of looking at things. Fatty is a different person. Its not bad, just different. Thats been the way I have been looking at new things now. Granted, a lot of things are bad, compared to what we are used to, but in the begining I give the experience a chance. I realize this is an experience that most people will only dream about, and I am in a lucky situation. This adventure will come to an end eventually. I will have to join the masses and support myself once again. But I think this time I will go about it differently. I will try and not be tied down by my things. Before, I had too much (and I still do), the things I owned and the life I had kept me from doing the things I really wanted to do. I had plenty of reasons preventing me from doing what I wanted. I just needed to say fuck it to all that was not necessary and do what I wanted. A lady I worked with discovered the same thing. She hated her job, but thought she had to stay the 3 years until her retirement. All she wanted to do was run her resort in the UP fulltime. She never thought she could afford to do so, plus she had a lot of things tying her to GR. After I got canned, her job got worse until she finally said fuck it. She is now making a go her resort and is so much happier in life.  
I sort of got off the subject I planned on writing.... Budapest. A quick update. They have a lot of free outdoor concerts in the summer. I went to one last Sunday, it was with this hot little chick singing in a tube top, plus, 'too-low' hip-huggers and a high riding thong - very nice. She apparently sang some very dirty songs. There was the expected psuedo-lesbian dance action and at the end, she mooned the audience - really nice! This Sunday I am doing to another outdoor disco.  
I went to the Cathedral of Saint Stevan, the first King of Hungary. It has just been refurbished. This place is only 150 years old, and now it looks like it did when it was brand new. Very impressive, all fresh paint and glittering gold. Its funny, it is a cathedral dedicated to the King, but, you think the main altar would show Jesus. Nope, it is a statue of the King. They had to get special permission from the Pope to do this. The cool thing of this place is the relic of St Stevan. They have his right hand on display. The kicker is..... the fucker is 1000 years old. Its a little shriveled, but they keep it in a little glass box.
From: The Bone Entered on: July 10, 2004 10:13 PM
I hope it's not his whacking hand. That would suck.
From: Ross Entered on: July 12, 2004 9:38 AM
His actual hand? Did they cut it off after he was dead I hope? That's some sick shit.
From: Jackzilla Entered on: July 12, 2004 2:54 PM
That's some fucked up REPUGNANT shit!

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